Numbers 6 Cross References - Coverdale

1 And the LORDE talked with Moses, and sayde: 2 Speake vnto the children of Israel, and saye vnto them: Whan a man or woman separateth them selues, to vowe a vowe of abstinence vnto the LORDE, 3 he shal absteyne from wyne and stroge drynke. Vyneger of wyne & of stronge drynke shal he not drynke, ner that is pressed out of grapes: he shall nether eate fresh ner drye grapes, so longe as his abstinence endureth. 4 Morouer he shall eate nothinge that is made of the vyne tre, from the wyne cornels vnto the hulle. 5 As longe as the vowe of his abstynence endureth, there shall no rasoure come vpon his heade, tyll the tyme be out which he absteyneth vnto the LORDE, for he is holy. And he shall let the heer of his heade growe, and stonde bare openly. 6 All the tyme ouer yt he absteyneth vnto the LORDE, shal he go to no deed. 7 Nether shal he defyle him self at ye death of his father, of his mother, of his brother, or of his sister. For the abstinence of his God is vpon his heade, 8 and ye whole tyme of his abstinence shall he be holy vnto the LORDE. 9 And yf it chaunce eny man to dye sodenly before him, then shal ye heade of his abstynence be defyled. Therfore shal he shaue his heade in the daye of his clensynge, that is vpon the seuenth daye: 10 and vpon ye eight daye shall he brynge two turtill doues, or two yonge pigeons, vnto the prest before ye dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse. 11 And the prest shall make the one a synofferynge, and the other a burntofferynge, and make an attonement for him, because he defyled himself vpon ye deed, and so shal he halowe his heade the same daye, 12 that he maye holde out the tyme of his abstinence vnto the LORDE, and he shall brynge a lambe of a a yeare olde for a trespaceofferynge. But ye daies afore shal be but lost, because his abstinence was defyled. 13 This is the lawe of the absteyner. Whan the tyme of his abstinence is out, he shal be brought before the dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse. 14 And he shal brynge his offeringe vnto the LORDE, euen an he lambe of a yeare olde without blemysh for a burntofferinge, & a she lambe of a yeare olde without blemysh for a synofferynge, and a ramme wt out blemish for an healthofferynge, 15 & a maude wt vnleuended cakes of fyne floure myngled with oyle, and swete wafers anoynted with oyle, & their meatofferinges & drynkofferynges. 16 And the prest shall brynge it before the LORDE, and shal make his synofferynge and his burntofferynge, 17 and ye ramme shal he make an healthofferynge vnto the LORDE, with ye maunde of the vnleuended bred. His meatofferynge and drinkofferinge shal he make also. 18 And he shall shaue the heade of the absteyners abstinence before the dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse, and shall take the heade heer of his abstinence, and cast it vpon the fyre that is vnder ye healthofferynge. 19 And the sodden shulder of the ramme shall he take, and an vnleuended cake out of the maunde, and a swete wafer, and laye them vpon the handes of the absteyner: (after that he hath shauen of his abstinence.) 20 And he shal Waue them before the LORDE. This is holy for the prest with the Wauebrest, and Heueshulder. After that, maye the absteyner drynke wyne. 21 This is the lawe of the absteyner, which voweth his offeringe vnto the LORDE for his abstynence, besydes that, which his hande can get. As he hath vowed, so shall he do acordinge to the lawe of his abstinence. 22 And the LORDE talked with Moses, and sayde: 23 Speake vnto Aaron and his sonnes, and saye: Thus shal ye saye vnto the childre of Israel, whan ye blesse them. 24 The LORDE blesse the, and kepe the. 25 The LORDE make his face to shyne vpo the, and be mercifull vnto the. 26 The LORDE lift vp his countenaunce vpon the, and geue the peace. 27 For they shal put my name vpo the children of Israel, that I maye blesse them.

Genesis 12:2-3

2 And I wil make of the a mightie people, and wyll blesse the, and make the a greate name, yee thou shalt be a very blessynge. 3 I wil blesse them that blesse the, and curse them that curse the: and in the shal all the generacions of the earth be blessed.

Genesis 14:19-20

19 blessed him and sayde: Blessed be thou Abram vnto the most hye God possessor of heauen and earth. 20 And praysed be God the Hyest, which hath delyuered thine enemies in to thy handes. And Abram gaue him tythes of all.

Genesis 24:60

60 And they blessed Rebecca, and sayde vnto her: Thou art oure syster, growe in to many thousande tymes thousandes, and thy sede possesse the gates of his enemies.

Genesis 27:27-29

27 So he came nye, and he kyssed him. Then smelled he the sauoure of his clothes, and blessed him, and sayde: Beholde, the smell of my sonne is as ye smell of the felde, which ye LORDE hath blessed. 28 God geue the of the dew of heauen, and of the fatnesse of the earth, and plenteousnes of corne and wyne. 29 Nacions be thy seruauntes, and people fall downe at yi fote. Be thou lorde ouer thy brethren, and thy mothers children fall downe at thy fote. Cursed be he, that curseth the: and blessed be he, that blesseth the.

Genesis 28:3-4

3 And the Allmightie God blesse the, and make the frutefull, and multiplye the, (that thou mayest be a multitude of people) 4 and geue the the blessynge of Abraham vnto ye & thy sede with the, that thou mayest possesse the lande, wherin thou art a straunger, which God gaue vnto Abraham.

Genesis 32:26

26 And he sayde: Let me go, for ye daye breaketh on. But he answered: I will not let ye go, excepte thou blesse me.

Genesis 32:29

29 And Iacob axed him, & sayde: Tell me, what is yi name? But he sayde: Why axest thou what my name is? And he blessed him there.

Genesis 43:29

29 And he lift vp his eyes, and sawe his brother Ben Iamin his mothers sonne, and saide: Is this youre yongest brother, that ye tolde me of? And he sayde morouer: God be mercifull vnto the my sonne.

Genesis 47:7

7 Ioseph brought in Iacob his father also, & set him before Pharao. And Iacob thanked Pharao.

Genesis 47:10

10 And Iacob thanked Pharao, and wete out from him.

Genesis 48:20

20 So he blessed them the same daye & saide: In ye shal Israel blesse, so yt it shal be sayde: God set the as Ephraim & Manasses. And so he set Ephraim aboue Manasses.

Exodus 3:13-15

13 Moses sayde vnto God: Beholde, whan I come to the childre of Israel, and saye vnto them: The God of youre fathers hath sent me vnto you, & they saye vnto me: What is his name? what shal I saye vnto them? 14 God saide vnto Moses: I wyl be what I wyll be. And he sayde: Thus shalt thou saye vnto ye children of Israel: I wyl he hath sent me vnto you. 15 And God sayde morouer vnto Moses: Thus shalt thou saye vnto the children of Israel: The LORDE God of youre fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, ye God of Iacob hath sent me vnto you, this is my name for euer, and my memoriall from childe to childes childe.

Exodus 6:3

3 & I appeared vnto Abraham, Isaac & Iacob, an Allmightie God: but my name, LORDE, haue I not shewed vnto them:

Exodus 29:2

2 vnleuended bred, & vnleuended cakes myxte wt oyle, and wafers of swete bred tempered wt oyle: Of wheate floure shalt thou make them all,

Exodus 29:23-28

23 and a symnel of bred, and an oyled cake, and a wafer out of the maunde of the vnleuended bred that stondeth before ye LORDE, 24 and put all in to the handes of Aaron and of his sonnes, and waue it vnto the LORDE. 25 The take it out of their handes, and burne it vpon the altare for a burnt offeringe, to be a swete sauoure vnto ye LORDE. For it is the LORDES sacrifice. 26 And thou shalt take the brest of the ramme of Aaros consecracio, & shalt waue it before ye LORDE, yt shal be his parte. 27 And thus shalt thou halowe ye Wauebrest & ye Heueshulder (yt are waued & heaued) of ye ramme of the consecracion of Aaron & his sonnes: 28 And it shalbe a perpetuall custome for Aaro and his sonnes of ye children of Israel: for it is an Heue offrynge, and the Heue offrynge shalbe the LORDES dewtye of the children of Israel, in their deade offrynges and Heueoffrynges which they do vnto the LORDE.

