1 Chronicles 5 Cross References - new

  1 H1121 Now the sons H7205 of Reuben H1060 the firstborn H3478 of Israel, H1060 (for he was the firstborn; H2490 [H8763] but, forasmuch as he defiled H1 his father's H3326 bed, H1062 his birthright H5414 [H8738] was given H1121 to the sons H3130 of Joseph H1121 the son H3478 of Israel: H3187 [H8692] and the genealogy is not to be reckoned H1062 after the birthright.
  2 H3063 For Judah H1396 [H8804] prevailed H251 above his brethren, H5057 and of him came the chief ruler; H1062 but the birthright H3130 was Joseph's:)
  3 H1121 The sons, H7205 I say, of Reuben H1060 the firstborn H3478 of Israel H2585 were, Hanoch, H6396 and Pallu, H2696 Hezron, H3756 and Carmi.
  4 H1121 The sons H3100 of Joel; H8098 Shemaiah H1121 his son, H1463 Gog H1121 his son, H8096 Shimei H1121 his son,
  5 H4318 Micah H1121 his son, H7211 Reaia H1121 his son, H1168 Baal H1121 his son,
  6 H880 Beerah H1121 his son, H8407 whom Tilgathpilneser H4428 king H804 of Assyria H1540 [H8689] carried away H5387 captive: he was prince H7206 of the Reubenites.
  7 H251 And his brethren H4940 by their families, H3187 0 when the genealogy H8435 of their generations H3187 [H8692] was reckoned, H7218 were the chief, H3273 Jeiel, H2148 and Zechariah,
  8 H1106 And Bela H1121 the son H5811 of Azaz, H1121 the son H8087 of Shema, H1121 the son H3100 of Joel, H3427 [H8802] who dwelt H6177 in Aroer, H5015 even to Nebo H1186 and Baalmeon:
  9 H4217 And eastward H3427 [H8804] he inhabited H935 [H8800] to the entrance H4057 of the wilderness H5104 from the river H6578 Euphrates: H4735 because their cattle H7235 [H8804] were multiplied H776 in the land H1568 of Gilead.
  10 H3117 And in the days H7586 of Saul H6213 [H8804] they made H4421 war H1905 with the Hagarites, H5307 [H8799] who fell H3027 by their hand: H3427 [H8799] and they dwelt H168 in their tents H6440 throughout H4217 all the east H1568 land of Gilead.
  11 H1121 And the sons H1410 of Gad H3427 [H8804] dwelt H776 opposite them, in the land H1316 of Bashan H5548 to Salcah:
  12 H3100 Joel H7218 the chief, H8223 and Shapham H4932 the next, H3285 and Jaanai, H8202 and Shaphat H1316 in Bashan.
  13 H251 And their brethren H1004 of the house H1 of their fathers H4317 were, Michael, H4918 and Meshullam, H7652 and Sheba, H3140 and Jorai, H3275 and Jachan, H2127 and Zia, H5677 and Heber, H7651 seven.
  14 H1121 These are the sons H32 of Abihail H1121 the son H2359 of Huri, H1121 the son H3386 of Jaroah, H1121 the son H1568 of Gilead, H1121 the son H4317 of Michael, H1121 the son H3454 of Jeshishai, H1121 the son H3163 of Jahdo, H1121 the son H938 of Buz;
  15 H277 Ahi H1121 the son H5661 of Abdiel, H1121 the son H1476 of Guni, H7218 chief H1004 of the house H1 of their fathers.
  16 H3427 [H8799] And they dwelt H1568 in Gilead H1316 in Bashan, H1323 and in its towns, H4054 and in all the common lands H8289 of Sharon, H8444 upon their borders.
  17 H3187 [H8694] All these were reckoned by genealogies H3117 in the days H3147 of Jotham H4428 king H3063 of Judah, H3117 and in the days H3379 of Jeroboam H4428 king H3478 of Israel.
  18 H1121 The sons H7205 of Reuben, H1425 and the Gadites, H2677 and half H7626 the tribe H4519 of Manasseh, H2428 of valiant men, H582 men H5375 [H8802] able to bear H4043 shield H2719 and sword, H1869 [H8802] and to shoot H7198 with bow, H3925 [H8803] and skilful H4421 in war, H702 were four H705 and forty H505 thousand H7651 seven H3967 hundred H8346 and sixty, H3318 [H8802] that went out H6635 to the war.
  19 H6213 [H8799] And they made H4421 war H1905 with the Hagarites, H3195 with Jetur, H5305 and Nephish, H5114 and Nodab.
  20 H5826 [H8735] And they were helped H1905 against them, and the Hagarites H5414 [H8735] were given H3027 into their hand, H2199 [H8804] and all that were with them: for they cried H430 to God H4421 in the battle, H6279 [H8736] and he was entreated H982 [H8804] by them; because they put their trust in him.
  21 H7617 [H8799] And they took away H4735 their cattle; H1581 of their camels H2572 fifty H505 thousand, H6629 and of sheep H3967 two hundred H2572 and fifty H505 thousand, H2543 and of donkeys H505 two thousand, H120 H5315 and of men H3967 an hundred H505 thousand.
  22 H5307 [H8804] For there fell H7227 down many H2491 slain, H4421 because the war H430 was of God. H3427 [H8799] And they dwelt H1473 in their steads until the captivity.
  23 H1121 And the sons H2677 of the half H7626 tribe H4519 of Manasseh H3427 [H8804] dwelt H776 in the land: H7235 [H8804] they increased H1316 from Bashan H1179 to Baalhermon H8149 and Senir, H2022 and to mount H2768 Hermon.
  24 H7218 And these were the heads H1004 of the house H1 of their fathers, H6081 even Epher, H3469 and Ishi, H447 and Eliel, H5837 and Azriel, H3414 and Jeremiah, H1938 and Hodaviah, H3164 and Jahdiel, H1368 mighty H582 men H2428 of valour, H8034 famous H582 men, H7218 and heads H1004 of the house H1 of their fathers.
  25 H4603 [H8799] And they transgressed H430 against the God H1 of their fathers, H2181 [H8799] and played the harlot H310 with H430 the gods H5971 of the people H776 of the land, H430 whom God H8045 [H8689] desolated H6440 at the face of them.
  26 H430 And the God H3478 of Israel H5782 [H8686] stirred up H7307 the spirit H6322 of Pul H4428 king H804 of Assyria, H7307 and the spirit H8407 of Tilgathpilneser H4428 king H804 of Assyria, H1540 [H8686] and he carried them away, H7206 even the Reubenites, H1425 and the Gadites, H2677 and the half H7626 tribe H4519 of Manasseh, H935 [H8686] and brought H2477 them to Halah, H2249 and Habor, H2024 and Hara, H5104 and to the river H1470 Gozan, H3117 to this day.

Genesis 25:23

  23 H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8799] said H8147 to her, Two H1471 nations H990 are in thy womb, H8147 and two H3816 folks H6504 [H8735] shall be separated H4578 from thy bowels; H3816 and the one folk H553 [H8799] shall be stronger H3816 than the other folk; H7227 and the elder H5647 [H8799] shall serve H6810 the younger.

Genesis 29:32

  32 H3812 And Leah H2029 [H8799] conceived, H3205 [H8799] and bore H1121 a son, H7121 [H8799] and she called H8034 his name H7205 Reuben: H3588 for H559 [H8804] she said, H3588 Surely H3068 the LORD H7200 [H8804] hath looked H6040 upon my affliction; H3588 now therefore H376 my husband H157 [H8799] will love me.

Genesis 35:22

  22 H3478 And it came to pass, when Israel H7931 [H8800] dwelt H776 in that land, H7205 that Reuben H3212 [H8799] went H7901 [H8799] and lay H1090 with Bilhah H1 his father's H6370 concubine: H3478 and Israel H8085 [H8799] heard H1121 it. Now the sons H3290 of Jacob H8147 H6240 were twelve:

Genesis 46:8

  8 H8034 And these are the names H1121 of the sons H3478 of Israel, H935 [H8802] who came H4714 into Egypt, H3290 Jacob H1121 and his sons: H7205 Reuben, H3290 Jacob's H1060 firstborn.

