Acts 19:10-20

Bishops(i) 10 And this continued by the space of two yeres, so that all they whiche dwelt in Asia, hearde the worde of the Lord Iesu, both Iewes and Grekes 11 And God wrought speciall miracles by the handes of Paul 12 So that from his body, were brought vnto the sicke, napkins, and partlettes, and the diseases departed from them, & the euyll spirites went out of them 13 Then certaine of the vagabounde Iewes, exorcistes, toke vpon them to call ouer them which had euyll spirites, the name of the Lorde Iesus, saying: We adiure you by Iesus, whom Paul preacheth 14 And there were seuen sonnes of one Sceua a Iewe, and chiefe of ye priestes, which dyd so 15 And the euyll spirite aunswered, and sayde, Iesus I knowe, and Paul I knowe: but who are ye 16 And the man in whom the euyll spirite was, ran on them, & ouercame the, & preuayled agaynst them, so that they fled out of that house naked & wouded 17 And this was knowen to all ye Iewes & Grekes also which dwelt at Ephesus, and feare came on them all, & the name of the Lorde Iesus was magnified 18 And many that beleued, came & confessed, and shewed their workes 19 Many also of the whiche vsed curious craftes, brought their bookes, & burned them before all men, and they counted the price of them, & founde it fiftie thousande peeces of syluer 20 So myghtyly grew the word of God, and preuayled