Ephesians 6:4 Cross References - Geneva

4 And ye, fathers, prouoke not your children to wrath: but bring them vp in instruction and information of the Lord.

Genesis 18:19

19 For I knowe him that he will commande his sonnes and his houshold after him, that they keepe the way of the Lord, to doe righteousnesse and iudgement, that the Lord may bring vpon Abraham that he hath spoken vnto him.

Genesis 31:14-15

14 Then answered Rahel and Leah, and sayde vnto him, Haue wee any more porcion and inheritance in our fathers house? 15 Doeth not he count vs as strangers? for he hath solde vs, and hath eaten vp and consumed our money.

Exodus 12:26-27

26 And when your children aske you, What seruice is this ye keepe? 27 Then ye shall saye, It is the sacrifice of the Lordes Passeouer, which passed ouer the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt, when he smote the Egyptians, and preserued our houses. Then the people bowed them selues, and worshipped.

Exodus 13:14-15

14 And when thy sonne shall aske thee to morowe, saying, What is this? thou shalt then say vnto him, With a mightie hande the Lord brought vs out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. 15 For when Pharaoh was harde hearted against our departing, the Lord then slewe all the first borne in the lande of Egypt: from the first borne of man euen to the first borne of beast: therefore I sacrifice vnto the Lord all the males that first open the wombe, but all the first borne of my sonnes I redeeme.

Deuteronomy 4:9

9 But take heede to thy selfe, and keepe thy soule diligently, that thou forget not the thinges which thine eyes haue seene, and that they depart not out of thine heart, all the dayes of thy life: but teach them thy sonnes, and thy sonnes sonnes:

Deuteronomy 6:7

7 And thou shalt rehearse them continually vnto thy children, and shalt talke of them when thou tariest in thine house, and as thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest downe, and when thou risest vp:

Deuteronomy 6:20-24

20 When thy sonne shall aske thee in time to come, saying, What meane these testimonies, and ordinances, and Lawes, which the Lord our God hath commanded you? 21 Then shalt thou say vnto thy sonne, We were Pharaohs bondmen in Egypt: but the Lord brought vs out of Egypt with a mightie hand. 22 And the Lord shewed signes and wonders great and euill vpon Egypt, vpon Pharaoh, and vpon all his housholde, before our eyes, 23 And brought vs out from thence, to bring vs in, and to giue vs the land which he sware vnto our fathers. 24 Therefore the Lord hath commanded vs, to doe all these ordinances, and to feare the Lord our God, that it may goe euer well with vs, and that he may preserue vs aliue as at this present.

Deuteronomy 11:19-21

19 And ye shall teach them your children, speaking of them, whe thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest downe, and when thou risest vp. 20 And thou shalt write them vpon the postes of thine house, and vpon thy gates, 21 That your daies may be multiplied, and the daies of your children, in ye land which the Lord sware vnto your fathers to giue them, as long as the heauens are aboue the earth.

Joshua 4:6-7

6 That this may bee a signe among you, that whe your children shall aske their fathers in time to come, saying, What meane you by these stones? 7 Then ye may answere them, That the waters of Iorden were cut off before the Arke of the couenant of the Lord: for when it passed through Iorden, the waters of Iorden were cut off: therefore these stones are a memoriall vnto the children of Israel for euer.

Joshua 4:21-24

21 And he spake vnto ye childre of Israel, saying, When your children shall aske their fathers in time to come, and say, What meane these stones? 22 Then ye shall shew your children, and say, Israel came ouer this Iorden on dry land: 23 For the Lord your God dryed vp ye waters of Iorden before you, vntill ye were gone ouer, as the Lord your God did the red Sea, which hee dryed vp before vs, till we were gone ouer, 24 That all the people of the worlde may know that the hand of the Lord is mightie, that ye might feare the Lord your God continually.

Joshua 24:15

15 And if it seeme euill vnto you to serue the Lord, choose you this day whome yee will serue, whether the gods which your fathers serued (that were beyond the flood) or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwel: but I and mine house will serue the Lord.

1 Samuel 20:30-34

30 Then was Saul angrie with Ionathan, and sayde vnto him, Thou sonne of the wicked rebellious woman, doe not I know, that thou hast chosen the sonne of Ishai to thy confusion, and to the confusion and shame of thy mother? 31 For as long as the sonne of Ishai liueth vpon the earth, thou shalt not be stablished, nor thy kingdome: wherefore now send and fet him vnto me, for he shall surely die. 32 And Ionathan answered vnto Saul his father, and said vnto him, Wherefore shall he die? what hath he done? 33 And Saul cast a speare at him to hit him, whereby Ionathan knew, that it was determined of his father to slay Dauid. 34 So Ionathan arose from the table in a great anger, and did eate no meate the seconde day of the moneth: for he was sorie for Dauid, and because his father had reuiled him.

