Baruch 2

Bishops(i) 1 For the which cause the Lorde our God hath perfourmed his deuice, whereof he certified vs, & our heades that ruled in Hierusalem, yea & our kinges, our princes, with all Israel and Iuda: 2 And such plagues hath the Lorde brought vpon vs, as neuer came to passe vnder the heauen, lyke as it is fulfilled in Hierusalem, according as it is written in the lawe of Moyses, 3 That a man shoulde eate the flesh of his owne sonne, & the flesh of his owne daughter. 4 Moreouer, he hath deliuered them into the handes of all the kinges that are rounde about vs, to be confounded and desolate, and scattered them abrode in al landes and nations. 5 Thus are we brought beneath and not aboue, because we haue sinned against the Lorde our God, and haue not ben obedient vnto his voyce. 6 Therefore the Lorde our God is righteous, and we with our fathers [as reason is] are bronght to open shame, as it is to see this day. 7 And as for these plagues that are come vpon vs alredy, the Lorde had deuised them for vs: 8 Yet would we not pray vnto the Lord our God, that we might euery man turne from his vngodlie wayes. 9 So the Lord hath caused such plagues to come vpon vs: for he is righteous in all his workes which he hath comaunded vs: 10 Which we also haue not done, nor hearkened vnto his voyce for to walke in the commaundementes of the Lorde, that he hath geuen vnto vs. 11 And nowe O Lorde God of Israel, thou that hast brought thy people out of the lande of Egypt with a mightie hande, with tokens and wonders, with thy great power & outstretched arme, and hast gotten thy selfe a name, as it is come to passe this day: 12 O Lord our God, we haue sinned, we haue done wickedly, we haue behaued our selues vngodly in all thy righteousnesses. 13 Turne thy wrath from vs [we beseche thee,] for we are but a fewe left among the heathe where thou hast scatered vs. 14 Heare our prayers O Lorde, and our petitions, bring vs out of captiuitie for thyne owne sake, get vs fauour in the sight of them which haue led vs away: 15 That all landes may know that thou art the Lorde our God, and that Israel and his generation calleth vpon thy name. 16 O Lorde loke downe from thy holy house vpon vs, encline thyne eare and heare vs. 17 Open thyne eyes, and beholde: for the dead that be gone downe to their graues, & whose soules are out of their bodies, ascribe vnto the Lorde neither prayse nor righteousnes: 18 But the soule that is vexed for the multitude [of her sinnes,] which goeth on heauyly and weakly, whose eyes begin to faile, yea such a soule ascribeth prayse and righteousnes vnto the Lorde. 19 For we poure out our prayers before thee, and require mercie in thy sight O Lorde our God, not for any godlynes of our fathers: 20 But because thou hast sent out thy wrath and indignation vpon vs, according as thou diddest threaten vs by thy seruauntes the prophetes, saying: 21 Thus saith the Lorde, Bowe downe your shoulders and neckes, and serue the king of Babylon: so shall ye remaine still in the lande that I gaue vnto your fathers. 22 But if ye wyll not heare the voyce of the Lorde your God, to serue the king of Babylon, 23 I wyll destroy you in the cities of Iuda within Hierusalem and without: I wyll also take from you the voyce of mirth and the voyce of ioy, the voyce of the bridegrome and the voyce of the bride, and there shal no man dwel more in the lande. 24 But they would not hearken vnto thy voyce, to do the king of Babylon seruice: and therefore hast thou perfourmed the wordes that thou spakest by thy seruauntes the prophetes: [namely] that the bones of our kinges and the bones of our fathers should be translated out of their places: 25 And lo, nowe are they layde out in the heate of the sunne, and in the colde of the night, and dead in great miserie, with hunger, with sword, [with pestilence] and are cleane cast foorth. 26 As for the temple wherein thy name was called vpo, thou hast layd it waste, as it is to see this day, and that for the wickednesse of the house of Israel and the house of Iuda. 27 O Lorde our God, thou hast intreated vs after all thy goodnes, and according to all that great louing mercie of thyne, 28 Lyke as thou spakest by thy seruaunt Moyses, in the day when thou diddest commaunde him to write thy lawe before the children of Israel, saying: 29 If ye wyl not hearke vnto my voyce, then shall this great multitude be turned into a very small people among the nations, for I wyll scatter them abrode. 30 Notwithstanding, I am sure that this folke wyl not heare me, for it is an hard necked people: but in the lande of their captiuitie they shall remember them selues, 31 And learne to know that I am the Lorde their God, when I geue them an heart to vnderstande, and eares to heare. 32 Then shal they prayse me in the lande of their captiuitie, and thinke vpon my name. 33 Then shal they turne them from their harde backes, and from their vngodlines: then shall they remember the thinges that happened vnto their fathers which sinned against me. 34 So wyll I bring them againe into the lande which I promysed with an oth vnto their fathers Abraham, Isahac, and Iacob, and they shalbe lordes of it, yea I wyll encrease them, and not minishe them. 35 And I wyll make an other couenaunt with them, such one as shall endure for euer: [namely] that I will be their God, and they shalbe my people: and I will no more dryue my people the children of Israel out of the lande that I haue geuen them.