Acts 24:26-27

BIB(i) 26 ἅμα (At the same time) καὶ (also), ἐλπίζων (he is hoping) ὅτι (that) χρήματα (riches) δοθήσεται (will be given) αὐτῷ (him) ὑπὸ (by) τοῦ (-) Παύλου (Paul). διὸ (Therefore) καὶ (also) πυκνότερον (often) αὐτὸν (him) μεταπεμπόμενος (sending for), ὡμίλει (he was talking) αὐτῷ (with him). 27 Διετίας (Two years) δὲ (however) πληρωθείσης (having been completed), ἔλαβεν (received as) διάδοχον (successor) ὁ (-) Φῆλιξ (Felix), Πόρκιον (Porcius) Φῆστον (Festus); θέλων (wishing) τε (then) χάριτα (favor) καταθέσθαι (to acquire for himself) τοῖς (with the) Ἰουδαίοις (Jews), ὁ (-) Φῆλιξ (Felix) κατέλιπε (left) τὸν (-) Παῦλον (Paul) δεδεμένον (imprisoned).