1 Chronicles 28:7-9

Bishops(i) 7 I wyll stablishe his kingdome for euer, if he wyll be strong to do my commaundementes and my lawes, as it goeth this day 8 Nowe therefore in the sight of all Israel the congregation of the Lorde, and in the audience of our God, keepe and seeke for all the commaundementes of the Lorde your God, that ye may enioy a good lande, and leaue inheritaunce for your children after you for euer 9 And thou Solomon my sonne, knowe thou the God of thy father, and serue him with a pure heart and with a wyllyng minde: For the Lord searcheth al heartes, and vnderstandeth all the immaginations of thoughtes: And if thou seeke him, he wyll be founde of thee: but if thou forsake him, he wyll cast thee of for euer