Ezekiel 36:8-12

Bishops(i) 8 But you, O mountaynes of Israel, ye shall shoote out your braunches, and bring foorth your fruite to my people of Israel: for they are at hande to come 9 Beholde I come vnto you, and vnto you wyll I turne my face, that ye may be tilled and sowen 10 I wyll multiplie men vpon you, [euen] al the house of Israel wholly, the cities shalbe inhabited, and the decayed places shalbe repaired againe 11 And I wyll multiplie vpon you man and beast, which shal encrease and bring fruite: and I wyll cause you to dwell after your olde estate, & be better vnto you then at the beginning: and ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde 12 Yea I wyll cause men to walke vpon you, [euen] my people Israel, & they shall possesse thee, and thou shalt be their inheritaunce, & thou shalt no more hencefoorth depriue them of [men