5 Therfore, I thought it necessarie to exhort the brethren, to come beforehand vnto you, and to prepare your good blessyng promised afore, that it myght be redy, so that it be as a blessyng, and not a defraudyng
6 This yet [I say] he which soweth litle, shall reape litle: and he that soweth in geuyng largely and freely, shall reape plenteouslie
7 Let euery man do, accordyng as he hath purposed in his heart, not grudgyngly, or of necessitie: For God loueth a chearefull geuer
8 God is able to make you riche in all grace, that ye in all thynges hauyng sufficient vnto the vtmost, may be riche vnto all maner of good workes
9 As it is written: He hath sparsed abrode, and hath geuen to the poore, his ryghteousnesse remayneth for euer