Genesis 48:15-22

  15 H1288 [H8762] And he blessed H3130 Joseph, H559 [H8799] and said, H430 God, H6440 at the face of H1 whom my fathers H85 Abraham H3327 and Isaac H1980 [H8694] did walk, H430 the God H7462 [H8802] who hath fed H5750 me all my life long H3117 to this day,
  16 H4397 The Messenger H1350 [H8802] who hath redeemed H7451 me from all evil, H1288 [H8762] bless H5288 the lads; H8034 and let my name H7121 [H8735] be named H8034 on them, and the name H1 of my fathers H85 Abraham H3327 and Isaac; H1711 [H8799] and let them grow H7230 into an abundance H7130 in the midst H776 of the earth.
  17 H3130 And when Joseph H7200 [H8799] saw H1 that his father H7896 [H8799] laid H3225 his right H3027 hand H7218 upon the head H669 of Ephraim, H3415 H5869 [H8799] it displeased H8551 [H8799] him: and he lifted H1 his father's H3027 hand, H5493 [H8687] to remove H669 it from Ephraim's H7218 head H4519 to Manasseh's H7218 head.
  18 H3130 And Joseph H559 [H8799] said H1 to his father, H1 Not so, my father: H1060 for this is the firstborn; H7760 [H8798] put H3225 thy right hand H7218 upon his head.
  19 H1 And his father H3985 [H8762] refused, H559 [H8799] and said, H3045 [H8804] I know H1121 it, my son, H3045 [H8804] I know H5971 it: he also shall become a people, H1431 [H8799] and he also shall be great: H199 but truly H6996 his younger H251 brother H1431 [H8799] shall be greater H2233 than he, and his seed H4393 shall become a multitude H1471 of nations.
  20 H1288 [H8762] And he blessed H3117 them that day, H559 [H8800] saying, H3478 In thee shall Israel H1288 [H8762] bless, H559 [H8800] saying, H430 God H7760 [H8799] make H669 thee as Ephraim H4519 and as Manasseh: H7760 [H8799] and he set H669 Ephraim H6440 at the face of H4519 Manasseh.
  21 H3478 And Israel H559 [H8799] said H3130 to Joseph, H4191 [H8801] Behold, I die: H430 but God H7725 [H8689] shall be with you, and bring you again H776 to the land H1 of your fathers.
  22 H5414 [H8804] Moreover I have given H259 to thee one H7926 portion H251 above thy brethren, H3947 [H8804] which I took H3027 out of the hand H567 of the Amorite H2719 with my sword H7198 and with my bow.

Genesis 49:3-4

  3 H7205 Reuben, H1060 thou art my firstborn, H3581 my might, H7225 and the beginning H202 of my strength, H3499 the excellency H7613 of dignity, H3499 and the excellency H5794 of power:
  4 H6349 Unstable H4325 as water, H3498 [H8686] thou shalt not excel; H5927 [H8804] because thou wentest up H1 to thy father's H4904 bed; H2490 [H8765] then thou didst defile H5927 [H8804] it: he went up H3326 to my couch.

Exodus 6:14

  14 H7218 These are the heads H1 of their father's H1004 houses: H1121 The sons H7205 of Reuben H1060 the firstborn H3478 of Israel; H2585 Hanoch, H6396 and Pallu, H2696 Hezron, H3756 and Carmi: H4940 these are the families H7205 of Reuben.

Leviticus 18:8

  8 H6172 The nakedness H1 of thy father's H802 wife H1540 [H8762] shalt thou not uncover: H1 it is thy father's H6172 nakedness.

Leviticus 20:11

  11 H376 And the man H7901 [H8799] that lieth H1 with his father's H802 wife H1540 [H8765] hath uncovered H1 his father's H6172 nakedness: H8147 both H4191 [H8800] of them shall surely H4191 [H8714] be put to death; H1818 their blood shall be upon them.

Numbers 1:5

  5 H8034 And these are the names H582 of the men H5975 [H8799] that shall stand H7205 with you: of the tribe of Reuben; H468 Elizur H1121 the son H7707 of Shedeur.

Numbers 16:1

  1 H7141 Now Korah, H1121 the son H3324 of Izhar, H1121 the son H6955 of Kohath, H1121 the son H3878 of Levi, H1885 and Dathan H48 and Abiram, H1121 the sons H446 of Eliab, H203 and On, H1121 the son H6431 of Peleth, H1121 sons H7205 of Reuben, H3947 [H8799] took men:

Numbers 26:5

  5 H7205 Reuben, H1060 the eldest H3478 son of Israel: H1121 the sons H7205 of Reuben; H2585 Hanoch, H4940 of whom cometh the family H2599 of the Hanochites: H6396 of Pallu, H4940 the family H6384 of the Palluites:

Deuteronomy 21:17

  17 H5234 [H8686] But he shall acknowledge H1121 the son H8130 [H8803] of the hated H1060 for the firstborn, H5414 [H8800] by giving H8147 him a double H6310 portion H4672 [H8735] of all that he hath: H7225 for he is the beginning H202 of his strength; H4941 the right H1062 of the firstborn is his.

Deuteronomy 27:20

  20 H779 [H8803] Cursed H7901 [H8802] be he that lieth H1 with his father's H802 wife; H1540 [H8765] because he uncovereth H1 his father's H3671 skirt. H5971 And all the people H559 [H8804] shall say, H543 Amen.

Joshua 14:6

  6 H1121 Then the sons H3063 of Judah H5066 [H8799] came H3091 to Joshua H1537 in Gilgal: H3612 and Caleb H1121 the son H3312 of Jephunneh H7074 the Kenezite H559 [H8799] said H3045 [H8804] to him, Thou knowest H1697 the thing H3068 that the LORD H1696 [H8765] said H4872 to Moses H376 the man H430 of God H182 concerning me H182 and thee H6947 in Kadeshbarnea.

1 Samuel 16:6-11

  6 H935 [H8800] And it came to pass, when they had come, H7200 [H8799] that he looked H446 on Eliab, H559 [H8799] and said, H3068 Surely the LORD'S H4899 anointed is before him.
  7 H3068 But the LORD H559 [H8799] said H8050 to Samuel, H5027 [H8686] Look H4758 not on his countenance, H1364 or on the height H6967 of his stature; H3988 [H8804] because I have refused H120 him: for the LORD seeth not as man H7200 [H8799] seeth; H120 for man H7200 [H8799] looketh H5869 on the outward appearance, H3068 but the LORD H7200 [H8799] looketh H3824 on the heart.
  8 H3448 Then Jesse H7121 [H8799] called H41 Abinadab, H5674 [H8686] and made him pass H6440 at the face of H8050 Samuel. H559 [H8799] And he said, H3068 Neither hath the LORD H977 [H8804] chosen this.
  9 H3448 Then Jesse H8048 made Shammah H5674 [H8686] to pass by. H559 [H8799] And he said, H3068 Neither hath the LORD H977 [H8804] chosen this.
  10 H3448 Again, Jesse H7651 made seven H1121 of his sons H5674 [H8686] to pass H6440 at the face of H8050 Samuel. H8050 And Samuel H559 [H8799] said H3448 to Jesse, H3068 The LORD H977 [H8804] hath not chosen these.
  11 H8050 And Samuel H559 [H8799] said H3448 to Jesse, H8552 [H8804] Are here all H5288 thy children? H559 [H8799] And he said, H7604 [H8804] There remaineth H6996 yet the youngest, H7462 [H8802] and, behold, he keepeth H6629 the sheep. H8050 And Samuel H559 [H8799] said H3448 to Jesse, H7971 [H8798] Send H3947 [H8798] and bring H5437 [H8799] him: for we will not sit down H935 [H8800] till he hath come H6311 here.

1 Chronicles 2:1

  1 H1121 These are the sons H3478 of Israel; H7205 Reuben, H8095 Simeon, H3878 Levi, H3063 and Judah, H3485 Issachar, H2074 and Zebulun,

1 Chronicles 26:10

  10 H2621 Also Hosah, H1121 of the sons H4847 of Merari, H1121 had sons; H8113 Simri H7218 the chief, H1060 (for though he was not the firstborn, H1 yet his father H7760 [H8799] made H7218 him the chief;)

1 Corinthians 5:1

  1 G4202 Fornication G191 0 is G3654 wholly G191 [G5743] heard G1722 among G5213 you, G2532 and G5108 such G4202 fornication G3748 which G3687 0 is G3761 not even G3687 [G5743] named G1722 among G1484 the nations, G5620 so as for G5100 someone G2192 [G5721] to have G3962 his father's G1135 wife.

