BDB884 [H877]

[בּאֹר] noun masculineJer 2:13 cistern, pit, well (for בְּאֹר compare בּוֺר) — singular Kt באר 2Sam 23:15; 2Sam 23:16; 2Sam 23:20 (Qr בֹּר); apparently well v2Sam 23:15 v2Sam 23:16 (read perhaps בְּאֵר), pit v2Sam 23:20 plural Jer 2:13 me they have forsaken, the fountain of living water, לַחְצֹב לָהֶם בּאֹרוֺת בּאֹרֹת נִשְׁבָּרִים, to hew out for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns, etc.

The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon
License: Public domain document; formatting developed for use in by Eliran Wong.
Source: provided by Tim Morton, the developer of Bible Analyzer