Exodus 16:2-4

Bishops(i) 2 And the whole congregation of the chyldren of Israel murmured agaynst Moyses and Aaron in the wyldernesse 3 And the chyldren of Israel sayde vnto them: Woulde to God we had dyed by the hande of the Lorde in the lande of Egypt, whe we sate by the fleshe pottes, and when we dyd eate bread our bellies full: for ye haue brought vs out into this wildernesse, to kyl this whole multitude with hunger 4 Then sayde the Lorde vnto Moyses: Beholde, I wyll rayne bread from heauen to you, and the people shall go out & gather a certaine rate euery day, that I may proue them whether they wyll walke in my lawe, or no