Colossians 1:15

  15 G3739 Who G2076 [G5748] is G1504 the image G517 of the invisible G2316 God, G4416 the firstborn G3956 of all G2937 creation:

Genesis 35:23

  23 H1121 The sons H3812 of Leah; H7205 Reuben, H3290 Jacob's H1060 firstborn, H8095 and Simeon, H3878 and Levi, H3063 and Judah, H3485 and Issachar, H2074 and Zebulun:

Genesis 49:8-10

  8 H3063 Judah, H251 thou art he whom thy brethren H3034 [H8686] shall praise: H3027 thine hand H6203 shall be on the neck H341 [H8802] of thy enemies; H1 thy father's H1121 sons H7812 [H8691] shall bow down before thee.
  9 H3063 Judah H738 is a lion's H1482 whelp: H2964 from the prey, H1121 my son, H5927 [H8804] thou hast gone up: H3766 [H8804] he stooped down, H7257 [H8804] he crouched H738 as a lion, H3833 and as an old lion; H6965 [H8686] who shall rouse him up?
  10 H7626 The sceptre H5493 [H8799] shall not depart H3063 from Judah, H2710 [H8781] nor a lawgiver H7272 from between his feet, H3588 until H7886 Shiloh H935 [H8799] shall come; H3349 and to him shall be the obedience H5971 of the people.

Genesis 49:26

  26 H1293 The blessings H1 of thy father H1396 [H8804] have prevailed H1293 above the blessings H2029 [H8802] of my ancestors H8379 to the utmost bound H5769 of the everlasting H1389 hills: H7218 they shall be on the head H3130 of Joseph, H6936 and on the crown of the head H5139 of him that was separate H251 from his brethren.

Numbers 2:3

  3 H6924 And on the east side H4217 toward the rising H1714 of the sun shall they of the standard H4264 of the camp H3063 of Judah H2583 [H8802] encamp H6635 throughout their armies: H5177 and Nahshon H1121 the son H5992 of Amminadab H5387 shall be captain H1121 of the sons H3063 of Judah.

Numbers 7:12

  12 H7126 [H8688] And he that offered H7133 his offering H7223 the first H3117 day H5177 was Nahshon H1121 the son H5992 of Amminadab, H4294 of the tribe H3063 of Judah:

Judges 1:2

  2 H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8799] said, H3063 Judah H5927 [H8799] shall go up: H5414 [H8804] behold, I have given H776 the land H3027 into his hand.

1 Samuel 16:1

  1 H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8799] said H8050 to Samuel, H56 [H8693] How long wilt thou mourn H7586 for Saul, H3988 [H8804] seeing I have rejected H4427 [H8800] him from reigning H3478 over Israel? H4390 [H8761] fill H7161 thy horn H8081 with oil, H3212 [H8798] and go, H7971 [H8799] I will send H3448 thee to Jesse H1022 the Bethlehemite: H7200 [H8804] for I have provided H4428 me a king H1121 among his sons.

1 Samuel 16:10

  10 H3448 Again, Jesse H7651 made seven H1121 of his sons H5674 [H8686] to pass H6440 at the face of H8050 Samuel. H8050 And Samuel H559 [H8799] said H3448 to Jesse, H3068 The LORD H977 [H8804] hath not chosen these.

1 Samuel 16:12

  12 H7971 [H8799] And he sent, H935 [H8686] and brought him in. H132 Now he was ruddy, H5973 and also H3303 of a beautiful H5869 countenance, H2896 H7210 and a good appearance. H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8799] said, H6965 [H8798] Arise, H4886 [H8798] anoint him: for this is he.

2 Samuel 8:15

  15 H1732 And David H4427 [H8799] reigned H3478 over all Israel; H1732 and David H6213 [H8802] executed H4941 judgment H6666 and justice H5971 to all his people.

Psalms 60:7

  7 H1568 Gilead H4519 is mine, and Manasseh H669 is mine; Ephraim H4581 also is the strength H7218 of my head; H3063 Judah H2710 [H8781] is my lawgiver;

Psalms 78:68-71

  68 H977 [H8799] But chose H7626 the tribe H3063 of Judah, H2022 the mount H6726 Zion H157 [H8804] which he loved.
  69 H1129 [H8799] And he built H4720 his sanctuary H7311 [H8802] like high H776 palaces, like the earth H3245 [H8804] which he hath established H5769 to the age.
  70 H977 [H8799] He chose H1732 David H5650 also his servant, H3947 [H8799] and took H4356 H6629 him from the sheep folds:
  71 H310 From following H5763 [H8802] the ewes great with young H935 [H8689] he brought H7462 [H8800] him to feed H3290 Jacob H5971 his people, H3478 and Israel H5159 his inheritance.

Psalms 108:8

  8 H1568 Gilead H4519 is mine; Manasseh H669 is mine; Ephraim H4581 also is the strength H7218 of my head; H3063 Judah H2710 [H8781] is my lawgiver;

Jeremiah 23:5-6

  5 H3117 Behold, the days H935 [H8802] come, H5002 [H8803] saith H3068 the LORD, H6965 [H8689] that I will raise H1732 to David H6662 a righteous H6780 Branch, H4428 and a King H4427 [H8804] shall reign H7919 [H8689] and prosper, H6213 [H8804] and shall execute H4941 judgment H6666 and justice H776 upon the earth.
  6 H3117 In his days H3063 Judah H3467 [H8735] shall be liberated, H3478 and Israel H7931 [H8799] shall dwell H983 in safety: H8034 and this is his name H7121 [H8799] by which he shall be called, H3072 THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.

Micah 5:2

  2 H1035 But thou, Bethlehem H672 Ephratah, H6810 though thou art little H505 among the thousands H3063 of Judah, H3318 [H8799] yet out of thee shall he come forth H4910 [H8802] to me that is to be ruler H3478 in Israel; H4163 whose goings forth H6924 have been from of old, H3117 H5769 from everlasting.

Matthew 2:6

  6 G2532 And G4771 thou G965 Bethlehem, G1093 in the land G2448 of Judah, G1488 [G5748] art G3760 not G1646 the least G1722 among G2232 the princes G2448 of Judah: G1063 for G1537 out of G4675 thee G1831 [G5695] shall come G2233 [G5740] a Governor, G3748 that G4165 [G5692] shall rule G3450 my G2992 people G2474 Israel.

Romans 8:29

  29 G3754 For G3739 whom G4267 [G5656] he foreknows, G4309 0 he G2532 also G4309 [G5656] predestines G4832 to be conformed G1504 to the image G846 of his G5207 Son, G1519 that G846 he G1511 [G5750] might be G4416 the firstborn G1722 among G4183 many G80 brethren.

Hebrews 7:14

  14 G1063 For G4271 it is evident G3754 that G2257 our G2962 Lord G393 [G5758] sprang G1537 from G2455 Judah; G1519 of G3739 which G5443 tribe G3475 Moses G2980 [G5656] spoke G3762 nothing G4012 concerning G2420 priesthood.

Revelation 5:5

  5 G2532 And G1520 one G1537 of G4245 the elders G3004 [G5719] saith G3427 to me, G2799 [G5720] Weep G3361 not: G2400 [G5628] behold, G3023 the Lion G5607 G1537 [G5752] of G5443 the tribe G2455 of Judah, G4491 the Root G1138 of David, G3528 [G5656] hath prevailed G455 [G5658] to open G975 the book, G2532 and G3089 [G5658] to loose G846 its G2033 seven G4973 seals.

Genesis 46:9

  9 H1121 And the sons H7205 of Reuben; H2585 Hanoch, H6396 and Phallu, H2696 and Hezron, H3756 and Carmi.

Numbers 26:5-9

  5 H7205 Reuben, H1060 the eldest H3478 son of Israel: H1121 the sons H7205 of Reuben; H2585 Hanoch, H4940 of whom cometh the family H2599 of the Hanochites: H6396 of Pallu, H4940 the family H6384 of the Palluites:
  6 H2696 Of Hezron, H4940 the family H2697 of the Hezronites: H3756 of Carmi, H4940 the family H3757 of the Carmites.
  7 H4940 These are the families H7206 of the Reubenites: H6485 [H8803] and they that were numbered H705 of them were forty H7969 and three H505 thousand H7651 and seven H3967 hundred H7970 and thirty.
  8 H1121 And the sons H6396 of Pallu; H446 Eliab.
  9 H1121 And the sons H446 of Eliab; H5241 Nemuel, H1885 and Dathan, H48 and Abiram. H1885 This is that Dathan H48 and Abiram, H7148 H7121 [H8803] who were famous H5712 in the company, H5327 [H8689] who strove H4872 against Moses H175 and against Aaron H5712 in the company H7141 of Korah, H5327 [H8687] when they strove H3068 against the LORD:

2 Kings 15:29

  29 H3117 In the days H6492 of Pekah H4428 king H3478 of Israel H935 [H8804] came H8407 Tiglathpileser H4428 king H804 of Assyria, H3947 [H8799] and took H5859 Ijon, H62 and Abelbethmaachah, H3239 and Janoah, H6943 and Kedesh, H2674 and Hazor, H1568 and Gilead, H1551 and Galilee, H776 all the land H5321 of Naphtali, H1540 [H8686] and carried them captive H804 to Assyria.