Exodus 33:16

16 for wherby shal it be knowne, yt I and thy people haue founde fauoure in thy sight, but in yt thou goest with vs? that I & thy people maye haue some preemynence before all people that are vpon the face of the earth.

Exodus 33:19

19 And he sayde: I wyl cause all my good go ouer before thy face, and wyl let the name of ye LORDE be called vpon before the. And I shewe mercy, to whom I shewe mercy: and haue compassion, on whom I haue compassion.

Exodus 34:5-7

5 The came the LORDE downe in a cloude. And there he stepte vnto him, & called vpo ye name of ye LORDE. 6 And whan ye LORDE passed by before his face, he cryed: LORDE LORDE, God, mercifull & gracious, & longe sufferinge, and of greate mercy and trueth, 7 thou that kepest mercy in stoare for thousandes, and forgeuest wickednes, trespace and synne (before whom there is no man innocent) thou that visitest the wickednesse of the fathers vpon ye children and childers children, vnto the thirde and fourth generacion.

Leviticus 1:10-13

10 Yf he wyl offre a burntsacrifice of the small catell, that is, of the lambes or goates, then let him offre a male without a blemysh. 11 And he shall kyll it before the LORDE, euen at the corner of the altare on the north syde before ye LORDE. And (the prestes) Aarons sonnes shal sprenkle his bloude rounde aboute vpon ye altare, 12 and it shal be hewen in peces. And the prest shall laye them with the heade and the fatt, vpon the wodd that lyeth vpon the fyre on the altare. 13 But the bowels and ye legges shal be wasshen with water. And ye prest shal offre it alltogether, and burne it vpon ye altare for a burntsacrifice. This is an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE. 14 But yf he wil offre a burntsacrifice of ye foules vnto the LORDE, then let him offre it of the turtill doues or of ye yonge pigeons.

Leviticus 2:4

4 But yf he wyll brynge a meatofferynge of that which is baken in the ouen, then let him take swete cakes of wheate, mixte with oyle, and vnleuended wafers anoynted with oyle.

Leviticus 3:6

6 Yf his deadofferynge be of small catell, whether it be male or female, it shal be without blemish:

Leviticus 4:2-3

2 Speake vnto the childre of Israel, and saye: Whan a soule synneth thorow ignoraunce in any commaundemet of the LORDE, which he ought not to do: As namely, 3 yf a prest which is anoynted, synne, that he make the people do amysse, he shall brynge for ye synne that he hath done, a yonge bullocke without blemysh vnto the LORDE for a synofferynge.

Leviticus 4:27

27 Wha a soule of ye comon people synneth ignorauntly, doinge eny thinge agaynst the comaundement of the LORDE, yt he ought not to do, & so offendeth,

Leviticus 4:32

32 But yf he brynge a lambe for a synofferynge, then let him brynge a female without blemysh,

Leviticus 5:6

6 he shal bringe vnto ye LORDE for his trespace of this his synne yt he hath done, a female from the flocke, either a yewe or a she goate for a synofferynge: so shal the prest make an attonement for him concernynge his synne. 7 But yf he be not able to brynge a shepe, then let him brynge vnto ye LORDE for his offence that he hath done, two turtill doues or two yonge pigeons: one for a synofferynge, the other for a burntofferynge, 8 and brynge them to the prest: Which shall make the first of a synofferynge, and fyrst wringe the neck of it, so that he plucke it not cleane of, 9 and sprenkle with the bloude vpo the sydes of the altare, and let the resydue of the bloude blede out vpon the botome of the altare: This is the synofferynge. 10 As for the other, he shal make it a burntofferynge, after the maner therof. And thus shall the prest make an attonement for him concernynge the synne that he hath done, & it shalbe forgeuen him.

Leviticus 7:30

30 But he shall brynge it with his hande for the offerynge of the LORDE: namely the fat vpon the brest shall he brynge, with the brest, to be a Waueofferynge before the LORDE. 31 And the prest shall burne the fat vpon the altare, and the brest shalbe Aarons and his sonnes.

Leviticus 7:34

34 For the Wauebrest and the Heueshulder haue I taken of the children of Israel, and of their healthofferynges, and haue geuen them vnto Aaron the prest and vnto his sonnes for a perpetuall dewtye.

Leviticus 8:2

2 Take Aaron and his sonnes wt him, & their vestimentes, & the anoyntinge oyle, and a bullocke for a synofferynge, two rammes, and a maunde with vnleuended bred,

Leviticus 8:27

27 and put alltogether vpon the handes of Aaron and of his sonnes, and waued it for a Waueofferynge before the LORDE.

Leviticus 8:31

31 And he sayde vnto Aaron & his sonnes: Seeth ye flesh before the dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse, & there eate it, & the bred in ye maunde of the cosecracion offeringes, as it is comaunded me, & sayde: Aaron & his sonnes shall eate it.

Leviticus 9:1-21

1 And vpon the eight daye Moses called Aaron and his sonnes, and the Elders in Israel, 2 and sayde vnto Aaron: Take vnto the a yonge calfe for a synofferinge, and a ramme for a burntofferynge, both without blemysh, and brynge them before the LORDE, 3 and speake vnto the children of Israel, and saye: Take an he goate for a synofferynge: and a calf, and a shepe, both of a yeare olde, and without blemysh for a burntofferynge: 4 and an oxe and a ramme for an healthofferynge, that we maye offre before the LORDE: and a meatofferynge myngled with oyle. For to daye shal the LORDE appeare vnto you.

Leviticus 9:4

4 and an oxe and a ramme for an healthofferynge, that we maye offre before the LORDE: and a meatofferynge myngled with oyle. For to daye shal the LORDE appeare vnto you. 5 And they toke what Moses commaunded before ye dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse, and the whole cogregacion came nye, and stode before the LORDE. 6 Then sayde Moses: This is it, which the LORDE commaunded that ye shulde do, and then shall the glory of ye LORDE appeare vnto you. 7 And Moses sayde vnto Aaron: Go vnto ye altare, and offre thy synofferynge and thy burntofferynge, and make an attonemet for the and for the people. Then offre the peoples offerynge, and reconcyle them also, as the LORDE hath commaunded. 8 And Aaron wente vnto the altare, and slawe ye calfe for his synofferynge, 9 & his sonnes brought the bloude vnto him. And he dypte his fynger in the bloude, and put it vpon the hornes of the altare, and poured ye bloude vpon ye botome of the altare. 10 As for the fat and the kydneys & the net vpon the leuer of the synofferynge, he burnt the vpon the altare, as the LORDE comaunded Moses. 11 The flesh also and the hyde burnt he wt fyre without the hoost. 12 Afterwarde he slewe the burntofferinge, and Aarons sonnes brought the bloude vnto him, & he sprenkled it rounde aboute vpon the altare. 13 And they brought him the burntofferynge in peces, & the heade: & he burnt it vpon the altare. 14 And he washed the bowels and the legges, and burnt them aboue vpon the burntofferynge on the altare. 15 Then brought he the offerynge of the people, and toke the goate, that synofferynge of the people, and slewe it, and made a synofferynge therof, as of the fyrst. 16 And brought the burntofferynge, and dyd as the lawe is: 17 and brought the meatofferynge, and toke his handfull, and burnt it vpon the altare, besyde the burntofferinge of the mornynge. 18 Afterwarde slewe he the oxe and the ramme for the healthofferynge of the people. And his sonnes brought him the bloude, which he sprenkled vpon the altare rounde aboute. 19 But the fat of the oxe & of the ramme, the rompe, and the fat that couereth the bowels, & the kydneyes, & the net vpon the leuer, 20 all soch fat laied they vpon the brest, and burnt the fat vpon the altare. 21 But the brest and the right shulder waued Aaron for a Waueofferynge before the LORDE, as the LORDE commaunded Moses.

