1 Καὶ (And) ἐν (during) τῷ (the) συμπληροῦσθαι (arriving of) τὴν (the) ἡμέραν (day) τῆς (-) Πεντηκοστῆς (of Pentecost), ἦσαν (they were) πάντες (all) ὁμοῦ (together) ἐπὶ (in) τὸ (the) αὐτό (one place).
2 καὶ (And) ἐγένετο (came) ἄφνω (suddenly) ἐκ (out of) τοῦ (-) οὐρανοῦ (heaven) ἦχος (a sound), ὥσπερ (like) φερομένης (the rushing) πνοῆς (of a wind) βιαίας (violent), καὶ (and) ἐπλήρωσεν (it filled) ὅλον (all) τὸν (the) οἶκον (house) οὗ (where) ἦσαν (they were) καθήμενοι (sitting).
3 καὶ (And) ὤφθησαν (there appeared) αὐτοῖς (to them) διαμεριζόμεναι (dividing) γλῶσσαι (tongues) ὡσεὶ (as) πυρός (of fire) καὶ (and) ἐκάθισεν (sat) ἐφ’ (upon) ἕνα (one) ἕκαστον (each) αὐτῶν (of them).
4 καὶ (And) ἐπλήσθησαν (they were filled with) πάντες (all) Πνεύματος (Spirit) Ἁγίου (Holy), καὶ (and) ἤρξαντο (began) λαλεῖν (to speak) ἑτέραις (in other) γλώσσαις (tongues) καθὼς (as) τὸ (the) Πνεῦμα (Spirit) ἐδίδου (was giving) ἀποφθέγγεσθαι (to utter forth) αὐτοῖς (to them).
5 Ἦσαν (Were) δὲ (now) εἰς (in) Ἰερουσαλὴμ (Jerusalem) κατοικοῦντες (dwelling) Ἰουδαῖοι (Jews), ἄνδρες (men) εὐλαβεῖς (devout) ἀπὸ (from) παντὸς (every) ἔθνους (nation) τῶν (of those) ὑπὸ (under) τὸν (-) οὐρανόν (heaven).
6 γενομένης (Having come about) δὲ (now) τῆς (the) φωνῆς (sound) ταύτης (of this), συνῆλθεν (came together) τὸ (the) πλῆθος (multitude) καὶ (and) συνεχύθη (was confounded), ὅτι (because) ἤκουον (was hearing) εἷς (one) ἕκαστος (each) τῇ (the) ἰδίᾳ (own) διαλέκτῳ (language) λαλούντων (speaking) αὐτῶν (them).
7 Ἐξίσταντο (They were amazed) δὲ (then) καὶ (and) ἐθαύμαζον (were marveling), λέγοντες (saying), “Οὐχ* (Not) ἰδοὺ (behold) πάντες (all) οὗτοί (these) εἰσιν (are) οἱ (who) λαλοῦντες (are speaking) Γαλιλαῖοι (Galileans)?
8 καὶ (And) πῶς (how) ἡμεῖς (we) ἀκούομεν (hear) ἕκαστος (each) τῇ (the) ἰδίᾳ (own) διαλέκτῳ (language) ἡμῶν (of us), ἐν (in) ᾗ (which) ἐγεννήθημεν (we were born)?
9 Πάρθοι (Parthians), καὶ (and) Μῆδοι (Medes), καὶ (and) Ἐλαμῖται* (Elamites); καὶ (and) οἱ (those) κατοικοῦντες (inhabiting) τὴν (-) Μεσοποταμίαν (Mesopotamia), Ἰουδαίαν (Judea) τε (also), καὶ (and) Καππαδοκίαν (Cappadocia), Πόντον (Pontus) καὶ (and) τὴν (-) Ἀσίαν (Asia);
10 Φρυγίαν (Phrygia) τε (both) καὶ (and) Παμφυλίαν (Pamphylia), Αἴγυπτον (Egypt) καὶ (and) τὰ (the) μέρη (parts) τῆς (-) Λιβύης (of Libya) τῆς (that) κατὰ (are around) Κυρήνην (Cyrene), καὶ (and) οἱ (those) ἐπιδημοῦντες (visiting here) Ῥωμαῖοι (from Rome);
11 Ἰουδαῖοί (Jews) τε (both) καὶ (and) προσήλυτοι (converts), Κρῆτες (Cretans) καὶ (and) Ἄραβες (Arabs)— ἀκούομεν (we hear) λαλούντων (speaking) αὐτῶν (them) ταῖς (-) ἡμετέραις (in our own) γλώσσαις (tongues) τὰ (the) μεγαλεῖα (great things) τοῦ (-) Θεοῦ (of God)!”