2 Kings 16:7

  7 H271 So Ahaz H7971 [H8799] sent H4397 messengers H8407 to Tiglathpileser H4428 king H804 of Assyria, H559 [H8800] saying, H5650 I am thy servant H1121 and thy son: H5927 [H8798] come up, H3467 [H8685] and liberate H3709 me from the palm H4428 of the king H758 of Syria, H3709 and from the palm H4428 of the king H3478 of Israel, H6965 [H8801] who rise up against me.

1 Chronicles 5:26

  26 H430 And the God H3478 of Israel H5782 [H8686] stirred up H7307 the spirit H6322 of Pul H4428 king H804 of Assyria, H7307 and the spirit H8407 of Tilgathpilneser H4428 king H804 of Assyria, H1540 [H8686] and he carried them away, H7206 even the Reubenites, H1425 and the Gadites, H2677 and the half H7626 tribe H4519 of Manasseh, H935 [H8686] and brought H2477 them to Halah, H2249 and Habor, H2024 and Hara, H5104 and to the river H1470 Gozan, H3117 to this day.

2 Chronicles 28:20

  20 H8407 And Tilgathpilneser H4428 king H804 of Assyria H935 [H8799] came H6696 [H8799] to him, and distressed H2388 [H8804] him, but strengthened him not.

1 Chronicles 5:17

  17 H3187 [H8694] All these were reckoned by genealogies H3117 in the days H3147 of Jotham H4428 king H3063 of Judah, H3117 and in the days H3379 of Jeroboam H4428 king H3478 of Israel.

Numbers 32:34

  34 H1121 And the sons H1410 of Gad H1129 [H8799] built H1769 Dibon, H5852 and Ataroth, H6177 and Aroer,

Numbers 32:38

  38 H5015 And Nebo, H1186 and Baalmeon, H8034 (their names H4142 [H8716] being changed, H7643 ) and Shibmah: H7121 [H8799] and gave H8034 other names H5892 to the cities H1129 [H8804] which they built.

Deuteronomy 32:49

  49 H5927 [H8798] Go up H2022 to this mountain H5682 Abarim, H2022 to mount H5015 Nebo, H776 which is in the land H4124 of Moab, H6440 that is opposite H3405 Jericho; H7200 [H8798] and behold H776 the land H3667 of Canaan, H5414 [H8802] which I give H1121 to the sons H3478 of Israel H272 for a possession:

Deuteronomy 34:1

  1 H4872 And Moses H5927 [H8799] went up H6160 from the plains H4124 of Moab H2022 upon the mountain H5015 of Nebo, H7218 to the top H6449 of Pisgah, H6440 that is opposite H3405 Jericho. H3068 And the LORD H7200 [H8686] showed H776 him all the land H1568 of Gilead, H1835 to Dan,

Joshua 13:17

  17 H2809 Heshbon, H5892 and all its cities H4334 that are in the plain; H1769 Dibon, H1120 and Bamothbaal, H1010 and Bethbaalmeon,

1 Chronicles 5:4

  4 H1121 The sons H3100 of Joel; H8098 Shemaiah H1121 his son, H1463 Gog H1121 his son, H8096 Shimei H1121 his son,

Isaiah 15:2

  2 H5927 [H8804] He is gone up H1006 to Bajith, H1769 and to Dibon, H1116 the high places, H1065 to weep: H4124 Moab H3213 [H8686] shall wail H5015 over Nebo, H4311 and over Medeba: H7218 on all their heads H7144 shall be baldness, H2206 and every beard H1438 [H8803] shorn.

Isaiah 17:2

  2 H5892 The cities H6177 of Aroer H5800 [H8803] are forsaken: H5739 they shall be for flocks, H7257 [H8804] which shall lie down, H2729 [H8688] and none shall make them afraid.

Ezekiel 25:9

  9 H6605 [H8802] Therefore, behold, I will open H3802 the side H4124 of Moab H5892 from the cities, H5892 from his cities H7097 which are on his frontiers, H6643 the splendor H776 of the land, H1020 Bethjeshimoth, H1186 Baalmeon, H7156 and Kiriathaim,

Joshua 22:8-9

  8 H559 [H8799] And he spoke H559 [H8800] to them, saying, H7725 [H8798] Return H7227 with much H5233 riches H168 to your tents, H3966 and with very H7227 many H4735 cattle, H3701 with silver, H2091 and with gold, H5178 and with brass, H1270 and with iron, H3966 and with very H7235 [H8687] much H8008 raiment: H2505 [H8798] divide H7998 the spoil H341 [H8802] of your enemies H251 with your brethren.
  9 H1121 And the sons H7205 of Reuben H1121 and the sons H1410 of Gad H2677 and the half H7626 tribe H4519 of Manasseh H7725 [H8799] returned, H3212 [H8799] and departed H1121 from the sons H3478 of Israel H7887 out of Shiloh, H776 which is in the land H3667 of Canaan, H3212 [H8800] to go H776 to the land H1568 of Gilead, H776 to the land H272 of their possession, H270 [H8738] of which they had taken possession, H6310 according to the mouth H3068 of the LORD H3027 by the hand H4872 of Moses.

Genesis 21:9

  9 H8283 And Sarah H7200 [H8799] saw H1121 the son H1904 of Hagar H4713 the Egyptian, H3205 [H8804] which she had borne H85 to Abraham, H6711 [H8764] mocking.

Genesis 25:12

  12 H8435 Now these are the generations H3458 of Ishmael, H85 Abraham's H1121 son, H1904 whom Hagar H4713 the Egyptian, H8283 Sarah's H8198 handmaid, H3205 [H8804] bore H85 to Abraham:

1 Chronicles 5:18-21

  18 H1121 The sons H7205 of Reuben, H1425 and the Gadites, H2677 and half H7626 the tribe H4519 of Manasseh, H2428 of valiant men, H582 men H5375 [H8802] able to bear H4043 shield H2719 and sword, H1869 [H8802] and to shoot H7198 with bow, H3925 [H8803] and skilful H4421 in war, H702 were four H705 and forty H505 thousand H7651 seven H3967 hundred H8346 and sixty, H3318 [H8802] that went out H6635 to the war.
  19 H6213 [H8799] And they made H4421 war H1905 with the Hagarites, H3195 with Jetur, H5305 and Nephish, H5114 and Nodab.
  20 H5826 [H8735] And they were helped H1905 against them, and the Hagarites H5414 [H8735] were given H3027 into their hand, H2199 [H8804] and all that were with them: for they cried H430 to God H4421 in the battle, H6279 [H8736] and he was entreated H982 [H8804] by them; because they put their trust in him.
  21 H7617 [H8799] And they took away H4735 their cattle; H1581 of their camels H2572 fifty H505 thousand, H6629 and of sheep H3967 two hundred H2572 and fifty H505 thousand, H2543 and of donkeys H505 two thousand, H120 H5315 and of men H3967 an hundred H505 thousand.

Psalms 83:6

  6 H168 The tents H123 of Edom, H3459 and the Ishmaelites; H4124 of Moab, H1905 and the Hagarenes;

Numbers 32:34-36

  34 H1121 And the sons H1410 of Gad H1129 [H8799] built H1769 Dibon, H5852 and Ataroth, H6177 and Aroer,
  35 H5855 And Atroth, Shophan, H3270 and Jaazer, H3011 and Jogbehah,
  36 H1039 And Bethnimrah, H1028 and Bethharan, H4013 fortified H5892 cities: H1448 and folds H6629 for sheep.

