11 Moreouer, the worde of the Lord came vnto me, saying
12 Thou sonne of man, take vp a lamentation vpon the king of Tyre, & tel him, thus sayth the Lord God: Thou sealest vp the summe, full of wysdome, & perfite beautie
13 Thou hast ben in the pleasaunt garden of God, thou art deckt with all maner of precious stones, with ruby, topas, diamond, thurkis, onyx, iasper, saphir, emeralde, carbuncle, and golde: the workemanship of thy timbrels and of thy pipes [that be] in thee, was prepared in the day that thou wast created
14 Thou art an annoynted Cherub, that couereth, and I haue set thee [in this dignitie,] thou wast vpon the holy mount of God, thou hast walked in the mids of the stones of fire
15 From the time of thy creation thou haste ben perfite in the wayes, till wickednesse was founde in thee
16 By the multitude of thy marchaundise they haue filled the mids of thee with crueltie, & thou haste sinned: I will cast thee as prophane out of the mount of God, & I will destroy thee O couering Cherub, from the mids of the stones of fire
17 Thy heart was proude in thy beautie, and thorowe thy brightnesse thou hast destroyed thy wisdome: I will cast thee downe to the grounde, I will lay thee before kinges, that they may beholde thee
18 Thou hast defiled thy sanctification with the great wickednesse of thyne vnrighteous occupying: I will bring a fire from the middest of thee to consume thee, and will make thee to asshes vpon the earth, in the sight of all them that loke vpon thee
19 Al they that haue ben acquainted with thee among the heathen shalbe abashed at thee: thou hast ben a terrour, and neuer shalt thou be any more