1 Then comaunded king Darius: & they made searche in the librarie, eue in the place where they layed vp the treasure at Babylon
2 And there was found in a coffer in the palace that is in the prouince of the Medes, a volume: and therein was it thus written as a memoriall
3 In the first yere of king Cyrus, gaue the same king Cyrus commaundement concerning the house of God at Hierusalem, that the same house should be builded in the place where they offer the sacrifices, & to ioyne the walles together of threescore cubites heyght, and threescore cubites breadth
4 Three rowes of rough stones, and one rowe of newe timber: and the expences shalbe geuen of the kinges house
5 And let the golde and siluer vessels of the house of God, which Nabuchodonosor toke out of the temple at Hierusalem and brought vnto Babylon, be restored, and brought againe vnto the temple at Hierusalem to their place in the house of God