Isaiah 11:5-9

Bishops(i) 5 Righteousnesse shalbe the gyrdle of his loynes, and faythfulnesse the gyrding vp of his raynes 6 The Woolfe shall dwell with the Lambe, and the Leoparde shall lye downe by the Goate: Bullockes, Lions, and cattell, shall kepe company together, so that a litle chylde shall leade them 7 The Cowe and the Beare shall feede together, and their young ones shall lye together: the Lion shall eate strawe, lyke the Oxe or the Cowe 8 The chylde whyle he sucketh shall haue a desire to the serpentes nest, and when he is weaned, he shall put his hande into the Cockatrice denne 9 No man shall do euill vnto another, no man shall destroy another in all the hyll of my holynes: for the earth shalbe full of the knowledge of the Lorde: euen as the sea floweth ouer with water