Leviticus 9:21

21 But the brest and the right shulder waued Aaron for a Waueofferynge before the LORDE, as the LORDE commaunded Moses. 22 And Aaron lift vp his hade ouer the people, and blessed them, and came downe from the worke of the synofferynge, burntofferynge, and healthofferynge. 23 And Moses and Aaron wente in to the Tabernacle of wytnesse. And whan they came out agayne, they blessed the people. Then appeared the glory of the LORDE vnto all the people.

Leviticus 10:9

9 Thou & thy sonnes wt the shal drynke no wyne ner stronge drynke, whan ye go in to the Tabernacle of wytnesse: that ye dye not. Let this be a perpetuall lawe vnto all yor posterities:

Leviticus 10:15

15 For the Heueshulder and the Wauebrest to the offerynges of the fat, shalbe brought in, that they maye be waued for a Waueofferinge before the LORDE. Therfore is it thine and thy childrens for a perpetuall dutye, as the LORDE commaunded.

Leviticus 12:6

6 And whan the dayes of hir purifienge are out, for the sonne or for the doughter, she shal brynge a lambe of one yeare olde for a burntofferynge, and a yonge pigeon or a turtill doue for a synofferynge to the dore of ye Tabernacle of wytnesse vnto ye prest,

Leviticus 14:9

9 And vpon the seuenth daye shal he shaue of all ye hayre vpon his heade, vpo his beerde, vpon his browes, so that all the hayre be shauen of, and he shall wash his clothes and bathe his flesh in water, then is he cleane. 10 And vpo the eight daye shal he take two lambes without blemysh, and a shepe of a yeare olde without blemysh, and thre tenth deales of fyne floure for a meatofferynge, myngled with oyle, & a Logg of oyle.

Leviticus 14:22-23

22 & two turtyll doues, or two yonge pigeons which he is able to get with his hande, let the one be a synofferynge, the other a burntofferynge: 23 and let him brynge them vpon the eight daye of his clensynge vnto the prest before the dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse before the LORDE. 24 Then shall the prest take the lambe for the synofferynge, and the Logg of oyle, and shall waue them all before the LORDE,

Leviticus 14:30-31

30 And afterwarde of the one of the turtill doues or yonge pigeons (acordinge as his handes are able to get) 31 he shal make a synofferynge, of ye other a burntofferynge, with the meatofferynge: and so shal the prest make an attonemet for him that is clensed before the LORDE.

Leviticus 14:31-31

31 he shal make a synofferynge, of ye other a burntofferynge, with the meatofferynge: and so shal the prest make an attonemet for him that is clensed before the LORDE.

Leviticus 15:14

14 And vpon the eight daye shal he take two turtill doues or two yonge pigeos, and brynge them before the LORDE before the dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse, and geue them vnto the prest.

Leviticus 15:29

29 and vpon the eight daye shall she take two turtill doues, or two yonge pigeons, and brynge them vnto the prest before the dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse.

Leviticus 19:28

28 Ye shal rente out no markes in youre body (for eny that is deed) ner make lettres vpo you: for I am the LORDE.

Leviticus 20:26

26 Therfore shall ye be holy vnto me: for I the LORDE am holy, which haue separated you fro the nacions, that ye shulde be myne.

Leviticus 21:1-3

1 And the LORDE sayde vnto Moses: Speake to ye prestes ye sonnes of Aaron, & saye vnto the: A prest shal defyle him self vpo no soule of his people,

Leviticus 21:1-2

1 And the LORDE sayde vnto Moses: Speake to ye prestes ye sonnes of Aaron, & saye vnto the: A prest shal defyle him self vpo no soule of his people, 2 but vpon his nexte kynne yt belongeth vnto him: as vpon his mother, vpo his father, vpo his sonne, vpo his doughter, vpon his brother,

Leviticus 21:2-2

2 but vpon his nexte kynne yt belongeth vnto him: as vpon his mother, vpo his father, vpo his sonne, vpo his doughter, vpon his brother, 3 & vpon his sister, which is yet a virgin, & hath bene no mans wife (which belongeth vnto him) vpon her maie he defyle himself.

Leviticus 21:10-12

10 He that is hye prest amonge his brethren, vpo whose heade the anoyntinge oyle is poured, and his hande fylled (yt he might be arayed with the vestimentes) shal not vncouer his heade, ner cut his clothes, 11 & shal come at no deed, & shal defyle him self nether vpon father ner mother.

Leviticus 21:11-12

11 & shal come at no deed, & shal defyle him self nether vpon father ner mother. 12 He shall not go out of the Sanctuary, that he vnhalowe not the Sanctuary of his God. For ye crowne of the anoyntinge oyle of his God is vpon him, for I am the LORDE.

Leviticus 23:11

11 the shall the shefe be waued before the LORDE, that ye maye be accepted: but this shal the prest do the nexte daye after the Sabbath.

Leviticus 27:2

2 Speake to ye children of Israel, & saye vnto them: Yf eny man make a speciall vowe vnto ye LORDE, so yt he pryse a soule, then shal this be the valuacion:

Numbers 5:25

25 And wha the cursinge water is gone in her, so yt it is bytter vnto her then shal the prest take the gelousy offerynge out of the wyues hande, and waue it for a meatofferynge before the LORDE, and offre it vpon the altare:

Numbers 5:29

29 This is the lawe of gelousy, whan a wyfe goeth asyde from hir hu?bande, and is defyled:

Numbers 6:5-6

5 As longe as the vowe of his abstynence endureth, there shall no rasoure come vpon his heade, tyll the tyme be out which he absteyneth vnto the LORDE, for he is holy. And he shall let the heer of his heade growe, and stonde bare openly.

Numbers 6:5

5 As longe as the vowe of his abstynence endureth, there shall no rasoure come vpon his heade, tyll the tyme be out which he absteyneth vnto the LORDE, for he is holy. And he shall let the heer of his heade growe, and stonde bare openly. 6 All the tyme ouer yt he absteyneth vnto the LORDE, shal he go to no deed.

Numbers 6:8-9

8 and ye whole tyme of his abstinence shall he be holy vnto the LORDE. 9 And yf it chaunce eny man to dye sodenly before him, then shal ye heade of his abstynence be defyled. Therfore shal he shaue his heade in the daye of his clensynge, that is vpon the seuenth daye:

Numbers 6:9

9 And yf it chaunce eny man to dye sodenly before him, then shal ye heade of his abstynence be defyled. Therfore shal he shaue his heade in the daye of his clensynge, that is vpon the seuenth daye:

Numbers 6:12-13

12 that he maye holde out the tyme of his abstinence vnto the LORDE, and he shall brynge a lambe of a a yeare olde for a trespaceofferynge. But ye daies afore shal be but lost, because his abstinence was defyled. 13 This is the lawe of the absteyner. Whan the tyme of his abstinence is out, he shal be brought before the dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse.

