Exodus 16:15-22

Bishops(i) 15 And when the children of Israel saw it, they said euery one to his neighbour, it is Manna: for they wist not what it was. And Moyses said vnto the: This is the bread whiche the Lorde hath geuen you to eate 16 This is the worde whiche the Lorde hath commaunded: gather of it euerye man for him selfe for to eate, a gomer full for euery man, according to the number of your soules, and take euery man for them whiche are in his tentes 17 And the children of Israel did euen so, and gathered some more, some lesse 18 And when they did meate it with a gomer, vnto him that gathered much, remayned nothyng ouer, and vnto hym that had gathered litle, was there no lacke: euery man gathered sufficient for his eatyng 19 And Moyses sayde vnto them: see that no man let ought remayne to the mornyng 20 Notwithstanding, they hearkened not vnto Moyses: but some of them left of it vntill the mornyng, and it waxed full of wormes, & corrupted: and Moyses was angry with them 21 And they gathered all mornynges euery man as muche as sufficed for his eatyng: and assoone as the heate of the sunne came, it moult 22 And the sixt day they gathered twise as muche bread, two gomers for one man: and all the rulers of the congregation came and tolde Moyses