12 Ἐξίσταντο (Were amazed) δὲ (then) πάντες (all) καὶ (and) διηπόρουν* (were perplexed), ἄλλος (other) πρὸς (to) ἄλλον (other) λέγοντες (saying), “Τί (What) θέλει (wishes) τοῦτο (this) εἶναι (to be)?”
13 Ἕτεροι (Others) δὲ (however) διαχλευάζοντες (mocking) ἔλεγον (were saying) ὅτι (-), “Γλεύκους (Of new wine) μεμεστωμένοι (full) εἰσίν (they are).”
14 Σταθεὶς (Having stood up) δὲ (however) ὁ (-) Πέτρος (Peter) σὺν (with) τοῖς (the) ἕνδεκα (eleven), ἐπῆρεν (he lifted up) τὴν (the) φωνὴν (voice) αὐτοῦ (of him) καὶ (and) ἀπεφθέγξατο (spoke forth) αὐτοῖς (to them): “Ἄνδρες (Men) Ἰουδαῖοι (of Judea) καὶ (and) οἱ (those) κατοικοῦντες (inhabiting) Ἰερουσαλὴμ (Jerusalem) πάντες (all), τοῦτο (this) ὑμῖν (to you) γνωστὸν (known) ἔστω (let be), καὶ (and) ἐνωτίσασθε (give heed to) τὰ (the) ῥήματά (words) μου (of me).
15 οὐ (Not) γὰρ (for) ὡς (as) ὑμεῖς (you) ὑπολαμβάνετε (suppose), οὗτοι (these) μεθύουσιν (are drunkards); ἔστιν (it is) γὰρ (for) ὥρα (the hour) τρίτη (third) τῆς (of the) ἡμέρας (day);
16 ἀλλὰ (but) τοῦτό (this) ἐστιν (is) τὸ (that) εἰρημένον (having been spoken) διὰ (by) τοῦ (the) προφήτου (prophet) Ἰωήλ (Joel):
17 ‘Καὶ (And) ἔσται (it will be) ἐν (in) ταῖς (the) ἐσχάταις (last) ἡμέραις (days), λέγει (says) ὁ (-) Θεός (God), ἐκχεῶ (I will pour out) ἀπὸ (of) τοῦ (the) Πνεύματός (Spirit) μου (of Me) ἐπὶ (upon) πᾶσαν (all) σάρκα (flesh); καὶ (and) προφητεύσουσιν (will prophesy) οἱ (the) υἱοὶ (sons) ὑμῶν (of you), καὶ (and) αἱ (the) θυγατέρες (daughters) ὑμῶν (of you); καὶ (and) οἱ (the) νεανίσκοι (young men) ὑμῶν (of you) ὁράσεις (visions) ὄψονται (will see), καὶ (and) οἱ (the) πρεσβύτεροι (elders) ὑμῶν (of you) ἐνυπνίοις (dreams) ἐνυπνιασθήσονται (will dream);
18 καί‿ (and) γε (even) ἐπὶ (upon) τοὺς (the) δούλους (servants) μου (of Me), καὶ (and) ἐπὶ (upon) τὰς (the) δούλας (handmaidens) μου (of Me), ἐν (in) ταῖς (the) ἡμέραις (days) ἐκείναις (those) ἐκχεῶ (I will pour out) ἀπὸ (of) τοῦ (the) Πνεύματός (Spirit) μου (of Me), καὶ (and) προφητεύσουσιν (they will prophesy).
19 καὶ (and) δώσω (I will show) τέρατα (wonders) ἐν (in) τῷ (-) οὐρανῷ (heaven) ἄνω (above), καὶ (and) σημεῖα (signs) ἐπὶ (on) τῆς (the) γῆς (earth) κάτω (below), αἷμα (blood) καὶ (and) πῦρ (fire) καὶ (and) ἀτμίδα (vapor) καπνοῦ (of smoke).