Numbers 6:18-19

18 And he shall shaue the heade of the absteyners abstinence before the dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse, and shall take the heade heer of his abstinence, and cast it vpon the fyre that is vnder ye healthofferynge.

Numbers 6:18

18 And he shall shaue the heade of the absteyners abstinence before the dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse, and shall take the heade heer of his abstinence, and cast it vpon the fyre that is vnder ye healthofferynge. 19 And the sodden shulder of the ramme shall he take, and an vnleuended cake out of the maunde, and a swete wafer, and laye them vpon the handes of the absteyner: (after that he hath shauen of his abstinence.)

Numbers 6:21

21 This is the lawe of the absteyner, which voweth his offeringe vnto the LORDE for his abstynence, besydes that, which his hande can get. As he hath vowed, so shall he do acordinge to the lawe of his abstinence.

Numbers 9:6

6 Then were there certayne men defyled of a deed man, so that they coulde not kepe Easter vpon that daye: these came before Moses and Aaron the same daye,

Numbers 15:1-7

1 And the LORDE talked with Moses, and sayde: 2 Speake to the childre of Israel, & saye vnto them: Whan ye come in to the lande of youre dwellinge, which I shal geue you, 3 and wil do sacrifice vnto the LORDE, whether it be a burntofferynge, or an offrynge for a speciall vowe, or a frewyll offerynge, or youre feast offerynges, that ye maye make a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE, of oxen or of shepe. 4 He yt wil offre now his gifte vnto ye LORDE, shal brynge for the meatofferinge a teth deale of fyne floure myngled with oyle of the fourth parte of an Hin, 5 and wyne for ye drynkofferynge the fourth parte of an Hin also: to the burntofferinge, or eny other offeringe, whan a lambe is offred. 6 But wha there is a ramme offred, thou shalt make the meatofferynge two teth deales of fyne floure myngled with oyle, of the thirde parte of an Hin, 7 and ye thirde parte of an Hin of wyne also for a drynkofferinge: this shalt thou offre for a swete sauor vnto the LORDE.

Numbers 15:10

10 This is an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE.

Numbers 15:27

27 Yf one soule synne thorow ignoraunce, the same shal brynge a she goate of a yeare olde for a synofferynge.

Numbers 18:18

18 Their flesh shalbe thine, like as ye Wauebrest and ye right shulder is thine also.

Numbers 19:11-22

11 Who so now toucheth a deed ma, shal be vncleane seuen dayes: 12 the same shall purifie himself herewith, on the thirde daye and on the seuenth daie, and then shall he be cleane. And yf he puryfye not himself on the thirde daye, & on the seuenth daye, the shall he not be cleane. 13 But wha eny ma toucheth a deed personne, and wil not purifie himself, he defyleth the dwellynge of the LORDE, and the same soule shal be roted out of Israel, because the sprenklinge water is not sprenkled vpon him: and he is vncleane, as longe as he letteth not himself be pourged therof. 14 This is the lawe. Whan a ma dyeth in ye tente, who so euer goeth in to the tente, and all yt is in the tente, shal be vncleane seue daies.

Numbers 19:14-19

14 This is the lawe. Whan a ma dyeth in ye tente, who so euer goeth in to the tente, and all yt is in the tente, shal be vncleane seue daies. 15 And euery open vessel that hath no lydd nor couerynge, is vncleane.

Numbers 19:15-19

15 And euery open vessel that hath no lydd nor couerynge, is vncleane. 16 And who so euer toucheth one yt is slayne wt the swerde vpon ye felde, or eny other deed, or a deed mans bone, or a graue, ye same is vncleane seue dayes.

Numbers 19:16-19

16 And who so euer toucheth one yt is slayne wt the swerde vpon ye felde, or eny other deed, or a deed mans bone, or a graue, ye same is vncleane seue dayes. 17 So now for the vncleane personne, they shal take of ye a?shes of this burntsynofferinge, & put springinge water theron in to a vessell,

Numbers 19:17-19

17 So now for the vncleane personne, they shal take of ye a?shes of this burntsynofferinge, & put springinge water theron in to a vessell, 18 and a cleane man shall take ysope, & dyppe it in the water, and sprenkle it vpon the tente, and vpon all the vessels, and all the soules that are therin. Likewyse also vpon him, yt hath touched a deed mans bone, or a slayne personne, or a deed body, or a graue.

Numbers 19:18-19

18 and a cleane man shall take ysope, & dyppe it in the water, and sprenkle it vpon the tente, and vpon all the vessels, and all the soules that are therin. Likewyse also vpon him, yt hath touched a deed mans bone, or a slayne personne, or a deed body, or a graue. 19 And he that is cleane, shal sprenkle vpon the vncleane, ye thirde daye, & the seueth daie, & purifye him on ye seueth daye. And he shal washe his clothes, & bathe him self wt water, and so at euen he shalbe cleane.

Numbers 19:19-19

19 And he that is cleane, shal sprenkle vpon the vncleane, ye thirde daye, & the seueth daie, & purifye him on ye seueth daye. And he shal washe his clothes, & bathe him self wt water, and so at euen he shalbe cleane. 20 But he yt is vncleane, and wil not purifye him self, ye same soule shal be roted out of ye cogregacion. For he hath defyled the Sanctuary of the LORDE, & is not sprekled wt spreklinge water, therfore is he vncleane. And this shalbe a perpetuall lawe vnto the. And he yt sprenkled wt the spreklinge water, shall wash his clothes also. 21 And who so euer toucheth the spreklinge water, shal be vncleane vntill the euen. 22 And what so euer he toucheth, shalbe vncleane: & loke what soule he toucheth, shalbe vncleane vntill the euen.

Numbers 23:20

20 Beholde, I am brought hither to blesse, I blesse, & can not go backe there fro.

Deuteronomy 10:8

8 At the same season the LORDE separated out the trybe of Leui, to beare the Arke of the LORDES couenaunt, and to stonde before the LORDE, to mynister vnto him, and to prayse his name vnto this daye.

Deuteronomy 21:5

5 Then shal the prestes ye children of Leui come forth. ( For the LORDE thy God hath chosen them, to serue him, and to prayse his name: and at their mouth shal all plees and strypes be tryed.)

Deuteronomy 28:3-6

3 Blessed shalt thou be in the towne, and blessed in the felde. 4 Blessed shalbe the frute of thy body, the frute of thy grounde, and the frute of thy catell, and the frute of thine oxen, and the frute of thy shepe. 5 Blessed shal be yi baskett, & thy stoare. 6 Blessed shalt thou be wha thou goest in, and blessed whan thou goest out.

Deuteronomy 28:10

10 so that all nacions vpon earth shal se, that thou art called after the name of the LORDE: & they shal be afrayed of you.

Deuteronomy 33:1

1 This is the blessynge, wherwith Moses the man of God blessed ye childre of Israel before his death,

Joshua 8:33

33 And all Israel with their Elders and officers and iudges, stode on both the sydes of the Arke, right ouer agaynst the prestes yt bare the Arke of the couenaunt of the LORDE, the straunger as well as one of them selues, the one halfe besyde mount Grysim, and the other halfe beside mount Ebal, as Moses the seruaunt of the LORDE commaunded afore, to blesse the people of Israel.

Judges 13:5

5 for thou shalt conceaue, and beare a sonne, vpo whose heade there shal come no rasoure: for ye childe shal be a Nazaree of God, euen from his mother wombe, and shall begynne to delyuer Israel out of the hande of the Philistynes.

