BDB7480 [H7069]

I. קָנָה84 verb get, acquire (Late Hebrew = Biblical Hebrew; Phoenician (Punic) מקנא, property [in cattle]; Assyrian ‡anû, gain, acquire, MeissnSuppl. 85; Arabic (,) acquire, procure; Sabean קני acquire, possess, CISiv,no.89,5.6, קני noun property Idib,no.3,8,29,3; Ethiopic acquire, subjugate; Aramaic קְנָא, (accquire); —

Qal81 Perfect 3 masculine singular ׳ק Gen 25:10 +; suffix קֶָ נ֑ךָ Deut 32:6, קָנָהוּ Lev 27:24 3 feminine singularקָֽנְתָה Ps 78:54 2 masculine singular קָנִיתָ Exod 15:16 +, etc.; Imperfect 3 masculine singular יִקְנֶךְ Lev 22:11 +, וַיִ֫קֶן Gen 33:19 +, etc.; Imperative masculine singular קְנֵח Gen 47:19 +; Infinitive absolute קָנֹה Lev 25:14; 1Chr 21:24, קָנוֺ 2Sam 24:24 cstr. קְנֹה Prov 16:16, קְנוֺת Prov 16:16 +, etc.; Participle קֹנֶה Deut 28:68, קְוֺנֶה Prov 15:32 +, etc.; —
1. get, acquire (all poetry) :
\ \ a. of God as originating, creating, קֹנֵה שָׁמַיִם וָאָרֶץ Gen 14:19; Gen 14:22; Deut 32:6 (Israel), Ps 139:13 (כִּלְֹיתָ֑י); Prov 8:22 ( חכמה q. v.).
\ \ b. of God as victoriously redeeming his people Exod 15:16; Isa 11:11; Ps 74:2 (|| גָּאַל) object הַרוֶֿה Ps 78:54.
\ \ c. of Eve, acquiring קַיִן, ׳אֶתיֿ (i.e. with the help of), Gen 4:1 (J).
\ \ d. of acquiring wisdom, knowledge (only Proverbs): Prov 1:5; Prov 4:5 (twice in verse); Prov 4:7 (twice in verse); Prov 15:32; Prov 16:16 (twice in verse); Prov 17:16; Prov 18:15; Prov 19:8; Prov 23:23.
2. elsewhere buy Exod 21:2 (E), Gen 47:22 (J), Gen 50:13 (P), Lev 27:24(H), Deut 28:68; Isa 24:2; Jer 13:1; Ezek 7:12; Prov 20:14 +; קֹנֶה owner, as purchaser Lev 25:30 (P) Isa 1:3; Zech 11:5 +. Niph`al be bought: Perfect 3 masculine singular נִקְנָה Jer 32:43 Imperfect 3 masculine plural יִקָּנוּ vJer 32:15. Hiph`il Perfect 3 masculine singular suffix אָדָם חִקְנַנִי Zech 13:5 AV makes denominative of מִקְנֶה cattle; Thes RV MartiKau Buhl caused (one) to purchase me, i.e. made me a bondman; < We Now GASm read אֲרָמָה קִנְיָנִיParticiple מַקְנֶה see קנא.

The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon
License: Public domain document; formatting developed for use in by Eliran Wong.
Source: provided by Tim Morton, the developer of Bible Analyzer