Deuteronomy 3:10-17

  10 H5892 All the cities H4334 of the plain, H1568 and all Gilead, H1316 and all Bashan, H5548 to Salchah H154 and Edrei, H5892 cities H4467 of the kingdom H5747 of Og H1316 in Bashan.
  11 H5747 For only Og H4428 king H1316 of Bashan H7604 [H8738] remained H3499 of the remnant H7497 of giants; H6210 behold, his bedstead H6210 was a bedstead H1270 of iron; H3808 is it not H7237 in Rabbath H1121 of the sons H5983 of Ammon? H8672 nine H520 cubits H753 was the length H702 of it, and four H520 cubits H7341 the breadth H520 of it, after the cubit H376 of a man.
  12 H776 And this land, H3423 [H8804] which we possessed H6256 at that time, H6177 from Aroer, H5158 which is by the river H769 Arnon, H2677 and half H2022 mount H1568 Gilead, H5892 and its cities, H5414 [H8804] I gave H7206 to the Reubenites H1425 and to the Gadites.
  13 H3499 And the rest H1568 of Gilead, H1316 and all Bashan, H4467 being the kingdom H5747 of Og, H5414 [H8804] I gave H2677 to the half H7626 tribe H4519 of Manasseh; H2256 all the region H709 of Argob, H1316 with all Bashan, H1931 which H7121 [H8735] was called H776 the land H7497 of giants.
  14 H2971 Jair H1121 the son H4519 of Manasseh H3947 [H8804] took H2256 all the country H709 of Argob H1366 to the borders H1651 of Geshuri H4602 and Maachathi; H7121 [H8799] and called H8034 them after his own name, H1316 H2334 Bashanhavothjair, H3117 to this day.
  15 H5414 [H8804] And I gave H1568 Gilead H4353 to Machir.
  16 H7206 And to the Reubenites H1425 and to the Gadites H5414 [H8804] I gave H1568 from Gilead H5158 even to the river H769 Arnon H8432 half H5158 the valley, H1366 and the border H5158 even to the river H2999 Jabbok, H1366 which is the border H1121 of the sons H5983 of Ammon;
  17 H6160 The plain H3383 also, and Jordan, H1366 and the border H3672 of it, from Chinnereth H3220 even to the sea H6160 of the plain, H4417 even the salt H3220 sea, H798 H794 [H8676] under Ashdothpisgah H4217 eastward.

Joshua 13:11

  11 H1568 And Gilead, H1366 and the border H1651 of the Geshurites H4602 and Maachathites, H2022 and all mount H2768 Hermon, H1316 and all Bashan H5548 to Salcah;

Joshua 13:24-28

  24 H4872 And Moses H5414 [H8799] gave H4294 inheritance to the tribe H1410 of Gad, H1121 even to the sons H1410 of Gad H4940 according to their families.
  25 H1366 And their land H3270 was Jazer, H5892 and all the cities H1568 of Gilead, H2677 and half H776 the land H1121 of the sons H5983 of Ammon, H6177 to Aroer H6440 that is at the face of H7237 Rabbah;
  26 H2809 And from Heshbon H7434 to Ramathmizpeh, H993 and Betonim; H4266 and from Mahanaim H1366 to the border H1688 of Debir;
  27 H6010 And in the valley, H1027 Betharam, H1039 and Bethnimrah, H5523 and Succoth, H6829 and Zaphon, H3499 the rest H4468 of the kingdom H5511 of Sihon H4428 king H2809 of Heshbon, H3383 Jordan H1366 and its border, H7097 even to the edge H3220 of the sea H3672 of Chinnereth H5676 on the other side H3383 of Jordan H4217 eastward.
  28 H5159 This is the inheritance H1121 of the sons H1410 of Gad H4940 after their families, H5892 the cities, H2691 and their villages.

1 Chronicles 27:29

  29 H1241 And over the herds H7462 [H8802] that fed H8289 in Sharon H7861 was Shitrai H8290 the Sharonite: H1241 and over the herds H6010 that were in the valleys H8202 was Shaphat H1121 the son H5724 of Adlai:

Song of Songs 2:1

  1 H2261 I am the rose H8289 of Sharon, H7799 and the lily H6010 of the valleys.

Isaiah 35:2

  2 H6524 [H8799] It shall blossom H6524 [H8800] abundantly, H1523 [H8799] and rejoice H1525 even with joy H7444 [H8763] and singing: H3519 the glory H3844 of Lebanon H5414 [H8738] shall be given H1926 to it, the excellency H3760 of Carmel H8289 and Sharon, H7200 [H8799] they shall see H3519 the glory H3068 of the LORD, H1926 and the excellency H430 of our God.

2 Kings 14:16

  16 H3060 And Jehoash H7901 [H8799] slept H1 with his fathers, H6912 [H8735] and was buried H8111 in Samaria H4428 with the kings H3478 of Israel; H3379 and Jeroboam H1121 his son H4427 [H8799] reigned in his stead.

2 Kings 14:23

  23 H2568 H6240 H8141 In the fifteenth H8141 year H558 of Amaziah H1121 the son H3101 of Joash H4428 king H3063 of Judah H3379 Jeroboam H1121 the son H3101 of Joash H4428 king H3478 of Israel H4427 [H8804] began to reign H8111 in Samaria, H705 and reigned forty H259 and one H8141 years.

2 Kings 14:28

  28 H3499 Now the rest H1697 of the acts H3379 of Jeroboam, H6213 [H8804] and all that he did, H1369 and his might, H3898 [H8738] how he warred, H7725 [H8689] and how he recovered H1834 Damascus, H2574 and Hamath, H3063 which belonged to Judah, H3478 for Israel, H3789 [H8803] are they not written H5612 in the book H1697 H3117 of the chronicles H4428 of the kings H3478 of Israel?

2 Kings 15:5

  5 H3068 And the LORD H5060 [H8762] smote H4428 the king, H6879 [H8794] so that he was a leper H3117 to the day H4194 of his death, H3427 [H8799] and dwelt H2669 in a separate H1004 house. H3147 And Jotham H4428 the king's H1121 son H1004 was over the house, H8199 [H8802] judging H5971 the people H776 of the land.

2 Kings 15:32

  32 H8147 In the second H8141 year H6492 of Pekah H1121 the son H7425 of Remaliah H4428 king H3478 of Israel H3147 began Jotham H1121 the son H5818 of Uzziah H4428 king H3063 of Judah H4427 [H8804] to reign.

2 Chronicles 27:1

  1 H3147 Jotham H6242 was twenty H2568 and five H8141 years H1121 old H4427 [H8800] when he began to reign, H4427 [H8804] and he reigned H8337 H6240 sixteen H8141 years H3389 in Jerusalem. H517 His mother's H8034 name H3388 also was Jerushah, H1323 the daughter H6659 of Zadok.

Numbers 1:3

  3 H6242 From twenty H8141 years H1121 old H4605 and upward, H3318 [H8802] all that are able to go forth H6635 to war H3478 in Israel: H175 thou and Aaron H6485 [H8799] shall number H6635 them by their armies.

Joshua 4:12-13

  12 H1121 And the sons H7205 of Reuben, H1121 and the sons H1410 of Gad, H2677 and half H7626 the tribe H4519 of Manasseh, H5674 [H8799] passed over H2571 armed H6440 at the face of H1121 the sons H3478 of Israel, H4872 as Moses H1696 [H8765] directed them:
  13 H705 About forty H505 thousand H2502 [H8803] prepared H6635 for war H5674 [H8804] passed over H6440 at the face of H3068 the LORD H4421 to battle, H6160 to the plains H3405 of Jericho.

Genesis 25:15

  15 H2316 Hadar, H8485 and Tema, H3195 Jetur, H5305 Naphish, H6929 and Kedemah:

1 Chronicles 1:31

  31 H3195 Jetur, H5305 Naphish, H6929 and Kedemah. H1121 These are the sons H3458 of Ishmael.

1 Chronicles 5:10

  10 H3117 And in the days H7586 of Saul H6213 [H8804] they made H4421 war H1905 with the Hagarites, H5307 [H8799] who fell H3027 by their hand: H3427 [H8799] and they dwelt H168 in their tents H6440 throughout H4217 all the east H1568 land of Gilead.

Exodus 17:11

  11 H4872 And it came to pass, when Moses H7311 [H8686] held up H3027 his hand, H3478 that Israel H1396 [H8804] prevailed: H5117 [H8686] and when he let down H3027 his hand, H6002 Amalek H1396 [H8804] prevailed.

Joshua 10:14

  14 H3117 And there was no day H6440 like that at the face of H310 it or after H3068 it, that the LORD H8085 [H8800] hearkened H6963 to the voice H376 of a man: H3068 for the LORD H3898 [H8737] fought H3478 for Israel.

Joshua 10:42

  42 H4428 And all these kings H776 and their land H3091 did Joshua H3920 [H8804] take H259 at one H6471 time, H3068 because the LORD H430 God H3478 of Israel H3898 [H8737] fought H3478 for Israel.

1 Samuel 7:12

  12 H8050 Then Samuel H3947 [H8799] took H259 a H68 stone, H7760 [H8799] and set H4709 it between Mizpeh H8129 and Shen, H7121 [H8799] and called H8034 the name H72 of it Ebenezer, H559 [H8799] saying, H3068 Thus far hath the LORD H5826 [H8804] helped us.

1 Samuel 19:15

  15 H7586 And Saul H7971 [H8799] sent H4397 the messengers H7200 [H8800] again to see H1732 David, H559 [H8800] saying, H5927 [H8685] Bring him H4296 to me in the bed, H4191 [H8687] that I may slay him.

