Numbers 5:9 Cross References - Coverdale

9 Likewyse all the Heueofferynges of all that the children of Israel halowe vnto the LORDE, and offre vnto the prest, shall be his.

Exodus 29:28

28 And it shalbe a perpetuall custome for Aaro and his sonnes of ye children of Israel: for it is an Heue offrynge, and the Heue offrynge shalbe the LORDES dewtye of the children of Israel, in their deade offrynges and Heueoffrynges which they do vnto the LORDE.

Leviticus 6:17-18

17 With leue shal they not bake their porcion, which I haue geuen them of my offerynges. It shalbe vnto them most holy, as the synofferynge and trespace offerynge. 18 All the males amonge the children of Aaron shall eate of it. Let this be a perpetuall lawe for youre posterities in the sacrifices of the LORDE. No man shall touch it, excepte he be consecrated.

Leviticus 6:26

26 The prest that offereth the synofferynge, shal eate it in the holy place, in the courte of ye Tabernacle of wytnesse.

Leviticus 7:6-14

6 All the males amonge the prestes shal eate it in the holy place, for it is most holy: 7 euen as the synofferynge, so shall the trespace offerynge be also, they shall both haue one lawe: and it shal be the prestes, that reconcyleth ther wt. 8 Loke which prest offereth eny mans burntofforynge, the skynne of the same burntoffrynge that he hath offered, shalbe his. 9 And euery meatofferynge that is baken in the ouen, rosted vpon the gredyron, or fryed in the panne, shal be the prestes yt offereth it. 10 And euery meatofferynge yt is myngled with oyle, or drye, shal belonge vnto all Aaron sonnes, vnto one as well as another. 11 And this is ye lawe of the healthofferinge, that is offered vnto the LORDE, 12 Yf they wyll offre a sacrifice of thankesgeuynge, then shal they offre vnleueded cakes megled with oyle, and swete wafers straked ouer with oyle, and fryed cakes of fyne floure mengled with oyle. 13 This offerynge also shall they brynge vpon a cake of leuended bred, to the thankofferynge of his healthofferynge: 14 and of them all he shall offre one for an Heueofferynge vnto the LORDE. And it shalbe the prestes, that sprenkleth the bloude of the healthofferynge.

Leviticus 10:13

13 euen in the holy place shal ye eate it. For it is thy dutye and thy sonnes dutye in the sacrifices of the LORDE: for thus am I commaunded.

Leviticus 22:2-3

2 Speake vnto Aaron, & his sonnes, yt they absteyne from ye halowed thinges of the childre of Israel, which they haue halowed vnto me, & yt they vnhalowe not my holy name: for I am ye LORDE. 3 Saie now vnto them & their posterities: Who so euer he be of yor sede, yt commeth nye vnto the holy thinges, which the childre of Israel halowe vnto the LORDE, & so defyleth him self vpon the same, his soule shal perishe before my face: for I am the LORDE.

Numbers 18:8-9

8 And the LORDE sayde vnto Aaron: beholde, I haue geuen the my Heueofferynges: And all that the children of Israel halowe, haue I geuen vnto the, and to thy sonnes for a perpetuall dewtye. 9 This shalt thou haue of the most holy thinges that they offer. All their giftes with all their meatofferinges, and with all their synofferynges, and wt all their trespace offerynges, that they geue me, the same shal be most holy vnto the and yi sonnes.

Numbers 18:19

19 All the Heueofferinges that ye childre of Israel halowe vnto ye LORDE, haue I geuen vnto the, & to thy sonnes, & to thy doughters with the for a perpetuall dewtie. This shalbe a salted couenaut for euer before ye LORDE, vnto the and thy sede with the.

Deuteronomy 18:3-4

3 This shalbe ye prestes dutye of the people, & of the that offre, whether it be oxe or shepe, so that they geue vnto the prest the shulder and both the chekes, and the brest. 4 And the first frutes of thy corne, of thy wyne and of thy oyle, and the first of thy shepe sheringe.

Ezekiel 44:29-30

29 The meatoffringe, synoffringe & trespace offringe shal they eate, and euery dedicate thinge in Israel, shalbe theirs. 30 The firstlinges of all the first frutes, and all fre will offringes shal be the prestes. Ye shall geue vnto the prest also the firstlinges of youre dowe, that God maye prospere the resydue.

Malachi 3:8-10

8 Shulde a man vse falsede and disceate with God, as ye vse falsede and disceate with me? Yet ye saye: wherin vse we disceate with the? In Tythes and heaue offerynges. 9 Therfore are ye cursed with penury, because ye dyssemble with me, all the sorte of you. 10 Brynge euery Tythe in to my barne, yt there maye be meat in myne house: and proue me withall (sayeth the LORDE of hoostes) yf I wil not open the wyndowes of heauen vnto you, and poure you out a blessinge with plenteousnesse.

1 Corinthians 9:7-13

7 Who goeth a warfare at eny tyme vpon his awne wages? Who planteth a vynyarde, and eateth not of the frute therof? Who fedeth a flocke, and eateth not of the mylke of the flocke? 8 Saye I these thinges after the maner of men? Sayeth not the lawe the same also? 9 For it is wrytten in the lawe off Moses: Thou shalt not mosell the mouth of the oxe that treadeth out the corne. Doth God take thought for the oxen? 10 Or sayeth he it not alltogether for oure sakes? For no doute it is wrytte for oure sakes. For he that eareth, shulde eare vpon hope: and he yt throssheth, shulde trosshe vpon hope, yt he mighte be partaker of his hope. 11 Yf we haue sowne vnto you spiritual thinges, is it a greate thige yf we reape yor bodely thiges? 12 But yf other be partakers of this power on you, wherfore are not we rather? Neuertheles we haue not vsed this power, but suffre all thinges, lest we shulde hynder the Gospell off Christ. 13 Knowe ye not that they which laboure in the temple, haue their lyuynge of ye temple: and they that wayte at the altare, enioye the altare?

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.