19 The south side shalbe toward Teman, from Thamar to the waters of strife in Cades, and the riuer to the maine sea: and that is the south part towarde Teman
20 The west part also shalbe the great sea, from the borders till a man come ouer against Hamah: this is the west part
21 This lande shall ye part among you according to the tribes of Israel
22 And deuide it by lot to be an heritage for you, & for the straungers that dwell among you and beget children among you: for ye shall take them among the children of Israel lyke as though they were of your owne countrey, and they shall haue heritage with you among the children of Israel
23 And in what tribe the straunger dwelleth, in the same tribe shall ye geue him his heritage, saith the Lorde God