1 Kings 8:44-45

  44 H5971 If thy people H3318 [H8799] go out H4421 to battle H341 [H8802] against their enemy, H1870 wherever H7971 [H8799] thou shalt send H6419 [H8694] them, and shall pray H3068 to the LORD H1870 toward H5892 the city H977 [H8804] which thou hast chosen, H1004 and toward the house H1129 [H8804] that I have built H8034 for thy name:
  45 H8085 [H8804] Then hear H8064 thou in heaven H8605 their prayer H8467 and their supplication, H6213 [H8804] and maintain H4941 their cause.

1 Kings 22:32

  32 H8269 And it came to pass, when the captains H7393 of the chariots H7200 [H8800] saw H3092 Jehoshaphat, H559 [H8804] that they said, H4428 Surely this is the king H3478 of Israel. H5493 [H8799] And they turned aside H3898 [H8736] to fight H3092 against him: and Jehoshaphat H2199 [H8799] cried out.

1 Chronicles 5:22

  22 H5307 [H8804] For there fell H7227 down many H2491 slain, H4421 because the war H430 was of God. H3427 [H8799] And they dwelt H1473 in their steads until the captivity.

2 Chronicles 13:13-15

  13 H3379 But Jeroboam H3993 caused an ambush H935 [H8800] to come H5437 [H8689] about H310 behind H6440 them: so they were at the face of H3063 Judah, H3993 and the ambush H310 was behind them.
  14 H3063 And when Judah H6437 [H8799] looked back, H4421 behold, the battle H6440 was at the face of H268 and behind: H6817 [H8799] and they shrieked H3068 to the LORD, H3548 and the priests H2690 H2690 [H8688] sounded H2689 with the trumpets.
  15 H376 Then the men H3063 of Judah H7321 [H8686] gave a shout: H376 and as the men H3063 of Judah H7321 [H8687] shouted, H430 it came to pass, that God H5062 [H8804] smote H3379 Jeroboam H3478 and all Israel H6440 at the face of H29 Abijah H3063 and Judah.

2 Chronicles 14:10-13

  10 H609 Then Asa H3318 [H8799] went out H6440 against H4421 him, and they set the battle H6186 [H8799] in array H1516 in the valley H6859 of Zephathah H4762 at Mareshah.
  11 H609 And Asa H7121 [H8799] called H3068 to the LORD H430 his God, H559 [H8799] and said, H3068 LORD, H5826 [H8800] it is nothing with thee to help, H996 whether H7227 with many, H3581 or with them that have no power: H5826 [H8798] help H3068 us, O LORD H430 our God; H8172 [H8738] for we rest H8034 on thee, and in thy name H935 [H8804] we go H1995 against this multitude. H3068 O LORD, H430 thou art our God; H582 let not man H6113 [H8799] prevail against thee.
  12 H3068 So the LORD H5062 [H8799] smote H3569 the Cushites H6440 at the face of H609 Asa, H6440 and at the face of H3063 Judah; H3569 and the Cushites H5127 [H8799] fled.
  13 H609 And Asa H5971 and the people H7291 [H8799] that were with him pursued H1642 them to Gerar: H3569 and the Cushites H5307 [H8799] were overthrown, H4241 that they could not recover H7665 [H8738] themselves; for they were broken H6440 at the face of H3068 the LORD, H6440 and at the face of H4264 his host; H5375 [H8799] and they carried away H3966 very H7235 [H8687] much H7998 spoil.

2 Chronicles 18:31

  31 H8269 And it came to pass, when the captains H7393 of the chariots H7200 [H8800] saw H3092 Jehoshaphat, H559 [H8804] that they said, H4428 It is the king H3478 of Israel. H5437 [H8799] Therefore they surrounded H3898 [H8736] him to fight: H3092 but Jehoshaphat H2199 [H8799] cried out, H3068 and the LORD H5826 [H8804] helped H430 him; and God H5496 [H8686] moved them to depart from him.

2 Chronicles 20:12

  12 H430 O our God, H8199 [H8799] wilt thou not judge H3581 them? for we have no might H6440 against H7227 this great H1995 company H935 [H8802] that cometh H3045 [H8799] against us; neither know H587 we H6213 [H8799] what to do: H5869 but our eyes are upon thee.

2 Chronicles 32:20-21

  20 H3169 And for this cause Hezekiah H4428 the king, H5030 and the prophet H3470 Isaiah H1121 the son H531 of Amoz, H6419 [H8691] prayed H2199 [H8799] and cried H8064 to heaven.
  21 H3068 And the LORD H7971 [H8799] sent H4397 a messenger, H3582 [H8686] who secreted H1368 all the mighty men H2428 of valour, H5057 and the leaders H8269 and captains H4264 in the camp H4428 of the king H804 of Assyria. H7725 [H8799] So he returned H1322 with shame H6440 of face H776 to his own land. H935 [H8799] And when he had come H1004 into the house H430 of his god, H3329 they that came forth H4578 from his own bowels H5307 [H8689] slew H2719 him there with the sword.

Psalms 9:10

  10 H3045 [H8802] And they that know H8034 thy name H982 [H8799] will put their trust H3068 in thee: for thou, LORD, H5800 [H8804] hast not forsaken H1875 [H8802] them that seek thee.

Psalms 20:7-8

  7 H7393 Some trust in chariots, H5483 and some in horses: H2142 [H8686] but we will remember H8034 the name H3068 of the LORD H430 our God.
  8 H3766 [H8804] They are brought down H5307 [H8804] and fallen: H6965 [H8804] but we are raised, H5749 [H8696] and stand upright.

Psalms 22:4-5

  4 H1 Our fathers H982 [H8804] trusted H982 [H8804] in thee: they trusted, H6403 [H8762] and thou didst deliver them.
  5 H2199 [H8804] They cried H4422 [H8738] to thee, and were delivered: H982 [H8804] they trusted H954 [H8804] in thee, and were not pale.

Psalms 46:1

  1 H430 God H4268 is our refuge H5797 and strength, H3966 a very H4672 [H8738] present H5833 help H6869 in tightness.

Psalms 84:11-12

  11 H3068 For the LORD H430 God H8121 is a sun H4043 and shield: H3068 the LORD H5414 [H8799] will give H2580 grace H3519 and glory: H2896 no good H4513 [H8799] will he withhold H1980 [H8802] from them that walk H8549 uprightly.
  12 H3068 O LORD H6635 of hosts, H835 happy H120 is the man H982 [H8802] that trusteth in thee.

Psalms 146:5-6

  5 H835 Happy H410 is he that hath the God H3290 of Jacob H5828 for his help, H7664 whose hope H3068 is in the LORD H430 his God:
  6 H6213 [H8802] Who made H8064 heaven, H776 and earth, H3220 the sea, H8104 [H8802] and all that is in them: who keepeth H571 truth H5769 to the age:

Jeremiah 17:7-8

  7 H1288 [H8803] Blessed H1397 is the man H982 [H8799] that trusteth H3068 in the LORD, H4009 and whose hope H3068 the LORD is.
  8 H6086 For he shall be as a tree H8362 [H8803] planted H4325 by the waters, H7971 [H8762] and that spreadeth out H8328 her roots H3105 by the river, H7200 [H8799] and shall not see H2527 when heat H935 [H8799] cometh, H5929 but her leaf H7488 shall be green; H1672 [H8799] and shall not be anxious H8141 in the year H1226 of drought, H4185 [H8686] neither shall cease H6213 [H8800] from yielding H6529 fruit.

Nahum 1:7

  7 H3068 The LORD H2896 is good, H4581 a strong hold H3117 in the day H6869 of tightness; H3045 [H8802] and he knoweth H2620 [H8802] them that trust in him.

Ephesians 1:12

  12 G1519 That G2248 we G1511 [G5750] should be G1519 unto G1868 high praise G3588   G846 of his G1391 glory, G3588 who G4276 [G5761] first trusted G1722 in G3588 the G5547 Anointed.

Numbers 31:35

  35 H7970 And thirty H8147 and two H505 thousand H5315 H120 persons H3605 in all, H802 of women H3045 [H8804] that had not known H2145 man H4904 by lying with him.

Revelation 18:13

  13 G2532 And G2792 cinnamon, G2532 and G2368 incense, G2532 and G3464 ointments, G2532 and G3030 frankincense, G2532 and G3631 wine, G2532 and G1637 oil, G2532 and G4585 fine flour, G2532 and G4621 grain, G2532 and G2934 cattle, G2532 and G4263 sheep, G2532 and G2462 horses, G2532 and G4480 chariots, G2532 and G4983 bodies, G2532 and G5590 breaths G444 of men.

Joshua 23:10

  10 H259 One H376 man H7291 [H8799] of you shall chase H505 a thousand: H3068 for the LORD H430 your God, H3898 [H8737] he it is that fighteth H1696 [H8765] for you, as he hath promised you.