20 ὁ (The) ἥλιος (sun) μεταστραφήσεται (will be turned) εἰς (into) σκότος (darkness), καὶ (and) ἡ (the) σελήνη (moon) εἰς (into) αἷμα (blood), πρὶν (before) ἐλθεῖν (coming) ἡμέραν (day) Κυρίου (of the Lord), τὴν (-) μεγάλην (great) καὶ (and) ἐπιφανῆ (glorious).
21 καὶ (And) ἔσται (it shall be), πᾶς (everyone) ὃς (who) ἐὰν (if) ἐπικαλέσηται (they shall call upon) τὸ (the) ὄνομα (name) Κυρίου (of the Lord) σωθήσεται (will be saved).’
22 Ἄνδρες (Men), Ἰσραηλῖται (Israelites), ἀκούσατε (hear) τοὺς (the) λόγους (words) τούτους (these): Ἰησοῦν (Jesus) τὸν (of) Ναζωραῖον (Nazareth), ἄνδρα (a man) ἀποδεδειγμένον (having been set forth) ἀπὸ (by) τοῦ (-) Θεοῦ (God) εἰς (to) ὑμᾶς (you) δυνάμεσι (by miracles) καὶ (and) τέρασι (wonders) καὶ (and) σημείοις (signs), οἷς (which) ἐποίησεν (did) δι’ (by) αὐτοῦ (Him) ὁ (-) Θεὸς (God) ἐν (in) μέσῳ (the midst) ὑμῶν (of you), καθὼς (as) αὐτοὶ (you yourselves) οἴδατε (know),
23 τοῦτον (Him) τῇ (by the) ὡρισμένῃ (determinate) βουλῇ (plan) καὶ (and) προγνώσει (foreknowledge) τοῦ (-) Θεοῦ (of God), ἔκδοτον (delivered up) διὰ (by) χειρὸς (hands) ἀνόμων (lawless), προσπήξαντες (having crucified), ἀνείλατε (You put to death),
24 ὃν (whom) ὁ (-) Θεὸς (God) ἀνέστησεν (raised up), λύσας (having loosed) τὰς (the) ὠδῖνας (agony) τοῦ (of) θανάτου (death), καθότι (inasmuch as) οὐκ (not) ἦν (it was) δυνατὸν (possible) κρατεῖσθαι (for to be held) αὐτὸν (Him) ὑπ’ (by) αὐτοῦ (it).
25 Δαυὶδ (David) γὰρ (for) λέγει (says) εἰς (about) αὐτόν (Him): ‘Προορώμην (I foresaw) τὸν (the) Κύριον (Lord) ἐνώπιόν (before) μου (me) διὰ (continually) παντός (everything), ὅτι (because) ἐκ (at the) δεξιῶν (right hand) μού (of me) ἐστιν (He is), ἵνα (that) μὴ (not) σαλευθῶ (I should be shaken).
26 διὰ (Because of) τοῦτο (this) ηὐφράνθη (was glad) μου (of me) «ἡ (the) καρδία» (heart), καὶ (and) ἠγαλλιάσατο (rejoiced) ἡ (the) γλῶσσά (tongue) μου (of me); ἔτι (and) δὲ (now) καὶ (also) ἡ (the) σάρξ (flesh) μου (of me) κατασκηνώσει (will dwell) ἐπ’ (in) ἐλπίδι (hope),
27 ὅτι (for) οὐκ (not) ἐνκαταλείψεις (You will abandon) τὴν (the) ψυχήν (soul) μου (of me) εἰς (into) ᾅδην (Hades), οὐδὲ (nor) δώσεις (will You allow) τὸν (the) Ὅσιόν (Holy One) σου (of You) ἰδεῖν (to see) διαφθοράν (decay).
28 ἐγνώρισάς (You have made known) μοι (to me) ὁδοὺς (the paths) ζωῆς (of life); πληρώσεις (You will fill) με (me) εὐφροσύνης (with joy) μετὰ (in) τοῦ (the) προσώπου (presence) σου (of You).’