Baruch 1

Bishops(i) 1 And these are the wordes of the booke, which were writte by Baruch the sonne of Nerias, the sonne of Maasias, ye sonne of Sedechias, the sonne of Helchias, at Babylon, 2 In the fifth yere, and in the seuenth day of the moneth, what time as the Chaldees toke Hierusalem, and brent it vp with fyre. 3 And Baruch did reade the wordes of this booke, that Iechonias the sonne of Ioachin king of Iuda might heare, and in the presence of all the people that were come to heare the booke, 4 And before all the nobles, the kinges sonnes, and before the elders, and before the whole people, from the lowest vnto the highest: before all them that dwelt at Babylon, by the water of Sody, 5 Which when they heard it, wept, fasted, and prayed before the Lorde. 6 They made a collection also of money, according to euery mans power: 7 And sent it to Hierusalem vnto Ioachin the sonne of Helchia, the sonne of Salom priest, with the other priestes, and to all the people which were with him at Hierusalem, 8 (What time as they had gotten the vessels of the temple of the Lord that were taken away out of the temple, that they might bring them againe into the lande of Iuda the tenth day of the moneth Siuan [namely] siluer vessels which Sedechias the sonne of Iosias king of Iuda had made,) 9 After that Nabuchodonozor king of Babylon had taken Iechonias, with al his princes, lordes, and all the people, and led them captiue from Hierusalem vnto Babylon: 10 And they saide, Beholde, we haue sent you money to bye you burnt offringes and incense withall, prepare a meate offering, and offer for sinne vpon the aulter of the Lorde our God: 11 And pray for the prosperitie of Nabuchodonozor king of Babylon, and for the welfare of Balthasar his sonne, that their dayes may be vpon earth as the dayes of heauen: 12 That God also may geue vs strength, and lighten our eyes, that we may lyue vnder the defence of Nabuchodonozor king of Babylon, and vnder the protection of Balthasar his sonne, that we may long do them seruice, and finde fauour in their sight. 13 Pray for vs also vnto the Lorde our God: for we haue sinned against the lord our God, and vnto this day is not his wrath turned yet away from vs. 14 And see that ye reade this booke, which we haue sent vnto you to be rehearsed in the temple of the Lorde vpon the hye dayes, and at time conuenient. 15 Thus shall ye say: The Lorde our God is righteous, but we are worthy of confusion and shame, lyke as it is come to passe this day vnto all Iuda, and to euery one that dwelleth at Hierusalem, 16 To our kinges, princes, priestes, prophetes, and to our fathers. 17 We haue sinned before the Lorde our God, we haue not put our trust in him, nor geuen him credence, 18 We haue not obeyed him, we haue not hearkened vnto the voyce of the Lorde our God, to walke in the commaundementes that he gaue vs openly. 19 Since the day that he brought our forefathers out of the lande of Egypt, vnto this present day, we haue ben euer a misbeleuing and an vnfaithfull people vnto the Lorde our God, destroying our selues vtterly, and shrincking backe, that we should not heare his voyce. 20 Wherefore there are come vpon vs great plagues and diuers curses, lyke as the Lord deuised by Moyses his seruaunt, which brought our fathers out of the lande of Egypt, to geue vs a lande that floweth with milke & hony, lyke as it is to see this day. 21 Neuerthelesse, we haue not hearkened vnto the voyce of the Lorde our God, according to all the wordes of the prophetes, whom he sent vnto vs [and to our rulers:] 22 But euery man folowed his owne minde and wicked imagination, to offer vnto straunge goddes, and to do euil in the sight of the Lorde our God.