Judges 13:14

14 he shal not eate that which commeth of the vyne, and shal drynke no wyne ner stronge drynke, and eate no vncleane thinge: & all that I haue comaunded her, shal he kepe.

Judges 16:17

17 & he shewed her his whole hert, & sayde vnto her: There came neuer rasoure vpon my heade, for I am a Nazaree of God fro my mothers wombe. Yf I were shauen, my strength shulde departe fro me, so that I shulde be weake, and as all other men.

Judges 16:19

19 And she made him to slepe vpon hir lappe, & called one which shoue of the seue hayrie lockes of his heade. And she beganne to vexe him. The was his strength departed fro him.

Ruth 2:4

4 and beholde, Boos came from Bethleem, and sayde vnto the reapers: The LORDE be with you. They answered: The LORDE blesse the.

1 Samuel 1:11

11 and vowed a vowe, and sayde: O LORDE Zebaoth, yf thou wilt loke vpon the aduersite of thy handmayden, and thynke vpon me, and not forget thy handmayden, and wilt geue thy handmayden a sonne, I wil geue him vnto the LORDE all his life longe, and there shal no rasoure come vpon his heade.

1 Samuel 1:28

28 therfore haue I geuen him ouer vnto the LORDE, as longe as he is lent vnto the LORDE. And they worshipped ye LORDE there.

1 Samuel 2:9

9 He shall preserue the fete of his sayntes, but ye vngodly shal be put to sylece in darcnesse. For there is no ma that can do oughte of his owne power.

1 Samuel 2:15

15 Like wyse, or euer they burned the fatt, the prestes lad came, and sayde vnto him that broughte the offerynge: Geue me the flesh, that I maye roste it for the prest, for he wyl receaue no sodden flesh of ye, but rawe.

2 Samuel 7:23

23 For where is there a people vpon earth as thy people of Israel? For whose sake God wente to delyuer him a people, and to make him selfe a name, and to do them soch greate and terrible thinges in thy lode before yt people, whom thou hast delyuered vnto thy selfe fro Egipte, from the people, and from their goddes.

1 Chronicles 4:10

10 And Iaebes called vpon the God of Israel, & sayde: Yf thou wilt blesse me, and increase the borders of my londe, & yf thy hande be with me, & thou delyuer me from euell, yt it trouble me not. And God caused it for to come that he axed.

1 Chronicles 15:26

26 And whan God had helped the Leuites yt bare the Arke of the LORDES couenaunt, there were offred seuen bullockes & seuen rames,

1 Chronicles 15:28-29

28 Thus all Israel brought vp the Arke of the couenaunt of the LORDE with myrth, with trompettes, tabrettes, & loude Cymbales, with psalteries and harpes. 29 Now whan the Arke of the couenaunt of the LORDE came in to the cite of Dauid, Michol ye doughter of Saul loked out at a wyndowe: & wha she sawe kynge Dauid daunsynge & playenge, she despysed him in hir hert.

1 Chronicles 23:13

13 The childre of Amram were: Aaron and Moses. As for Aaron, he was separated, to be sanctified for the Most holy, he & his sonnes for euer, to burne incense before the LORDE, & to mynister and blesse in ye name of the LORDE for euermore.

2 Chronicles 7:14

14 to humble my people, which is named after my name: and yf they praye, and seke my face, and turne from their euell wayes, the wyl I heare them from heauen, and wyll forgeue their sinne, and heale their londe.

Ezra 2:69

69 and gaue after their abilyte vnto the treasure of the worke, one and threscore thousande guldens, and fyue thousande pounde of syluer, and an hundreth prestes garmentes.

Psalms 4:6

6 There be many yt saye: who wil do vs eny good? where as thou (o LORDE) hast shewed vs the light of yi countenauce.

Psalms 5:12

12 For thou LORDE geuest thy blessinge vnto the rightuous: and with thy fauorable kyndnes thou defendest him, as with a shylde.

Psalms 16:10-11

10 Therfore dyd my hert reioyce, & my tunge was glad, my flesh also shall rest in hope. 11 For why? thou shalt not leaue my soule in hell, nether shalt thou suffre thy saynte to se corrupcion. Thou hast shewed me the wayes off life: thou shalt make me full of ioye wt thy countenaunce. At thy right hande there is pleasure and ioye for euermore.

Psalms 17:8

8 Kepe me as the apple of an eye, defende me vnder the shadowe of thy wynges.

Psalms 21:6

6 For thou shalt geue him euerlastige felicite, & make him glad wt the ioye of yi coutenauce.

Psalms 28:9

9 The LORDE is the strength of his people, he is the defender and Sauioure of his anoynted. O helpe thy people, geue thy blessynge vnto thy enheritaunce: fede them, and set them vp for euer.

Psalms 29:11

11 The LORDE shall geue power vnto his people, the LORDE shal geue his people the blessynge of peace.

Psalms 31:16

16 But my hope is in ye O LORDE, & I saye: thou art my God.

Psalms 37:37

37 but when I wente by, lo, he was gone: I sought him, but he coude no where be founde.

Psalms 42:5

5 O put thy trust in God, for I wil yet geue him thankes, for the helpe of his countenauce.

Psalms 44:3

3 For they gat not the londe in possession thorow their owne swerde, nether was it their owne arme that helped them.

Psalms 67:1

1 God be mercifull vnto vs, blesse vs, & shewe the light off his countenauce apon vs.

Psalms 67:7

7 God blesse vs, and let all the endes of ye worlde feare him.

Psalms 80:1-3

1 Heare o thou shepherde of Israel, thou yt ledest Iacob like a flocke of shepe: shewe yi self, thou yt syttest vpo ye Cherubins. 2 Before Ephraim, Be Iamin & Manasses: stere vp thy power & come helpe vs. 3 Turne vs agayne (o God) shewe the light of thy countenauce & we shalbe whole.

Psalms 80:7

7 Turne vs agayne (thou God of hoostes) shewe the light of thy coutenauce, & we shalbe whole.

Psalms 80:19

19 Turne vs agayne o LORDE God of hoostes, shewe the light of thy coutenauce, & we shal be whole.

Psalms 86:16

16 O turne the then vnto me, haue mercy vpo me: geue thy strength vnto thy seruaunt, & helpe the sonne of thy handmayde.

Psalms 89:15

15 Rightuousnes and equite is the habitacion of thy seate, mercy and trueth go before thy face.

Psalms 91:11

11 For he shall geue his angels charge ouer the, to kepe the in all thy wayes.

Psalms 115:12-13

12 The LORDE is myndefull of vs, & blesseth vs: he blesseth ye house of Israel, he blesseth ye house of Aaron. 13 Yee he blesseth all them that feare the LORDE, both small & greate.

Psalms 119:135

135 Shewe the light of thy countenaunce vnto thy seruaunt, and lerne me thy statutes.

Psalms 121:4-7

4 Beholde, he that kepeth Israel, doth nether slombre ner slepe. 5 The LORDE himself is thy keper, the LORDE is thy defence vpon yi right honde. 6 So that the Sonne shal not burne the by daye, nether the Moone by night. 7 The LORDE preserueth the from all euell, yee it is the LORDE thath kepeth thy soule.

Psalms 134:3

3 The LORDE yt made heauen & earth, blesse the out of Sion.

Proverbs 18:1

1 Who so hath pleasure to sowe discorde, piketh a quarell in euery thinge.

Proverbs 31:4-5

4 O Lamuel, geue kinges no wyne, geue kynges & prynces no stronge drynke: 5 lest they beinge dronken forget the lawe, & regarde not ye cause of the poore, & of all soch as be in aduersite.

