1 And when it was cocluded, that we shoulde sayle into Italie, they delyuered both Paul, & certayne other prysoners, vnto one named Iulius, an vnder captayne of Augustus bande
2 And we entred into a shippe of Adramyttium, & loosed from lande, appoynted to sayle by the coastes of Asia, one Aristarchus out of Macedonia, of the countrey of Thessalonia, tarying styll with vs
3 And the next day we came to Sidon: And Iulius curteouslye entreated Paul, and gaue hym libertie to go vnto his friendes, and to refreshe hym selfe
4 And when we had launched from thence, we sayled harde by Cypers, because the wyndes were contrarye
5 And when we had sayled ouer the sea of Cilicia, and Pamphylia, we came to Myra, which is in Lycia
6 And there the vnder captayne founde a shippe of Alexandria redy, that sayled into Italie, and he put vs therin
7 And whe we had sayled slowly many dayes, & scarce were come ouer agaynst Guydum, because ye wynde withstoode vs, we sayled harde by Candie, ouer agaynst Salmo
8 And with much worke sayled beyonde it, and came vnto a place wich is called the Fayre hauens, nye whervnto was the citie of Lasea
9 When much tyme was spent, & when saylyng was nowe ieopardus, because also that they had ouerlong fasted, Paul put them in remembraunce
10 And sayde vnto them: Syrs, I perceaue that this vyage will be with hurt and much damage, not of the ladyng and shippe only, but also of our lyues
11 Neuerthelesse, the vnder captayne beleued the gouernour and the maister of the shippe, more then those thynges which were spoken of Paul
12 And because the hauen was not commodious to wynter in, many toke counsell to depart thence, yf by any meanes they myght attayne to Phenice, & there to winter, which is an hauen of Candie, and lyeth towarde the southwest and northwest wynde
13 And when the south wynde blewe softly, they supposyng to obtayne their purpose, loosed vnto Asson, and sayled past Candie
14 But not long after, there arose against their purpose, a flawe of wynde out of the northeast
15 And when the shippe was caught, and coulde not resist the wynde, we let her go, and were dryuen with the weather
16 But we were caryed into an Ile which is named Clauda, and had much worke to come by a boate
17 Which they toke vp, and vsed helpe, and made fast the shippe, fearyng least they shoulde fall into the Syrtes: And so they let downe a vessel, & were caried
18 The next day, when we were tossed with an exceading tempest, they lighted the shippe
19 And the thirde day, we cast out with our owne handes, the tacklyng of the shippe
20 And when neither ye sunne nor starres in many dayes appeared, and no small tempest lay vpon vs, all hope that we should be saued, was then taken away
21 But after long abstinence, Paul stoode foorth in the middes of them, and sayde: Syrs, ye shoulde haue harkened to me, & not to haue loosed fro Candie, neither to haue brought vnto vs this harme and losse
22 And nowe I exhort you to be of good chere: For there shalbe no losse of any mans lyfe among you, but of the shippe
23 For there stoode by me this nyght, the Angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serue
24 Saying: Feare not Paul, thou must be brought before Caesar. And lo, God hath geuen thee all them that sayle with thee
25 Wherfore syrs be of good cheare: for I beleue God, that it shalbe euen as it was tolde me
26 Howbeit, we must be cast into a certayne Ilande
27 But when the fourtenth nyght was come, as we were saylyng in Adria, about mydnyght the shypmen deemed that there appeared some countrey vnto them
28 And sounded, and founde it twentie faddomes. And when they had gone a litle further, they sounded agayne, and founde it fyfteene faddomes
29 Then fearyng lest they shoulde haue fallen on some rocke, they caste foure anckers out of the sterne, and wisshed for the day
30 And as the shypmen were about to flee out of the shippe, when they had let downe the boate into the sea, vnder a colour, as though they woulde haue cast anckers out of the foreshippe
31 Paul sayde vnto the vnder captayne, and to the souldiers: Except these abide in the shippe, ye can not be safe
32 Then the souldyers cut of the rope of the boate, and let it fall away
33 And when the day began to appeare, Paul besought them all to take meate, saying: This is the foureteenth day, that ye haue taryed & continued fasting, receauyng nothyng at all
34 Wherfore, I pray you to take meate, for this no doubt is for your health: for there shall not an heere fall from the head of any of you
35 And when he had thus spoken, he toke bread, and gaue thankes to God in presence of them all: And when he had broken it, he began to eate
36 Then were they all of good cheare, and they also toke meate
37 And we were altogether in the shippe, two hudred threescore & sixteene soules
38 And when they had eaten enough, they lyghted the shippe, and cast out the wheate into the sea
39 And when it was day, they knewe not the lande: but they spyed a certayne hauen with a banke, into the which they were mynded, yf it were possible, to thrust in the shippe
40 And when they had taken vp the anckers, they committed [themselues] vnto the sea, and loosed the rudder bondes, and hoyssed vp the mayne sayle to the wynde, and drewe to lande
41 And when they fell into a place which had the sea on both sydes, they thrust in the shippe: And the forepart stucke fast & moued not, but the hynder part brake with the violence of the waues
42 And the souldiers counsel was to kyll the prysoners, lest any of them, when he had swomme out, should runne away
43 But the vnder captayne wyllyng to saue Paul, kept the from their purpose, & commaunded that they which coulde swymme, shoulde cast them selues first into the sea, and scape to lande
44 And the other, some on boordes, and some on broke peeces of the shippe. And so it came to passe, that they escaped all safe to lande