Isaiah 2:10-17

Bishops(i) 10 Get thee into the rocke, and hyde thee in the grounde for feare of the Lorde, and for the glorie of his maiestie 11 The high lookes of man shalbe brought lowe, and the hautinesse of men shalbe bowed downe: and the Lorde alone shalbe exalted in that day 12 For the day of the Lorde of hoastes [shalbe] vpon all the proude, loftie, and vpon all that is exalted, and he shalbe brought lowe 13 And vpon all high and stout Cedar trees of Libanus, and vpon all the okes of Basan 14 And vpon all the high mountaynes, and vpon all the high hilles 15 And vpon euery high towre, and vpon euery fenced wall 16 And vpon all the shippes of Tharsis, and vpon all pictures of pleasure 17 And the pride of man shalbe brought downe, and the loftinesse of men shalbe made lowe, and the Lorde alone shalbe exalted in that day