Lamentations 1:1 Cross References - Great

1 Alas, howe sytteth the cytie so desolate, that somtyme was full of people? Howe is she become lyke a wedowe, which was the lady of all nacyons? Howe is she brought vnder trybute, that ruled all landes.

1 Kings 4:21

21 And Salomon raygned ouer all kyngdoms, from the ryuer vnto the lande of the Philistines: euen vnto the border of Egypt, and they brought presentes, and serued Salomon all the dayes of hys lyfe.

2 Kings 23:33

33 And Pharao Necho put hym in bondes at Ribla in the lande of Hamath that he shulde not raygne in Ierusalem, and put the lande to a trybute of an hundred talentes of syluer and a talent of golde.

2 Kings 23:35

35 And Iehoakim gaue the syluer and the golde to Pharao: & taxed the lande, to geue the moneye accordinge to the request of Pharao: requyringe of euery man (accordynge to theyr abylite) syluer and golde: euen of the people of the lande, to geue vnto Pharao Necho.

2 Chronicles 9:26

26 And he raygned ouer all the kynges that were from Euphrates vnto the lande of the Philistines, and to the border of Egipt.

Ezra 4:20

20 There haue bene myghtie kinges also at Ierusalem, which haue raygned ouer all countrees beyonde the water: and tolle, trybute, & custome was geuen vnto them:

Nehemiah 5:4

4 But som there were that sayde: let vs borowe money for the kynges trybute & that vpon our landes and vyneardes.

Nehemiah 9:37

37 And greate is the increase of it vnto the kynges, whom thou hast set ouer vs, because of oure synnes, & they haue domynion ouer oure bodyes and catell (euen as they will them selues,) and we are in great trouble.

Psalms 122:4

4 For thyther the trybes go vp, euen the trybes of the Lorde: to testifye vnto Israel, to geue thanckes vnto the name of the Lorde.

Isaiah 3:26

26 At that tyme shal theyr gates mourne and complayne, and they shall sytt as desolate folck vpon the earth.

Isaiah 14:12

12 How art thou fallen from heauen (O Lucifer) thou faire mornynge childe? how hast thou gotten a fall euen to the grounde, and art become weaker then the people?

Isaiah 22:2

2 Thou that art full of occupieng, thou sedicious & proude citye: thy slayne men are nether put to death wyth swerde, ner deed in batell.

Isaiah 47:1-15

1 But as for the (O daughter, thou vyrgyn Babilon) sytt thou downe in the dust syt vpon the grounde, & not in a throne (O thou mayden of Caldea.) Thou shalt nomore be called tender & pleasaunt. 2 Bring forth the querne, & grinde meele, vntrusse thy broyded heare, put of thy shoes, make bare thy knees: & wade thorowe the water ryuers. 3 Thy shame shalbe discouered and thy pryuityes shalbe sene. For I wyll auenge me of the & wyll shewe no mercy to the as, I do to other men 4 sayeth oure redemer, which is called the Lorde of Hostes the holy one of Israel. 5 Syt styll, holde thy tunge, and get the into some darck corner (O daughter Chaldea) for thou shalt nomore be called lady of kyngdomes. 6 I was so wroth wt my people, that I punished myne enheritaunce, and gaue them into thy power. Neuertheles, thou shewedest them no mercy, but euen the very aged men of them, dydest thou oppresse ryght sore with thy yock, 7 and thou thoughtest thus: I shalbe lady for euer. And besyde all that, thou hast not regarded these thynges, nether remembred what was the ende of that cytie Ierusalem. 8 Heare now therfore, thou wyllfull, that syttest so careles, and speakest thus in thyne herte: I am alone, and without me is there none: I shall neuer be wydowe, ner desolate agayne. 9 And yet both these thynges shall come to the vpon one daye in the twynclinge of an eye: Namely, wyddowhead, and desolacyon. They shall myghtely fall vpon the, for the multitude of thy witches, and for the greate heape of thy coniurers. 10 For thou hast trusted in thy wickednes, and hast sayd. No man seyth me. Thyne awne wysdome and connyng hath deceaued the. In that thou hast sayde: I am alone and without me ther is none. 11 Therfore shall trouble come vpon the, and thou shall not knowe, from whence it shall aryse. Myschefe shall fall vpon the, which thou shalt not be able to put of. A sodayne vtter destruction, shall come vpon the or euer thou be aware. 12 Nowe go to thy coniurers, & to the multitude of thy wytches (with whom thou hast weried thy selfe from thy youth) yf they maye helpe the, or strengthen the. 13 Thou hast hytherto had many councels of them, so let the heauen gasers and the beholders of starres and mone prophetes come on nowe and delyuer the: yee, and lett them shewe, when these newe thinges shall come vpon the. 14 Beholde, they shalbe lyke strawe, whith yf it be kyndled with fyre, no man maye rydde it for the vehemencye of the flame. And yet it geueth no synders to warme a man by, ner cleare fyre to syt by. 15 Thus are they with whom thou hast weryed thy selfe, and thus are thy marchauntes that haue bene with the from thy youth. Euery one hath taken his awne waye and shall none of them defende the.