Ecclesiastes 9:7

7 Go thou yi waye then, eate thy bred with ioye, & drynke yi wyne wt gladnesse, for thy workes please God.

Isaiah 25:6

6 Morouer the LORDE of hoostes shal once prepare a feast for all people vpo the hill: A plenteous, costly, pleasaunt feast, of fat and welfed beastes, of swete and most pure thinges.

Isaiah 26:3

3 And thou, which art the doer and hast the matter in honde: shalt prouyde for peace, eue the peace yt me hope for in the.

Isaiah 26:12

12 But vnto vs (LORDE) prouyde for peace: for thou workest in vs all or workes.

Isaiah 27:3

3 I the LORDE kepe it, and water it in due season. I watch daye & night, that no man breake in to it. I beare no euel wil in my mynde.

Isaiah 35:10

10 And the redemed of the LORDE shal conuerte, and come to Sion with thankesgeuinge. Euerlastinge ioye shal they haue, pleasure & gladnesse shalbe amoge them, And as for all sorow and heuynes, it shal vanish awaye.

Isaiah 42:6

6 I the LORDE haue called ye in rightuousnesse, & led the by the honde. Therfore wil I also defende the, & geue the for a couenaunt of the people, & to be the light of the Getiles.

Isaiah 43:7

7 Namely, all those that be called after my name: For the haue I created, fashioned, and made for myne honoure.

Isaiah 53:10-12

10 Yet hath it pleased ye LORDE to smyte him with infirmite, that when he had made his soule an offeringe for synne, he might se a loge lastinge sede. And this device of the LORDE shal prospere in his honde. 11 With trauayle and laboure of his soule, shal he optayne greate riches. My rightuous seruaunt shall with his wisdome iustifie & delyuer the multitude, for he shal beare awaye their synnes. 12 Therfore wil I geue him the multitude for his parte, & he shal deuyde the stroge spoyle because he shal geue ouer his soule to death, & shalbe rekened amonge the transgressours, which neuertheles shal take awaye ye synnes of the multitude, and make intercession for the my?doers.

Isaiah 57:19

19 I make the frutes of thakesgeuinge. I geue peace vnto them that are farre of, and to them that are nye, saye I the LORDE, that make him whole.

Isaiah 62:9

9 But they that haue gathered in the corne, shal eate it, & geue thankes to the LORDE: & they that haue borne in the wyne, shall drynke it in the court of my Sanctuary.

Jeremiah 14:9

9 Why wilt thou make thy self a cowarde, and as it were a giaute that yet maye not helpe? For thou art ours (o LORDE) and we beare thy name, therfore forsake vs not.

Jeremiah 16:5-6

5 Agayne, thus saieth the LORDE: Go not vnto them, that come together, for to mourne and wepe: for I haue taken my peace fro this people (saieth the LORDE) yee my fauoure and my mercy. 6 And in this londe shal they dye, olde and yonge, and shall not be buried: no man shall bewepe them, no man shall clippe or shaue himselff for them.

Jeremiah 35:6-8

6 But they sayde: we drynke no wyne, For Ionadab the sonne of Rechab oure father commaunded vs, sayenge: Ye and youre sonnes shall neuer drynke wyne, buylde no houses, sowe no sede, plante no vynes, 7 yee ye shall haue no vynyardes: but for all youre tyme ye shall dwell in tetes, yt ye maye lyue loge in the lode, wherin ye be straugers. 8 Thus haue we obeyed the comaundemet of Ionadab ye sonne of Rechab oure father, in all yt he hath charged vs, and so we drynke no wyne all oure lyue longe: we, oure wyues, or sonnes & oure doughters.

Lamentations 4:7-8

7 Hir absteyners (or Nazarees) were whyter then ye snowe or mylke: their coloure was fresh read as the Corall, their beutie like the Saphyre. 8 But now their faces are very black: In so moch, that thou shuldest not knowe them in the stretes. Their skynne cleueth to their bones, It is wythered, and become like a drye stock.

Ezekiel 18:24

24 Agayne: yf the rightuous turne awaye from his rightuousnes, and do iniquyte, acordinge to all the abhominacions, that ye wicked ma doth: shal he lyue? All the rightuousnes that he hath done, shall not be thought vpo: but in the fawte that he hath offended withall, and in the synne that he hath done, he shal dye.

Ezekiel 24:16-18

16 Thou sonne off man, beholde, I will take awaye the pleasure off thine eyes wt a plage: yet shalt thou nether mourne ner wepe, ner water thy chekes therfore: 17 thou mayest mourne by thy selff alone, but vse no deadly lamentacion. Holde on thy bonet, and put on thy shues vpon thy fete, couer not thy face, and eate no mourners bred. 18 So I spake vnto the people bytymes in the mornynge, and at euen my wyfe dyed: then vpon the nexte morow, I dyd as I was comaunded.

Ezekiel 44:25

25 They shal come at no deed persone, to defyle them selues: (excepte it be father or mother, sonne or doughter, brother or sister that hath had yet no husbonde) in soch they maye be defyled.

Daniel 9:17

17 Now therfore (O oure God) heare the prayer of thy seruaunt, and his intercession: O let thy face shyne ouer thy sanctuary, that lieth waist. 18 O my God, enclyne thine eare, and herken (at the leest for thine owne sake) open thine eyes: beholde how we be desolated, yee and the cite also, which is called after thy name: For we do not cast oure prayers before the in oure owne rightuousnesse, no: but only in thy greate mercies. 19 O LORDE, heare: O forgeue LORDE: O LORDE considre, tary not ouer longe: but for thine owne sake do it, O my God: for thy cite and thy people is called after thy name.

Joel 1:9

9 For the meate & drynkofferynge shalbe taken awaye from the house of the LORDE: & the prestes ye LORDES ministers shal mourne.

Joel 1:13

13 Gyrde you, & make yor mone, o ye prestes: mourne ye ministres of the aulter: go youre waye in, & slepe in sack cloth, o ye officers of my God: for the meat & drynkofferynge shalbe taken awaye from the house of yor God.

Joel 2:14

14 Then (no doute) he also shal turne, & forgeue: & after his chastenynge, he shal let youre increase remayne, for meat & drynck offerynges vnto the LORDE youre God?

Amos 2:11-12

11 I raysed vp prophetes amonge youre children, and absteyners amonge youre yoge men. Is it not so, o ye children of Israel, sayeth the LORDE? 12 But ye gaue the absteyners wyne to drynke, yee ye comaunded the prophetes, sayenge: Prophecy not.

Amos 2:12

12 But ye gaue the absteyners wyne to drynke, yee ye comaunded the prophetes, sayenge: Prophecy not.

Micah 5:5

5 Then shal there be peace, so that the Assirian maye come in to oure londe, and treade in oure houses. We shall brynge vp seuen shepherdes and viij. prynces vpo them:

Zechariah 9:15

15 The LORDE of hoostes shall defende the, they shall consume and deuoure, and subdue them with slynge stones. They shal drynke & rage, as it were thorow wyne. They shalbe fylled like ye basens, & as ye hornes of ye aulter.

Zechariah 9:17

17 O how prosperous and goodly a thynge shall that be? The corne shall make the yongemen chearefull, and the new wyne the maydens.

Zechariah 10:7

7 Ephraim shalbe as a giaunt, and their herte shalbe cherefull as thorow wyne: Yee their children shal se it, and be glad; and their herte shal reioyce in the LORDE.

Malachi 1:9

9 And now make youre prayer before God, that he maye haue mercy vpon vs: for soch thinges haue ye done. Shal he regarde youre personnes (thynke ye) sayeth the LORDE of hoostes?

