Philippians 1:1 Cross References - Coverdale

1 Paul and Timotheus the seruauntes of Iesu Christ. Vnto all the sayntes in Iesu Christ, which are at Philippos, with the Bisshoppes and mynisters.

Mark 13:34

34 Like as a man that wente in to a straunge countre, and left his house, and gaue his seruauntes auctorite, vnto euery one his worke, and commaunded ye porter, that he shulde watch.

John 12:26

26 He that wyl serue me, let him folowe me. And where I am, there shal my seruaunt be also: and he that serueth me, him shal my father honoure.

Acts 1:20

20 For it is wrytten in the boke of psalmes: His habitacion be voyde, and noman be dwellinge therin. And: His bisshoprike another take.

Acts 6:1-7

1 In those dayes whan the nombre of the disciples increased, there arose a grudge amoge the Grekes agaynst the Hebrues, because their wyddowes were not loked vpon in the daylie handreachinge. 2 Then the twolue called the multitude of the disciples together, and sayde: It is not mete that we shulde leaue the worde of God, and to serue at the tables. 3 Wherfore brethren, loke out amonge you seue men, that are of honeste reporte, and full of the holy goost and wyssdome, whom we maye appoynte to this nedefull busynes. 4 But we wil geue oure selues vnto prayer, and to the mynistracion of the worde of God. 5 And the sayenge pleased the whole multitude. And they chose Steuen, a man full of fayth and of the holy goost, and Philippe, and Procorus, and Nicanor, and Thimon, and Parmenas, and Nicolas the Proselite of Antioche. 6 These they set before ye Apostles, and they prayed, and layed their handes vpon them. 7 And the worde of God increased, and the nombre of the disciples multiplied greatly at Ierusalem. And there were many prestes also obedient vnto the fayth.

Acts 9:13

13 Ananias answered: LORDE, I haue herde by many of this mau, how moch euell he hath done to thy sayntes at Ierusale.

Acts 16:1-3

1 He came vnto Derba and to Lystra, and beholde, a certayne disciple was there named Timotheus, the sonne of a Iewish woman, which beleued, but his father was a Greke: 2 ye same had a good reporte amonge the brethre of Lystra and at Iconium. 3 Paul wolde that the same shulde go forth with him, and toke and circumcysed him because of the Iewes that were in those quarters. For they knewe all, that his father was a Greke.

Acts 16:12-15

12 and from thence to Philippis, which is the chefe cite of the londe of Macedonia, and a fre cite. In this cite abode we certayne dayes. 13 On the daye of the Sabbathes wete we out of the cite besyde the water, where men were wonte to praye, and we sat downe, and spake vnto the wemen that resorted thither. 14 And a deuoute woman (named Lydia) a seller of purple, out of the cite of Thiatira, herkened to, whose hert the LORDE opened that she gaue hede vnto the thinges that Paul spake. 15 Whan she was baptysed and hir housholde, she besoughte vs, and sayde: Yf ye thynke that I beleue on the LORDE, then come in to my house, and a byde there. And she constrayned vs.

Acts 20:28

28 Take hede therfore vnto youre selues, and to all the flocke, amonge the which the holy goost hath set you to be Bishoppes, to fede the congregacion of God, which he hath purchaced thorow his owne bloude.

Romans 1:1

1 Pavl the seruaunte of Iesus Christ, called to be an Apostle, put aparte to preach the Gospell of God

Romans 1:7

7 To all you that be at Rome, beloued of God, and sayntes by callynge Grace be wt you and peace fro God oure father, and the LORDE Iesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 1:1-2

1 Paul, called to be an Apostle of Iesus Christ thorow ye will of God, and brother Sosthenes, 2 vnto the congregacion off God which is at Corinthum, to them that are sanctified in Christ Iesus, sayntes by callinge, with all them that call vpon the name of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, in euery place both off theirs and oures.

1 Corinthians 16:10

10 Yf Timotheus come, se that he be without feare with you, for he worketh ye worke of the, LORDE as I do.

2 Corinthians 1:1

1 Paul an Apostle of Iesu Christ, by the will of God, and brother Timotheus. Vnto the congregacion of God which is at Corinthu, with all the sayntes which are i all Achaia.

Ephesians 1:1

1 Paul an Apostle of Iesus Christ by the will of God. To ye sayntes which are Ephesus, & to the that beleue on Iesus Christ.

