Acts 28:17-29

BIB(i) 17 Ἐγένετο (It came to pass) δὲ (then), μετὰ (after) ἡμέρας (days) τρεῖς (three) συνκαλέσασθαι (called together) αὐτὸν (he) τοὺς (those) ὄντας (being) τῶν (of the) Ἰουδαίων (Jews) πρώτους (leaders). συνελθόντων (Having come together) δὲ (then) αὐτῶν (of them), ἔλεγεν (he was saying) πρὸς (to) αὐτούς (them), “Ἐγώ (I), ἄνδρες (men), ἀδελφοί (brothers), οὐδὲν (nothing) ἐναντίον (against) ποιήσας (having done) τῷ (the) λαῷ (people) ἢ (or) τοῖς (the) ἔθεσι (customs) τοῖς (-) πατρῴοις (of our fathers), δέσμιος (a prisoner) ἐξ (from) Ἱεροσολύμων (Jerusalem) παρεδόθην (was delivered) εἰς (into) τὰς (the) χεῖρας (hands) τῶν (of the) Ῥωμαίων (Romans), 18 οἵτινες (who) ἀνακρίναντές (having examined) με (me), ἐβούλοντο (were wanting) ἀπολῦσαι (to let me go), διὰ (on account of) τὸ (-) μηδεμίαν (not one) αἰτίαν (cause) θανάτου (of death) ὑπάρχειν (existing) ἐν (in) ἐμοί (me). 19 ἀντιλεγόντων (Objecting) δὲ (however) τῶν (of the) Ἰουδαίων (Jews), ἠναγκάσθην (I was compelled) ἐπικαλέσασθαι (to appeal to) Καίσαρα (Caesar), οὐχ (not) ὡς (as) τοῦ (the) ἔθνους (nation) μου (of me) ἔχων (having) τι (anything) κατηγορεῖν (to lay against). 20 διὰ (For) ταύτην (this) οὖν (therefore) τὴν (-) αἰτίαν (cause) παρεκάλεσα (I have called) ὑμᾶς (you), ἰδεῖν (to see) καὶ (and) προσλαλῆσαι (to speak to you); ἕνεκεν* (because of) γὰρ (for) τῆς (the) ἐλπίδος (hope) τοῦ (-) Ἰσραὴλ (of Israel), τὴν (the) ἅλυσιν (chain) ταύτην (this) περίκειμαι (I have around me).” 21 Οἱ (-) δὲ (And) πρὸς (to) αὐτὸν (him) εἶπαν (they said), “Ἡμεῖς (We) οὔτε (neither) γράμματα (letters) περὶ (concerning) σοῦ (you) ἐδεξάμεθα (received) ἀπὸ (from) τῆς (-) Ἰουδαίας (Judea), οὔτε (nor) παραγενόμενός (having arrived) τις (any) τῶν (of the) ἀδελφῶν (brothers) ἀπήγγειλεν (reported) ἢ (or) ἐλάλησέν (said) τι (anything) περὶ (concerning) σοῦ (you) πονηρόν (evil). 22 ἀξιοῦμεν (We deem it worthy) δὲ (however) παρὰ (from) σοῦ (you) ἀκοῦσαι (to hear) ἃ (what) φρονεῖς (you think), περὶ (concerning) μὲν (truly) γὰρ (for) τῆς (the) αἱρέσεως (sect) ταύτης (this), γνωστὸν (known) ἡμῖν (to us) ἐστιν (it is) ὅτι (that) πανταχοῦ (everywhere) ἀντιλέγεται (it is spoken against).” 23 Ταξάμενοι (Having appointed) δὲ (then) αὐτῷ (him) ἡμέραν (a day), ἦλθον (came) πρὸς (to) αὐτὸν (him) εἰς (to) τὴν (the) ξενίαν (lodging) πλείονες (many), οἷς (to whom) ἐξετίθετο (he expounded), διαμαρτυρόμενος (fully testifying) τὴν (to the) βασιλείαν (kingdom) τοῦ (-) Θεοῦ (of God), πείθων (persuading) τε (then) αὐτοὺς (them) περὶ (concerning) τοῦ (-) Ἰησοῦ (Jesus) ἀπό (from) τε (both) τοῦ (the) νόμου (law) Μωϋσέως (of Moses) καὶ (and) τῶν (the) προφητῶν (Prophets), ἀπὸ (from) πρωῒ (morning) ἕως (to) ἑσπέρας (evening). 24 Καὶ (And) οἱ (some) μὲν (indeed) ἐπείθοντο (were persuaded of) τοῖς (the things) λεγομένοις (he is speaking); οἱ (some) δὲ (however) ἠπίστουν (refused to believe). 25 ἀσύμφωνοι (Discordant) δὲ (then) ὄντες (being) πρὸς (with) ἀλλήλους (one another), ἀπελύοντο (they began to leave), εἰπόντος (having spoken) τοῦ (-) Παύλου (Paul) ῥῆμα (word) ἓν (one) ὅτι (-): “Καλῶς (Rightly) τὸ (the) Πνεῦμα (Spirit) τὸ (-) Ἅγιον (Holy) ἐλάλησεν (spoke) διὰ (by) Ἠσαΐου (Isaiah) τοῦ (the) προφήτου (prophet) πρὸς (to) τοὺς (the) πατέρας (fathers) ὑμῶν (of you), 26 λέγων (saying): ‘Πορεύθητι (Go) πρὸς (to) τὸν (the) λαὸν (people) τοῦτον (this) καὶ (and) εἰπόν (say), “Ἀκοῇ (In hearing) ἀκούσετε (you will hear) καὶ (and) οὐ (no) μὴ (not) συνῆτε (understand); καὶ (and) βλέποντες (in seeing) βλέψετε (you will see) καὶ (and) οὐ (no) μὴ (not) ἴδητε (perceive).” 27 ἐπαχύνθη (Has grown dull) γὰρ (for) ἡ (the) καρδία (heart) τοῦ (of the) λαοῦ (people) τούτου (this), καὶ (and) τοῖς (with the) ὠσὶν (ears) βαρέως (barely) ἤκουσαν (they hear), καὶ (and) τοὺς (the) ὀφθαλμοὺς (eyes) αὐτῶν (of them) ἐκάμμυσαν (they have closed), μή‿ (lest) ποτε (ever) ἴδωσιν (they should see) τοῖς (with the) ὀφθαλμοῖς (eyes), καὶ (and) τοῖς (with the) ὠσὶν (ears) ἀκούσωσιν (they should hear), καὶ (and) τῇ (with the) καρδίᾳ (heart) συνῶσιν (they should understand), καὶ (and) ἐπιστρέψωσιν (should turn), καὶ (and) ἰάσομαι (I will heal) αὐτούς (them).’ 28 Γνωστὸν (Known) οὖν (therefore) ἔστω (be it) ὑμῖν (to you) ὅτι (that) τοῖς (to the) ἔθνεσιν (Gentiles) ἀπεστάλη (has been sent) τοῦτο (this) τὸ (-) σωτήριον (salvation) τοῦ (-) Θεοῦ (of God); αὐτοὶ (they) καὶ (then) ἀκούσονται (will listen)!” 29