Ezekiel 4:1-4

Bishops(i) 1 Thou sonne of man, take thee a tyle stone and lay it before thee, and purtray vpon it the citie Hierusalem 2 And lay siege against it, and builde a fort against it, and cast a mount against it: set the campe also against it, and lay engins of warre against it rounde about 3 Moreouer, take an iron panne, and set it betwixt thee and the citie in steede of an iron wall, then set thy face towarde it to besiege it, and make an assault against it: this shalbe a token vnto the house of Israel 4 But thou shalt sleepe vpon thy left side, and lay the sinne of the house of Israel vpon it [according] to the number of the dayes that thou shalt sleepe vpon it, thou shalt beare their iniquitie