Deuteronomy 12:20-23

Bishops(i) 20 If when the Lorde thy God shall enlarge thy border as he hath promised thee, thou say, I will eate flesh (because thy soule longeth to eate fleshe) thou mayest eate fleshe whatsoeuer thy soule lusteth 21 If the place whiche the Lorde thy God hath chosen to put his name there, be to farre from thee, then thou shalt kil of thy oxen and of thy sheepe which the Lord gath geuen thee, as I haue commaunded thee, and thou shalt eate in thyne owne citie whatsoeuer thy soule lusteth 22 And as the Roe bucke and the Hart is eaten, euen so thou shalt eate them: both the cleane and the vncleane shall eate of them 23 But be strong, that thou eate not the blood: for the blood is the life, and thou mayest not eate the life with the fleshe