1 Chronicles 23:27-32

Bishops(i) 27 For according to the last wordes of Dauid, the Leuites were numbred from twentie yeres and aboue 28 And their office was vnder the hande of the sonnes of Aaron, for the seruice of the house of the Lorde in the courtes and celles, and in the purifying of all holy thinges, and in the worke of the seruice of the house of God 29 In the shewbread, in the fine flowre, in the meate offring, in ye wafers of sweete bread, in the frying panne, in the gredyron, and in all maner of measures & sise 30 And to stand euery day in the morning to thanke and prayse the Lorde, and so likewise at euen 31 And to offer all burnt sacrifices vnto the Lord, in the Sabbathes, in the new moones, and on the feastfull dayes, by number and custome continually as they were commaunded, before the Lord 32 And that they should wayte on the tabernacle of the congregation, & on the holy place, and on the sonnes of Aaron their brethre, in the seruice of the house of the Lord