Malachi 1:13-14

13 Now saye ye: It is but laboure and trauayle, and thus haue ye thought scorne at it, (sayeth the LORDE off hoostes) offerynge robbery, yee the lame and the sicke. Ye haue brought me in a meatofferynge, shulde I accepte it of youre honde, sayeth the LORDE? 14 Cursed be the dyssembler, which hath in his flocke one that is male, and when he maketh a vowe, offereth a spotted one vnto the LORDE. For I am a greate kynge (sayeth the LORDE of hoostes) and my name is fearfull amonge the Heithen.

Matthew 3:15

15 Iesus answered & sayd vnto hym: Let it be so now. For thus it be commeth vs to fulfyll all righteousnes. Then he suffred hym.

Matthew 8:21-22

21 Another that was one of his disciples, sayde vnto hym: Syr, geue me leue fyrst, to go & burye my father. 22 But Iesus sayde vnto him: folowe thou me, and let the deed burie their deed.

Matthew 24:13

13 But whoso endureth vnto ye ende, ye same shal be saued.

Matthew 26:29

29 I saye vnto you: I wil not drynke hence forth of this frute of the vyne tre, vntill that daye that I shal drynke it new with you in my fathers kyngdome.

Matthew 28:19

19 Go ye youre waye therfore, and teach all nacions, and baptyse them in the name of the father, and of the sonne, and of the holy goost:

Mark 14:25

25 Verely I saye vnto you, that from hence forth I wil not drynke of the frute of the vyne, tyll ye daye yt I drynke it new in ye kyngdome of God.

Luke 1:15

15 for he shal be greate before the LORDE. Wyne and stronge drynke shal he not drynke. And he shalbe fylled wt the holy goost, euen in his mothers wombe.

Luke 2:14

14 Glory be vnto God an hye, & peace vpon earth, and vnto men a good wyll.

Luke 7:33-34

33 For Ihon ye baptist came, and ate no bred, and drake no wyne, and ye saye: he hath ye deuell. 34 The sonne of man is come, eateth and drynketh, & ye saye: This man is a glutton and a wyne bebber, a frende of publicans and synners.

Luke 9:59-60

59 And he sayde vnto another: Folowe me. He sayde: Syr, geue me leue first to go, and burye my father. 60 But Iesus sayde vnto him: Let the deed burye their deed. But go thou thy waye, and preach the kyngdome of God.

Luke 17:10

10 So likewyse ye, wha ye haue done all that is comaunded you, saye: We are vnprofitable seruauntes, we haue done that we were bounde to do.

Luke 21:34

34 But take hede vnto youre selues, that yor hertes be not ouerlade with excesse of eatinge and with dronkennes, and with takinge of thought for lyuynge, and so this daye come vpo you vnawares.

Luke 24:50-51

50 But he led them out vnto Bethany, and lift vp his handes, and blessed them. 51 And it came to passe wha he blessed them, he departed from them, and was caried vp in to heauen.

John 1:17

17 For the lawe was geuen by Moses, grace and trueth came by Iesus Christ.

John 2:1-2

1 And vpon the thirde daye there was a mariage at Cana in Galile, and the mother of Iesus was there. 2 Iesus also and his disciples was called vnto ye mariage.

John 6:50-59

50 This is that bred which commeth from heauen, that who so eateth therof, shulde not dye. 51 I am that lyuynge bred, which came downe fro heauen: Who so eateth of this bred, shal lyue for euer. And the bred that I wil geue, is my flesh which I wil geue for ye life of the worlde. 52 Then stroue the Iewes amonge them selues, and sayde: How ca this folowe geue vs his flesh to eate? 53 Iesus sayde vnto the: Verely verely I saye vnto you: Excepte ye eate ye flesh of ye sonne of man and drynke his bloude, ye haue no life in you. 54 Who so eateth my flesh, and drynketh my bloude, hath euerlastinge life: and I shal rayse him vp at the last daye. 55 For my flesh is ye very meate, and my bloude is ye very drynke. 56 Who so eateth my flesh, and drynketh my bloude, abydeth in me, and I in him. 57 As the lyuynge father hath sent me, and I lyue for the fathers sake: Euen so he that eateth me, shall lyue for my sake. 58 This is ye bred which is come fro heauen: Not as youre fathers ate Manna, and are deed. He that eateth of this bred, shal lyue for euer. 59 These thinges sayde he in the synagoge, wha he taught at Capernaum.

John 8:29-31

29 And he that sent me, is with me. The father leaueth me not alone, for I do alwaie that pleaseth him. 30 Whan he thus spake, many beleued on him. Then sayde Iesus vnto the Iewes, that beleued on him: 31 Yf ye contynue in my worde, then are ye my very disciples,

John 14:27

27 Peace I leaue vnto you, my peace I geue you: I geue not vnto you, as the worlde geueth. Let not yor hert be troubled, nether let it be afrayed.

John 16:33

33 These thinges haue I spoken vnto you, that in me ye might haue peace. In ye worlde haue ye trouble, but be of good comforte, I haue ouercome the worlde.

John 17:4-5

4 I haue glorified ye vpo earth, & fynished ye worke, yt thou gauest me to do. 5 And now glorifye me thou father by thine awne self, with ye glory which I had or euer the worlde was.

John 17:11

11 And now am I nomore in the worlde, and they are in ye worlde, and I come to the. Holy father, kepe in thy name, those whom thou hast geue me, that they maye be one, like as we are.

John 19:30

30 Now whan Iesus had receaued the vyneger, he sayde: It is fynished, and bowed his heade, and gaue vp the goost.

John 20:21

21 The sayde Iesus vnto the agayne: Peace be with you. Like as my father sent me, eue so sede I you.

John 20:26

26 And after eight dayes agayne were his disciples with in, & Thomas wt the. The came Iesus (wha ye dores were shutt) & stode in the myddes, & sayde: Peace be wt you.

Acts 2:28

28 Thou hast shewed me the wayes of life, thou shalt make me full of ioye with thy countenaunce.

Acts 10:36

36 Ye knowe of ye preachinge that God sent vnto the children of Israel, preachinge thorow Iesus Christ (which is LORDE ouer all)

Acts 18:18

18 Paul after yt he had taried a good whyle, toke his leue of the brethren, and sayled in to Syria, Priscilla & Aquila bearinge him company. And he shore his heade at Cenchrea (for he had a vowe)

Acts 21:23-24

23 Do this therfore that we saye vnto the: We haue foure men, which haue a vowe on them, 24 take them vnto ye, and purifye thyselfe with them, and do the cost on them, that they maye shaue their heades: and they shal knowe, that it is nothinge, wherof they are enfourmed agaynst the, but that thou also walkest and kepest the lawe.

Acts 21:24

24 take them vnto ye, and purifye thyselfe with them, and do the cost on them, that they maye shaue their heades: and they shal knowe, that it is nothinge, wherof they are enfourmed agaynst the, but that thou also walkest and kepest the lawe.

Acts 21:26

26 Then Paul toke the men vnto him, and was purified with them on the nexte daye, and entred in to the temple, declaringe that he fulfylled the dayes of purificacion, tyll there was an offeringe offred for euery one of them.

Romans 1:1

1 Pavl the seruaunte of Iesus Christ, called to be an Apostle, put aparte to preach the Gospell of God

Romans 1:7

7 To all you that be at Rome, beloued of God, and sayntes by callynge Grace be wt you and peace fro God oure father, and the LORDE Iesus Christ.

