14 When Abram hearde that his brother was taken, he armed his exercised [seruauntes] whiche were borne in his owne house, three hundreth & eyghteen, and folowed on them vntyll Dan
15 And he and his seruauntes were parted [in companies] agaynst the by nyght, and smote them, and pursued them vnto Hoba, which lyeth on the left hand of Damascus
16 And recouered all the goodes, and also brought agayne his brother Lot, & his goodes, the wome also, & the people
17 After that he returned agayne from the slaughter of Chodorlaomer, and of the kynges that were with hym, came the kyng of Sodome foorth to meete hym in the valey Sauch, which is the kynges dale