1 Continue to love [one another] as brothers.
2 Do not forget to show hospitality toward strangers, for by doing this, some people have entertained angels without realizing it.
3 Remember [to pray for and help] those who are in prison, as though you [yourselves] were in prison with them. [Remember] those who are being mistreated, realizing that you [yourselves] also share [with them] a physical body [i.e., you are subject to the same kind of trials].
4 Marriage should be considered honorable among all people and its sexual responsibilities should be faithfully kept. For God will judge [and condemn] those people who are sexually immoral and who are sexually unfaithful to their mates.
5 Keep your lives free from the love of money [and be] content with what you have, because God [Himself] has said [Deut. 31:6], “By no means will I [ever] desert you or give up on you.”
6 So, we can say with confidence [Psa. 118:6], “[Since] the Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid [of] what people might do to me.” [or, “what (harm) can people do to me?”]
7 Remember your leaders who told you God’s message. [Note: This probably refers to former preachers who had since died]. Consider the outcome of the way they lived and imitate their faith.
8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
9 Do not continue to be swept off your course by all kinds of strange teachings. For it is good for your hearts to be strengthened by God’s unearned favor [upon you] and not by [keeping regulations about] foods, which do not benefit those who observe them.
10 [Now] we [Christians] have an altar [i.e., the sacrifice of Christ] from which people who serve in the Tabernacle [i.e., the Jews] have no right to eat.
11 For the blood of the animals offered as sacrifices for sin is brought by the head priest into the Holy of Holies, [but] their bodies are burned outside of the camp.
12 Therefore, Jesus also suffered outside of the gate [i.e., of Jerusalem] so that He could make people holy through [the shedding of] His own blood.
13 So, we should go out to Him, outside of the camp [Note: This probably signifies separating from the whole system of Judaism, as well as full commitment to Christ], bearing the abuse that He suffered.
14 For we do not have a lasting city here on earth [i.e., such as Jerusalem] but we are looking for the city to come [i.e., heaven. See 10:11].
15 [So], through Jesus then, we should continually offer up to God a sacrifice of praise, that is, the expression of our lips as we confess His name [to be our Lord].
16 But do not forget to do good deeds and share [with others], for God is very pleased with such “sacrifices.”
17 [You should] obey your leaders [Note: This probably refers to church elders] and submit to their oversight, for they look out for [the welfare of] your souls as men who will give an accounting [for your spiritual progress]. [Be obedient], so that they will be able to do this joyfully and not with sorrow, for that would be unprofitable to you.
18 Pray for us [continually]. We are convinced that we [i.e., the writer of Hebrews] have a clear conscience [i.e., regarding our relationship to you] and we want to behave properly in every way.
19 And I urge you people earnestly to do this [i.e., pray for me], so that I can be sent back to you sooner [i.e., by God’s providence].
20 Now may the God of peace, who brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great Shepherd of the sheep [i.e., the church], through the blood of the never ending Agreement [i.e., Christ’s blood],
21 equip you with every good deed for doing God’s will. [May He] work in us [to accomplish] what is very pleasing in His sight through [the power of] Jesus Christ. May there be praise to Him forever and ever. May it be so.
22 But I urge you, brothers [and sisters], listen to these words of exhortation, for I have written to you briefly.
23 I want you people to know that our brother Timothy has been released [from prison ?]. If he comes [to me] soon, I will bring him with me when I visit you.
24 Greet all of those who are your leaders, and all the saints [i.e., God’s holy people]. Those [brothers] from Italy send you their greetings.
25 May God’s unearned favor be with all of you. May it be so.