Isaiah 50:5

5 The Lord God hath opened myne eare, therfore can I nott saye, naye: ner withdrawe my selfe:

Isaiah 52:2

2 Shake the from the dust, aryse & stande vp, O Ierusalem. Plucke out thy neck from the bonde: O thou captiue daughter Sion.

Isaiah 52:7

7 O howe bewtifull are the fete of the Embassitoure, that bryngeth the message from the mountayne, & proclameth peace: that bryngeth the good tydynges, and preacheth health, and sayeth vnto Sion: Thy God is the kynge.

Isaiah 54:4

4 Feare not, for thou shalt not be confounded: Be not ashamed, for thou shalt not come to confusyon. Yee thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth, & shalt not remembre the dishonoure of thy wedowhead.

Jeremiah 9:11

11 I will make Ierusalem also an heape of stones, & a denne of venymous wormes. And I will make the cyties of Iuda so waste, that no man shall dwell therin.

Jeremiah 40:9

9 And Godaliah the sonne of Ahicam, the sonne of Saphan, swore vnto them and theyr felowes in this maner Be not afrayed to serue the Caldees, dwell in the lande, and do the kyng of Babylon seruice, so shall ye prospere.

Jeremiah 50:23

23 How happeneth it, that the hammer of the whole worlde is thus broken and brosed in sonder? Howe chaunceth it, that Babilon is become a wildernesse amonge the Heythen on thys maner?

Lamentations 2:1

1 Alas, howe hath the Lorde darckened the daughter of Syon so sore in hys wrath? As for the honour of Israel he hath cast it downe from heauen vnto the erth. Howe happeneth it, that he remembred not his awne fote stole when he was angre?

Lamentations 2:10

10 The senatours of the daughter Sion syt vpon the grounde in silence: they haue strawed asshes vpon theyr heades, and gyrded them selues with sack cloth. The maydens of Ierusalem hange downe theyr heades to the grounde.

Lamentations 4:1

1 O how is the golde become so dymme? Howe is the goodly coloure of it so sore chaunged? and the stones of the Sanctuary thus scatred in the corner of euery strete.

Lamentations 5:16

16 The garlande of oure heade is fallen: alas, that euer we synned so sore.

Ezekiel 26:16

16 All kynges of the see shall come downe from theyr seates regall: they shall laye awaye theyr roabes, and put of theyr costly clothynge. Yee, with tremblinge shall they be clothed, they shall syt vpon the ground: they shalbe afrayed at thy soden fall, and be abasshed at the.

Zephaniah 2:15

15 This is the proude and carelesse citye, that sayde in her herte. I am, and there is els none. O how is she made so waste, that the beastes lye therin? Who so goeth by, mocketh her, and poynteth at her with his fynger.

Zechariah 8:4-5

4 Thus sayth the Lorde of hoostes. There shall yet olde men & wemen dwel agayne in the stretes of Ierusalem: yee, & soch as go wt staues in their handes for very age. 5 The stretes of the cytye also shalbe full of yonge boyes and damselles, playinge vpon the strates.

Revelation 18:7

7 And as moche as she glorifyed her selfe and liued wantanly, so moch powre ye in for her of punysshement and sorowe, for she sayde in her selfe: I syt beynge a quene, & am no wyddowe, and shall se no sorowe.

Revelation 18:16-17

16 & saying: Alas, Alas, that gret cytie, that was clothed in raynes and purple, and scarlet, and decked with golde, and precious stones, & pearles: 17 for at one houre so great ryches is come to nought. And euery shyppe gouerner, and all they that occupied shyppes, and shypmen which worke in the see, stode a farre of,

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