2 καὶ (And) φωνήσας (having called) αὐτὸν (him), εἶπεν (he said) αὐτῷ (to him), ‘Τί (What is) τοῦτο (this) ἀκούω (I hear) περὶ (concerning) σοῦ (you)? ἀπόδος (Give) τὸν (the) λόγον (account) τῆς (of the) οἰκονομίας (stewardship) σου (of you); οὐ (not) γὰρ (for) δύνῃ (you are able) ἔτι (any longer) οἰκονομεῖν (to manage).’
3 Εἶπεν (Said) δὲ (then) ἐν (within) ἑαυτῷ (himself) ὁ (the) οἰκονόμος (manager), ‘Τί (What) ποιήσω (shall I do), ὅτι (for) ὁ (the) κύριός (master) μου (of me) ἀφαιρεῖται (is taking away) τὴν (the) οἰκονομίαν (management) ἀπ’ (from) ἐμοῦ (me)? σκάπτειν (To dig) οὐκ (not) ἰσχύω (I am able); ἐπαιτεῖν (to beg) αἰσχύνομαι (I am ashamed).
4 ἔγνων (I know) τί (what) ποιήσω (I will do) ἵνα (so that) ὅταν (when) μετασταθῶ (I shall have been removed) ἐκ (from) τῆς (the) οἰκονομίας (management), δέξωνταί (they might receive) με (me) εἰς (into) τοὺς (the) οἴκους (homes) ἑαυτῶν (of them).’
5 Καὶ (And) προσκαλεσάμενος (having called to him) ἕνα (one) ἕκαστον (each) τῶν (of the) χρεοφειλετῶν (debtors) τοῦ (of the) κυρίου (master) ἑαυτοῦ (of him), ἔλεγεν (he was saying) τῷ (to the) πρώτῳ (first), ‘Πόσον (How much) ὀφείλεις (owe you) τῷ (to) κυρίῳ (master) μου (of me)?’
6 Ὁ (-) δὲ (And) εἶπεν (he said), ‘Ἑκατὸν (A hundred) βάτους (baths) ἐλαίου (of oil).’ Ὁ (-) δὲ (And) εἶπεν (he said) αὐτῷ (to him), ‘Δέξαι (Take) σου (your) τὰ (the) γράμματα (bill) καὶ (and), καθίσας (having sat down) ταχέως (quickly), γράψον (write) πεντήκοντα (fifty).’
7 Ἔπειτα (Then) ἑτέρῳ (to another) εἶπεν (he said), ‘Σὺ (You) δὲ (now) πόσον (how much) ὀφείλεις (owe)?’ Ὁ (-) δὲ (And) εἶπεν (he said), ‘Ἑκατὸν (A hundred) κόρους (cors) σίτου (of wheat).’ Λέγει (He says) αὐτῷ (to him), ‘Δέξαι (Take) σου (your) τὰ (-) γράμματα (bill) καὶ (and) γράψον (write) ὀγδοήκοντα (eighty).’
8 Καὶ (And) ἐπῄνεσεν (praised) ὁ (the) κύριος (master) τὸν (the) οἰκονόμον (manager) τῆς (-) ἀδικίας (unrighteous), ὅτι (because) φρονίμως (shrewdly) ἐποίησεν (he had acted). ὅτι (For) οἱ (the) υἱοὶ (sons) τοῦ (of the) αἰῶνος (age) τούτου (this) φρονιμώτεροι (more shrewd) ὑπὲρ (than) τοὺς (the) υἱοὺς (sons) τοῦ (of the) φωτὸς (light) εἰς (in) τὴν (the) γενεὰν (generation) τὴν (-) ἑαυτῶν (of themselves) εἰσιν (are).
9 Καὶ (And) ἐγὼ (I) ὑμῖν (to you) λέγω (say), ἑαυτοῖς (for yourselves) ποιήσατε (make) φίλους (friends) ἐκ (by) τοῦ (the) μαμωνᾶ (wealth) τῆς (-) ἀδικίας (of unrighteousness), ἵνα (that) ὅταν (when) ἐκλίπῃ (it fails) δέξωνται (they might receive) ὑμᾶς (you) εἰς (into) τὰς (the) αἰωνίους (eternal) σκηνάς (dwellings).
10 Ὁ (The one) πιστὸς (faithful) ἐν (with) ἐλαχίστῳ (very little), καὶ (also) ἐν (with) πολλῷ (much) πιστός (faithful) ἐστιν (is); καὶ (and) ὁ (the one) ἐν (with) ἐλαχίστῳ (very little) ἄδικος (unrighteous), καὶ (also) ἐν (with) πολλῷ (much) ἄδικός (unrighteous) ἐστιν (is).
11 εἰ (If) οὖν (therefore) ἐν (in) τῷ (the) ἀδίκῳ (unrighteous) μαμωνᾷ (wealth), πιστοὶ (faithful) οὐκ (not) ἐγένεσθε (you have been), τὸ (the) ἀληθινὸν (true riches) τίς (who) ὑμῖν (to you) πιστεύσει (will entrust)?
12 καὶ (And) εἰ (if) ἐν (in) τῷ (that which is) ἀλλοτρίῳ (of another), πιστοὶ (faithful) οὐκ (not) ἐγένεσθε (you have been), τὸ (that which) ὑμέτερον* (is yours) τίς (who) δώσει (will give) ὑμῖν (to you)?
13 Οὐδεὶς (No) οἰκέτης (servant) δύναται (is able) δυσὶ (two) κυρίοις (masters) δουλεύειν (to serve); ἢ (either) γὰρ (for) τὸν (the) ἕνα (one) μισήσει (he will hate), καὶ (and) τὸν (the) ἕτερον (other) ἀγαπήσει (he will love); ἢ (or) ἑνὸς (one) ἀνθέξεται (he will be devoted to), καὶ (and) τοῦ (the) ἑτέρου (other) καταφρονήσει (he will despise). οὐ (Not) δύνασθε (you are able) Θεῷ (God) δουλεύειν (to serve) καὶ (and) μαμωνᾷ (money).”