2 Kings 17:6

  6 H8671 In the ninth H8141 year H1954 of Hoshea H4428 the king H804 of Assyria H3920 [H8804] took H8111 Samaria, H1540 0 and carried H3478 Israel H1540 [H8686] away H804 into Assyria, H3427 [H8686] and placed H2477 them in Halah H2249 and in Habor H5104 by the river H1470 of Gozan, H5892 and in the cities H4074 of the Medes.

1 Chronicles 4:41

  41 H3789 [H8803] And these written H8034 by name H935 [H8799] came H3117 in the days H3169 of Hezekiah H4428 king H3063 of Judah, H5221 [H8686] and smote H168 their tents, H4583 and the habitations H4672 [H8738] that were found H2763 [H8686] there, and secluded H3117 them utterly to this day, H3427 [H8799] and dwelt H4829 in their stead: because there was pasture H6629 there for their flocks.

1 Chronicles 6:26

  26 H511 As for Elkanah: H1121 the sons H511 of Elkanah; H6689 Zophai H1121 his son, H5184 and Nahath H1121 his son,

2 Chronicles 32:8

  8 H2220 With him is an arm H1320 of flesh; H3068 but with us is the LORD H430 our God H5826 [H8800] to help H3898 [H8736] us, and to fight H4421 our battles. H5971 And the people H5564 [H8735] rested H1697 themselves upon the words H3169 of Hezekiah H4428 king H3063 of Judah.

Romans 8:31

  31 G5101 What G2046 0 shall we G3767 then G2046 [G5692] say G4314 to G5023 these things? G1487 If G2316 God G5228 is for G2257 us, G5101 who G2596 can be against G2257 us?

Deuteronomy 3:8-9

  8 H3947 0 And we took H6256 at that time H3947 [H8799] out H3027 of the hand H8147 of the two H4428 kings H567 of the Amorites H776 the land H5676 that was on this side H3383 of Jordan, H5158 from the river H769 of Arnon H2022 to mount H2768 Hermon;
  9 H2768 (Which Hermon H6722 the Sidonians H7121 [H8799] call H8303 Sirion; H567 and the Amorites H7121 [H8799] call H8149 it Shenir;)

Joshua 13:29-31

  29 H4872 And Moses H5414 [H8799] gave H2677 inheritance to the half H7626 tribe H4519 of Manasseh: H2677 and this was the possession of the half H4294 tribe H1121 of the sons H4519 of Manasseh H4940 by their families.
  30 H1366 And their land H4266 was from Mahanaim, H1316 all Bashan, H4468 all the kingdom H5747 of Og H4428 king H1316 of Bashan, H2333 and all the towns H2971 of Jair, H1316 which are in Bashan, H8346 sixty H5892 cities:
  31 H2677 And half H1568 Gilead, H6252 and Ashtaroth, H154 and Edrei, H5892 cities H4468 of the kingdom H5747 of Og H1316 in Bashan, H1121 went to the sons H4353 of Machir H1121 the son H4519 of Manasseh, H2677 even to the one half H1121 of the sons H4353 of Machir H4940 by their families.

Psalms 133:3

  3 H2919 As the dew H2768 of Hermon, H3381 [H8802] and as the dew that descended H2042 upon the mountains H6726 of Zion: H3068 for there the LORD H6680 [H8765] commanded H1293 the blessing, H2416 even life H5769 for evermore.

Song of Songs 4:8

  8 H935 [H8799] Come H3844 with me from Lebanon, H3618 my spouse, H3844 with me from Lebanon: H7789 [H8799] look H7218 from the top H549 of Amana, H7218 from the top H8149 of Shenir H2768 and Hermon, H738 from the lions' H4585 dens, H2042 from the mountains H5246 of the leopards.

1 Chronicles 4:38

  38 H935 [H8802] These mentioned H8034 by their names H5387 were princes H4940 in their families: H1004 and the house H1 of their fathers H6555 [H8804] increased H7230 abundantly.

Exodus 34:15

  15 H3772 [H8799] Lest thou make H1285 a covenant H3427 [H8802] with the inhabitants H776 of the land, H2181 [H8804] and they go astray H310 after H430 their gods, H2076 [H8804] and sacrifice H430 to their gods, H7121 [H8804] and one call H398 [H8804] thee, and thou eat H2077 of his sacrifice;

Deuteronomy 32:15-18

  15 H3484 But Jeshurun H8080 [H8799] grew fat, H1163 [H8799] and kicked: H8080 [H8804] thou hast become fat, H5666 [H8804] thou art grown thick, H3780 [H8804] thou art covered H5203 [H8799] with fatness; then he forsook H433 God H6213 [H8804] who made H5034 [H8762] him, and lightly esteemed H6697 the Rock H3444 of his salvation.
  16 H7065 [H8686] They provoked him to jealousy H2114 [H8801] with strange H8441 gods, with abominations H3707 [H8686] they vexed him.
  17 H2076 [H8799] They sacrificed H7700 to demons, H433 not to God; H430 to gods H3045 [H8804] which they knew H2319 not, to new H935 0 gods that came H7138 newly H935 [H8804] up, H1 whom your fathers H8175 [H8804] feared not.
  18 H6697 Of the Rock H3205 [H8804] that begat H7876 [H8799] thee thou art unmindful, H7911 [H8799] and hast forgotten H410 God H2342 [H8789] that formed thee.

Judges 2:12

  12 H5800 [H8799] And they forsook H3068 the LORD H430 God H1 of their fathers, H3318 [H8688] who brought them out H776 of the land H4714 of Egypt, H3212 H310 [H8799] and followed H312 other H430 gods, H430 of the gods H5971 of the people H5439 that were around H7812 [H8691] them, and bowed H3068 themselves to them, and provoked the LORD H3707 [H8686] to anger.

Judges 2:17

  17 H8085 [H8804] And yet they would not hearken H8199 [H8802] to their judges, H2181 H310 [H8804] but they played the harlot with H312 other H430 gods, H7812 [H8691] and bowed H5493 [H8804] themselves to them: they turned H4118 quickly H1870 out of the way H1 which their fathers H1980 [H8804] walked in, H8085 [H8800] obeying H4687 the commandments H3068 of the LORD; H6213 [H8804] but they did not so.

Judges 8:33

  33 H1439 And it came to pass, as soon as Gideon H4191 [H8804] was dead, H1121 that the sons H3478 of Israel H7725 [H8799] turned again, H2181 H310 [H8799] and went playing the harlot with H1168 Baalim, H7760 [H8799] and made H1170 Baalberith H430 their god.

2 Kings 17:7-18

  7 H1121 For so it was, that the sons H3478 of Israel H2398 [H8804] had sinned H3068 against the LORD H430 their God, H5927 [H8688] who had brought them H776 out of the land H4714 of Egypt, H3027 from under the hand H6547 of Pharaoh H4428 king H4714 of Egypt, H3372 [H8799] and had feared H312 other H430 gods,
  8 H3212 [H8799] And walked H2708 in the statutes H1471 of the nations, H3068 whom the LORD H3423 [H8689] cast out H6440 from the face of H1121 the sons H3478 of Israel, H4428 and of the kings H3478 of Israel, H6213 [H8804] which they had made.
  9 H1121 And the sons H3478 of Israel H2644 [H8762] did secretly H1697 things H3068 that were not right against the LORD H430 their God, H1129 [H8799] and they built H1116 for themselves high places H5892 in all their cities, H4026 from the tower H5341 [H8802] of the watchmen H4013 to the fortified H5892 city.
  10 H5324 [H8686] And they set up H4676 for themselves images H842 and groves H1364 on every high H1389 hill, H7488 and under every green H6086 tree:
  11 H6999 [H8762] And there they burnt incense H1116 on all the high places, H1471 as did the nations H3068 whom the LORD H1540 [H8689] carried away H6440 at the face of H6213 [H8799] them; and wrought H7451 wicked H1697 things H3068 to provoke the LORD H3707 [H8687] to anger:
  12 H5647 [H8799] For they served H1544 idols, H3068 of which the LORD H559 [H8804] had said H6213 [H8799] to them, Ye shall not do H1697 this thing.
  13 H3068 Yet the LORD H5749 [H8686] testified H3478 against Israel, H3063 and against Judah, H3027 by H5030 all the prophets, H2374 and by all the envisioners, H559 [H8800] saying, H7725 [H8798] Turn H7451 ye from your evil H1870 ways, H8104 [H8798] and keep H4687 my commandments H2708 and my statutes, H8451 according to all the law H6680 [H8765] which I commanded H1 your fathers, H7971 [H8804] and which I sent H3027 to you by H5650 my servants H5030 the prophets.
  14 H8085 [H8804] However they would not hear, H7185 [H8686] but hardened H6203 their necks, H6203 like the neck H1 of their fathers, H539 [H8689] that did not believe H3068 in the LORD H430 their God.
  15 H3988 [H8799] And they rejected H2706 his statutes, H1285 and his covenant H3772 [H8804] that he made H1 with their fathers, H5715 and his testimonies H5749 [H8689] which he testified H3212 H310 [H8799] against them; and they followed H1892 vanity, H1891 [H8799] and became vain, H310 and went after H1471 the nations H5439 that were around H3068 them, concerning whom the LORD H6680 [H8765] had charged H6213 [H8800] them, that they should not do like them.
  16 H5800 [H8799] And they left H4687 all the commandments H3068 of the LORD H430 their God, H6213 [H8799] and made H4541 for themselves molten images, H8147 even two H5695 calves, H6213 [H8799] and made H842 a grove, H7812 [H8691] and worshipped H6635 all the host H8064 of heaven, H5647 [H8799] and served H1168 Baal.
  17 H1121 And they caused their sons H1323 and their daughters H5674 [H8686] to pass H784 through the fire, H7080 [H8799] and used H7081 divination H5172 [H8762] and enchantments, H4376 [H8691] and sold H6213 [H8800] themselves to do H7451 evil H5869 in the eyes H3068 of the LORD, H3707 [H8687] to vex him.
  18 H3068 Therefore the LORD H3966 was very H599 [H8691] angry H3478 with Israel, H5493 [H8686] and removed H6440 them out of his sight: H7604 [H8738] there was none left H7626 but the tribe H3063 of Judah only.