Ephesians 1:15

15 Wherfore I also, (in so moch as I haue herde of the faith which ye haue in ye LORDE Iesu, and of youre loue vnto all ye sayntes)

Colossians 1:1-2

1 Paul an Apostle of Iesu Christ by the will of God, and brother Timotheus. 2 To ye sayntes which are at Colossa and brethren that beleue in Christ. Grace be with you and peace from God oure father & fro the LORDE Iesus Christ.

1 Thessalonians 1:1

1 Pavl and Siluanus and Timotheus. Vnto the cogregacion of the Tessalonyans, in God the father and in the LORDE Iesus Christ. Grace be with you, and peace from God oure father and from the LORDE Iesus Christ.

1 Thessalonians 2:2

2 but as we had suffred afore, & were shamefully intreated at Philippos (as ye knowe) we were bolde in oure God, to speake vnto you ye Gospel of God with moch stryuynge.

2 Thessalonians 1:1

1 Pavl and Siluanus and Timotheus. To the congregacion of ye Tessalonias in God oure father and in the LORDE Iesus Christ.

2 Thessalonians 1:10

10 whan he shal come to be glorified in his sayntes, and to become maruelous in all them that beleue: because ye haue beleued oure testimony vnto you of the same daye.

1 Timothy 1:2

2 Vnto Timothy my naturall sonne in the faith. Grace, mercy, and peace from God oure father, and oure LORDE Iesus Christ.

1 Timothy 3:1-2

1 This is a true sayege: Yf a ma covet ye office of a Bisshoppe, he desyreth a good worke. 2 But a Bisshoppe must be blamelesse, the hussbade of one wife, sober, discrete, manerly, harberous, apte to teach:

1 Timothy 3:8

8 Likewyse must the mynisters be honest, not double tonged, not geuen to moch wyne, nether vnto fylthie lucre,

1 Timothy 3:10-13

10 And let them first be proued, and then let them mynister, yf they be blamelesse. 11 Euen so must their wyues be honest, not euell speakers, but sober and faithfull in all thinges. 12 Let the mynisters be, euery one the hussbade of one wyfe, and soch as rule their children well, and their owne housholdes. 13 For they that mynister well, get them selues a good degree and greate libertye in the faith which is in Christ Iesu.

Titus 1:1

1 Pavl the seruaunt of God, and an Apostle off Iesus Christ, to preach the faith off Gods electe, and the knowlege of ye trueth, which ledeth vnto godlynes,

Titus 1:7

7 For a Bisshoppe must be blamelesse, as the stewarde of God: not wylfull, not angrye, not geuen vnto moch wyne, no fyghter, not gredye of filthye lucre:

Hebrews 13:23

23 Knowe or brother Timotheus, whom we haue sent from vs, with whom (yf he come shortly) I wil se you.

James 1:1

1 Iames the seruaunt of God and of the LORDE Iesus Christ, sendeth gretinge to the xij. trybes which are scatered here & there.

1 Peter 2:25

25 For ye were as shepe goinge astraye, but now are ye turned vnto the shepherde and Bisshoppe of youre soules.

2 Peter 1:1

1 Symon Peter a seruaut and an Apostle of Iesus Christ.Vnto the which haue optayned like faith with vs in the righteousnes that commeth of oure God, and Sauioure Iesus Christ.

Jude 1:1

1 Ivdas the seruaunt of Iesus Christ, the brother off Iames. To the which are called, and sanctified in God the father, and preserued in Iesu Christ.

Revelation 1:1

1 The reuelacion of Iesus Christ, which God gaue vnto him, for to shewe vnto his seruautes thiges which muste shortly come to passe. And he sent and shewed by his angel vnto his seruaunt Ihon

Revelation 1:20-2:1

20 & the mistery of the seuen starres which thou sawest in my right honde, and the seuen golden candelstickes. The seuen starres are the angels of the seue congregacions: And the seuen candelstyckes which thou sawest, are the seuen congregacions.

Revelation 2:8

8 And vnto the angell of the congregacion of Smyrna wryte: These thinges saith he that is fyrst, and the last, which was deed, and is aliue:

Revelation 2:12

12 And to the angell of the congregacion in Pergamos wryte: This sayth he which hath the sharpe swearde with two edges:

Revelation 19:10

10 And I fell at his fete, to worshippe him. And he sayde vnto me: Se thou do it not. For I am thy felowe seruaunt, and one of thy brethren, and of them that haue the testimony of Iesus. Worshippe God. For the testimony of Iesus is ye sprete of prophesy.

Revelation 22:9

9 And he saide vnto me: se thou do it not, for I am thy felowe seruaunt and the felowe seruaut of thy brethren the prophetes, and of them, which kepe the sayenges of this boke. Worshippe God.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.