1 Chronicles 22:10-13

10 Hee shall builde an house for my Name, and he shalbe my sonne, and I will be his father, and I will establish the throne of his kingdome vpon Israel for euer. 11 Nowe therefore my sonne, the Lord shalbe with thee, and thou shalt prosper, and thou shalt builde an house to the Lord thy God, as he hath spoken of thee. 12 Onely the Lord giue thee wisedome and vnderstanding, and giue thee charge ouer Israel, euen to keepe the Lawe of the Lord thy God. 13 Then thou shalt prosper, if thou take heede to obserue the statutes and the iudgements which the Lord commanded Moses for Israel: be strong and of good courage: feare not, neither bee afraide.

1 Chronicles 28:9-10

9 And thou, Salomon my sonne, know thou the God of thy father, and serue him with a perfit heart, and with a willing minde: For the Lord searcheth all hearts, and vnderstandeth all the imaginations of thoughts: if thou seeke him, he will be found of thee, but if thou forsake him, he will cast thee off for euer. 10 Take heede now, for the Lord hath chosen thee to buylde the house of the Sanctuarie: be strong therefore, and doe it.

1 Chronicles 28:20

20 And Dauid said to Salomon his sonne, Be strong, and of a valiant courage and doe it: feare not, nor be afraide: for the Lord God, euen my God is with thee: he will not leaue thee nor forsake thee till thou hast finished all the worke for the seruice of the house of the Lord.

1 Chronicles 29:19

19 And giue vnto Salomon my sonne a perfit heart to keepe thy commandements, thy testimonies, and thy statutes, and to doe all things, and to builde the house which I haue prepared.

Psalms 71:17-18

17 O God, thou hast taught me from my youth euen vntill nowe: therefore will I tell of thy wonderous workes, 18 Yea, euen vnto mine olde age and graie head, O God: forsake me not, vntill I haue declared thine arme vnto this generation, and thy power to all them, that shall come.

Psalms 78:4-7

4 Wee will not hide them from their children but to the generation to come we wil shewe the praises of the Lord his power also, and his wonderful woorkes that he hath done: 5 How he established a testimonie in Iaakob, and ordeined a Law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers, that they shoulde teache their children: 6 That the posteritie might knowe it, and the children, which should be borne, should stand vp, and declare it to their children: 7 That they might set their hope on God, and not forget the workes of God but keepe his commandements:

Proverbs 4:1-4

1 Heare, O ye children, the instruction of a father, and giue eare to learne vnderstanding. 2 For I doe giue you a good doctrine: therefore forsake yee not my lawe. 3 For I was my fathers sonne, tender and deare in the sight of my mother, 4 When he taught me, and sayde vnto me, Let thine heart holde fast my woordes: keepe my commandements, and thou shalt liue.

Proverbs 19:18

18 Chasten thy sonne while there is hope, and let not thy soule spare for his murmuring.

Proverbs 22:6

6 Teache a childe in the trade of his way, and when he is olde, he shall not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:15

15 Foolishnesse is bounde in the heart of a childe: but the rodde of correction shall driue it away from him.

Proverbs 23:13-14

13 Withhold not correction from the childe: if thou smite him with the rodde, he shall not die. 14 Thou shalt smite him with the rodde, and shalt deliuer his soule from hell.

Proverbs 29:15

15 The rodde and correction giue wisdome: but a childe set a libertie, maketh his mother ashamed.

Proverbs 29:17

17 Correct thy sonne and he will giue thee rest, and will giue pleasures to thy soule.

Isaiah 38:19

19 But the liuing, the liuing, he shall confesse thee, as I doe this day: the father to the children shall declare thy trueth.

Colossians 3:21

21 Fathers, prouoke not your children to anger, least they be discouraged.

2 Timothy 1:5

5 When I call to remembrance the vnfained faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and in thy mother Eunice, and am assured that it dwelleth in thee also.

2 Timothy 3:15

15 And that thou hast knowen the holy Scriptures of a childe, which are able to make thee wise vnto saluation, through the faith which is in Christ Iesus.

Hebrews 12:7-10

7 If ye endure chastening, God offereth him selfe vnto you as vnto sonnes: for what sonne is it whom the father chasteneth not? 8 If therefore ye be without correction, whereof al are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sonnes. 9 Moreouer we haue had the fathers of our bodies which corrected vs, and we gaue them reuerence: should we not much rather be in subiection vnto the father of spirites, that we might liue? 10 For they verely for a few dayes chastened vs after their owne pleasure: but he chasteneth vs for our profite, that we might be partakers of his holinesse.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.