2 Chronicles 25:14-15

  14 H310 Now it came to pass, after H558 that Amaziah H935 [H8800] had come H5221 [H8687] from the slaughter H130 of the Edomites, H935 [H8686] that he brought H430 the gods H1121 of the sons H8165 of Seir, H5975 [H8686] and set them up H430 to be his gods, H7812 [H8691] and bowed H6440 himself at the face of H6999 [H8762] them, and burned incense to them.
  15 H639 Therefore the anger H3068 of the LORD H2734 [H8799] was kindled H558 against Amaziah, H7971 [H8799] and he sent H5030 to him a prophet, H559 [H8799] who said H1875 [H8804] to him, Why hast thou sought H430 after the gods H5971 of the people, H5337 [H8689] which could not deliver H5971 their own people H3027 out of thine hand?

Psalms 106:34-39

  34 H8045 [H8689] They did not desolate H5971 the peoples, H3068 concerning whom the LORD H559 [H8804] commanded them:
  35 H6148 [H8691] But were mingled H1471 among the nations, H3925 [H8799] and learned H4639 their works.
  36 H5647 [H8799] And they served H6091 their idols: H4170 which were a snare to them.
  37 H2076 [H8799] Yea, they sacrificed H1121 their sons H1323 and their daughters H7700 to demons,
  38 H8210 [H8799] And shed H5355 innocent H1818 blood, H1818 even the blood H1121 of their sons H1323 and of their daughters, H2076 [H8765] whom they sacrificed H6091 to the idols H3667 of Canaan: H776 and the land H2610 [H8799] was polluted H1818 with blood.
  39 H2930 [H8799] Thus were they defiled H4639 with their own works, H2181 [H8799] and went astray H4611 with their own deeds.

Hosea 1:2

  2 H8462 The beginning H1696 [H8763] of the word H3068 of the LORD H1954 by Hosea. H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8799] said H1954 to Hosea, H3212 [H8798] Go, H3947 [H8798] take H802 to thee a wife H2183 of harlotry H3206 and children H2183 of harlotry: H776 for the land H2181 [H8800] hath committed great H2181 [H8799] harlotry, H310 departing from H3068 the LORD.

Hosea 9:1

  1 H8055 [H8799] Rejoice H3478 not, O Israel, H1524 for joy, H5971 as other people: H2181 [H8804] for thou hast played the harlot H430 from thy God, H157 [H8804] thou hast loved H868 a reward H1637 H1715 upon every threshingfloor.

Revelation 17:5

  5 G2532 And G1909 upon G846 her G3359 forehead G3686 was a name G1125 [G5772] written, G3466 MYSTERY, G897 BABYLON G3173 THE GREAT, G3384 THE MOTHER G4204 OF HARLOTS G2532 AND G946 ABOMINATIONS G1093 OF THE EARTH.

2 Samuel 24:1

  1 H3254 [H8686] And again H639 the anger H3068 of the LORD H2734 [H8800] was kindled H3478 against Israel, H5496 [H8686] and he moved H1732 David H559 [H8800] against them to say, H3212 [H8798] Go, H4487 [H8798] number H3478 Israel H3063 and Judah.

2 Kings 15:19

  19 H6322 And Pul H4428 the king H804 of Assyria H935 [H8804] came H776 against the land: H4505 and Menahem H5414 [H8799] gave H6322 Pul H505 a thousand H3603 talents H3701 of silver, H3027 that his hand H2388 [H8687] might be with him to confirm H4467 the kingdom H3027 in his hand.

2 Kings 18:11

  11 H4428 And the king H804 of Assyria H1540 [H8686] carried away H3478 Israel H804 to Assyria, H5148 [H8686] and put H2477 them in Halah H2249 and in Habor H5104 by the river H1470 of Gozan, H5892 and in the cities H4074 of the Medes:

2 Kings 19:12

  12 H430 Have the gods H1471 of the nations H5337 [H8689] delivered H1 them which my fathers H7843 [H8765] have decayed; H1470 as Gozan, H2771 and Haran, H7530 and Rezeph, H1121 and the sons H5729 of Eden H8515 who were in Thelasar?

1 Chronicles 5:6

  6 H880 Beerah H1121 his son, H8407 whom Tilgathpilneser H4428 king H804 of Assyria H1540 [H8689] carried away H5387 captive: he was prince H7206 of the Reubenites.

2 Chronicles 33:11

  11 H3068 Therefore the LORD H935 [H8686] brought H8269 upon them the captains of H6635 the army of H4428 the king H804 of Assyria, H3920 [H8799] who took H4519 Manasseh H2336 in chains, H631 [H8799] and bound him H5178 with fetters, H3212 [H8686] and carried H894 him to Babylon.

Ezra 1:5

  5 H6965 [H8799] Then arose H7218 the heads H1 of the fathers H3063 of Judah H1144 and Benjamin, H3548 and the priests, H3881 and the Levites, H7307 with all them whose spirit H430 God H5782 [H8689] had raised, H5927 [H8800] to go up H1129 [H8800] to build H1004 the house H3068 of the LORD H3389 which is in Jerusalem.

Isaiah 10:5-6

  5 H1945 O H804 Assyrian, H7626 the rod H639 of my anger, H4294 and the staff H3027 in their hand H2195 is my frothing at the mouth.
  6 H7971 [H8762] I will send H2611 him against an hypocritical H1471 nation, H5971 and against the people H5678 of my wrath H6680 [H8762] will I command him, H7997 [H8800] to take H7998 the spoil, H962 [H8800] and to take H957 the prey, H7760 H4823 [H8800] and to tread them down H2563 like the mire H2351 of the streets.

Isaiah 13:2-5

  2 H5375 [H8798] Lift ye up H5251 a banner H8192 [H8737] upon the high H2022 mountain, H7311 [H8685] exalt H6963 the voice H5130 [H8685] to them, shake H3027 the hand, H935 [H8799] that they may go H6607 into the gates H5081 of the nobles.
  3 H6680 [H8765] I have commanded H6942 [H8794] my sanctified ones, H7121 [H8804] I have also called H1368 my mighty ones H639 for my anger, H5947 even them that rejoice H1346 in my highness.
  4 H6963 The noise H1995 of a multitude H2022 in the mountains, H1823 as H7227 of a great H5971 people; H7588 a tumultuous H6963 noise H4467 of the kingdoms H1471 of nations H622 [H8737] gathered together: H3068 the LORD H6635 of hosts H6485 [H8764] mustereth H6635 the host H4421 of the battle.
  5 H935 [H8802] They come H4801 from a far H776 land, H7097 from the end H8064 of heaven, H3068 even the LORD, H3627 and the weapons H2195 of his frothing at the mouth, H2254 [H8763] to bind H776 the whole land.

Isaiah 37:12

  12 H430 Have the gods H1471 of the nations H5337 [H8689] delivered H1 them which my fathers H7843 [H8689] have decayed, H1470 as Gozan, H2771 and Haran, H7530 and Rezeph, H1121 and the sons H5729 of Eden H8515 who were in Telassar?

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