17 And when He had gone into the house away from the crowd His disciples asked Him about this parable.
18 He said to them, “Are you also as lacking in understanding [as the others]? Do you not understand that whatever enters a person’s body from the outside cannot [spiritually] corrupt him?
19 It is because it does not go into his heart, but into his stomach, and [eventually] passes out into the toilet.” By saying this He made all foods [ceremonially] acceptable.
20 And He said, “Whatever proceeds out of a man’s life is what [spiritually] corrupts him.
21 For from within, out of people’s hearts, proceed evil thoughts, sexual immorality, stealing, murder, extramarital affairs,
22 greedy desires, wickedness, deceit, unrestrained indecency, envy, slander, arrogance and foolishness.
23 All these evil things proceed from within [man’s heart] and [spiritually] corrupt him.”