Genesis 16:11-16

Bishops(i) 11 And the Lordes angell said vnto her: See, thou art with chylde, and shalt beare a sonne, and shalt cal his name Ismael: because the Lorde hath hearde thy tribulation 12 He also wyll be a wylde man, and his hande wyll be agaynst euery man, and euery mans hande against hym: and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren 13 And she called the name of the Lorde that spake vnto her, Thou God lokest on me: for she sayde, haue I not also heare loked after hym that seeth mee 14 Wherfore ye well was called the well of hym that lyueth and seeth me: and it is betweene Cades and Bared 15 And Hagar bare Abram a sonne, and Abram called his sonnes name which Hagar bare vnto hym, Ismael 16 And Abram was foure score and sixe yeres olde, when Hagar bare Ismael to hym