Romans 4:25

25 Which was geuen for oure synnes, and raysed vp for oure righteousnesse sake.

Romans 5:1

1 Because therfore that we are iustified by faith, we haue peace with God thorow oure LORDE Iesus Christ

Romans 15:13

13 The God off hope fyll you wt all ioye and peace in beleuynge, yt ye maye be plenteous in hope thorow ye power of the holy goost.

Romans 15:33

33 The God of peace be with you all. Amen.

1 Corinthians 1:3

3 Grace be with you and peace from God oure father, and from the LORDE Iesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 10:31

31 Therfore whether ye eate or drynke, or what so euer ye do, do all to ye prayse of God.

1 Corinthians 11:10-15

10 Therfore ought the woman to haue a power vpon hir heade, for the angels sakes. 11 Neuertheles nether is the man without ye woman, nether the woman without the ma in the LORDE. 12 For as the woman is of the man, euen so commeth the man also by the woman, but all of God. 13 Iudge ye by yor selues, whether it be comly, yt a woma praye before God bare headed? 14 Or doth not nature teach you, yt it is a shame for a man 15 yf he weere loge heer, & a prayse to ye woma, yf she weere loge heer? For hir heer is geue heer to couer her withall.

1 Corinthians 11:26

26 For as oft as ye shal eate of this bred, & drynke of this cuppe, ye shal shewe the LORDES death, vntyll he come.

1 Corinthians 14:16

16 But whan thou geuest thankes with ye sprete, how shal he that occupieth the rowme of the vnlearned, saye Ame at thy geuynge of thankes, seynge he knoweth not what thou sayest?

2 Corinthians 5:16

16 Therfore hence forth knowe we noman after ye flesh: and though we haue knowne Christ also after the flesh, yet knowe we him now so nomore.

2 Corinthians 6:16

16 How acordeth ye teple of God with ymages? Ye are the temple of the lyuynge God, as sayeth God: I wyl dwell in them, and walke in them, and wyl be their God, & they shalbe my people. 17 Wherfore come out from amoge them, and separate youre selues (sayeth the LORDE) and touche no vncleane thinge, so wyl I receaue you, 18 & be youre father, & ye shalbe my sonnes and doughters, sayeth ye Allmightie LORDE.

2 Corinthians 13:14

14 The grace of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, & the loue of God, and the fellishippe of ye holy goost be with you all. Amen.

Galatians 1:15

15 But whan it pleased God which separated me fro my mothers wombe, and called me by his grace,

Galatians 6:6

6 But let him that is taughte with the worde, mynister in all good thinges, vnto him that teacheth him.

Ephesians 1:3

3 Blessed be God the father of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, which hath blessed vs wt all maner of spirituall blessynge in heauenly thynges by Christ

Ephesians 1:6

6 vnto the prayse of the glory of his grace, wherby he hath made vs accepted in the Beloued,

Ephesians 2:14-17

14 For he is or peace, which of both hath made one, and hath broken downe the wall, that was a stoppe betwene vs, 15 and hath also thorow his flesh put awaye the cause off hatred (namely the lawe of the commaundemetes contayned in the lawe wrytten) that of twayne he mighte create one new man in him selfe, and make peace, 16 and to reconcyle both vnto God in one body thorow the crosse, and so he slewe ye hatred thorow his owne selfe, 17 and came and preached peace in the Gospell, vnto you which were afarre of, and to the that were nye.

Ephesians 5:18

18 and be not dronken with wyne, wherin is excesse: but be full of the sprete

Ephesians 6:23

23 Peace be vnto the brethre, and loue with faith, from God the father, & from the LORDE Iesu Christ. 24 Grace be with all them that loue oure LORDE Iesus Christ vnfaynedly. Amen.

Philippians 3:8-9

8 Yee I thynke all thinges but losse, for that excellent knowleges sake of Christ Iesu my LORDE: for whom I haue counted all thinge losse, and do iudge them but donge, that I mighte wynne Christ, 9 & be founde in him, not hauynge myne awne righteousnes which commeth of the lawe, but by the faith of Christ (namely) the righteousnes which commeth of God in faith,

Philippians 4:7

7 And ye peace of God, which passeth all vnderstodinge, kepe youre hertes and myndes in Christ Iesu.

Philippians 4:23

23 The grace of oure LORDE Iesu Christ be with you all, Amen.

1 Thessalonians 5:22

22 Abstayne fro all suspicious thinges. 23 The very God of peace sanctifye you thorow out. And I praye God, that youre whole sprete, soule & body be kepte blameles vnto ye comynge of oure LORDE Iesus Christ.

2 Thessalonians 3:16

16 The very LORDE of peace geue you peace allwayes by all meanes. The LORDE be with you all.

1 Timothy 5:23

23 Drynke no lenger water, but vse a litle wyne for yi stomackes sake, and because thou art oft tymes sicke.

2 Timothy 4:7-8

7 I haue foughte a good fighte: I haue fulfylled the course: I haue kepte the faith. 8 From hence forth there is layed vp for me a crowne of righteousnes, which the LORDE the righteous iudge shal geue me in yt daye: Howbeit not vnto me onely, but vnto all them that loue his comynge.

Hebrews 7:1

1 This Melchisedech kynge of Salem (which beynge prest of the most hye God, met Abraham as he returned agayne from the slaughter of the kynges, & blessed him,

Hebrews 7:7

7 Now is it so without all naysayenge, that the lesse receaueth blessynge of ye better.

Hebrews 7:27

27 which nedeth not daylie ( as yonder hye prestes) to offre vp sacrifice first for his awne synnes, and then for the peoples synnes. For that dyd he once for all, whan he offered vp him selfe.

Hebrews 11:20-21

20 By faith Isaac blessed Iacob and Esau, concernynge thinges to come. 21 By faith Iacob, whan he was a dyenge, blessed both the sonnes off Ioseph, & bowed himselfe towarde the toppe of his cepter.

Hebrews 13:16

16 To do good and to destribute forget not, for wt soch sacrifices God is pleased.

James 2:10

10 Whosoeuer shal kepe the whole lawe, and yet fayle in one poynt, he is gyltie in all.

1 Peter 1:2

2 acordinge to the foreknowlege of God the father thorow sanctifienge of the sprete, vnto obedience and sprenklynge of the bloude of Iesus Christ. Grace and peace be multiplied with you.

1 Peter 1:5

5 that are kepte by the power of God thorow faith to saluacion, which is prepared all ready to be shewed in the last tyme:

1 Peter 1:19

19 but with the precious bloude of Christ, as of an innocet and vndefyled lambe,

2 Peter 1:2-3

2 Grace and peace be multiplied with you thorow the knowlege of God and of Iesus Christ oure LORDE. 3 For so moch as his godly power hath geuen vs all thinges (that pertayne vnto life and godlynes) thorow the knowlege of him that hath called vs by his owne glorie and power,

2 John 1:3

3 Grace, mercy, and peace be with you fro the LORDE Iesus Christ ye sonne of the father in the trueth and in loue.

2 John 1:8

8 Take hede to youre selues, that we lose not that which we haue wrought, but that we maye receaue a full rewarde.

Jude 1:24

24 Vnto him that is able to kepe you, that ye faule not, and to present you fautlesse before ye presence of his glory with ioye,

Revelation 1:4-5

4 Ihon to the seuen cogregacions in Asia. Grace be with you & peace, fro him which is and which was, and which is to come, & fro the seuen spretes which are present before his trone, 5 and from Iesus Christ which is a faithfull witnes, and first begotten of the deed: & LORDE ouer ye kinges of the earth. Vnto him that loued vs and wesshed vs fro synnes in his awne bloud,

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