Matthew 22:1 Cross References - Coverdale

1 And Iesus answered, and spake vnto the agayne by parables, & sayde:

Matthew 9:15-17

15 And Iesus sayde vnto the: Can the weddynge chyldre mourne as loge as the bridegrome is with them? The tyme will come, when the bridegrome shalbe taken from them, and the shall they fast. 16 No man peceth an olde garment with a pece of newe clothe. For then taketh he awaye the pece agayne from the garment, & the rent ys made greater. 17 Nether do men put new wyne in to olde vessels, for then the vessels breake, and the wyne runneth out, & ye vessels peryshe, But they poure newe wyne in to newe vessels, and so are both saued together,

Matthew 12:43-45

43 Whan the vncleane sprete is gone out of man, he walketh thorow dry places, sekinge rest, & fyndeth none. 44 The saieth he: I wil turne agayne in to my house, fro whence I wete out. And whan he cometh, he fyndeth it emptye, swepte and garnyshed. 45 Then goeth he his waye, & taketh vnto him seuen other spretes worse then him self: and whan they are entred in, they dwell there: And the ende of that man is worse then the begynnynge. Euen so shal it go wt this euell generacion.

Matthew 13:3-11

3 And he spake many thinges vnto the in symilitudes, sayenge: Beholde, The sower wente forth to sowe: 4 and as he sowed, some fell by the waye syde: Then came the foules, & ate it vp. 5 Some fell vpon stony grounde, & anone it spronge vp, because it had no depth of earth: 6 But whan the Sonne arose, it caught heate: and for so moch as it had no rote, it withred awaye. 7 Some fell amoge the thornes, & the thornes grewe vp, and choked it. 8 Some fell vpo good groude, & gaue frute: some an hundreth folde, some sixtie folde, some thirtie folde. 9 Who so hath eares to heare, let hi heare. 10 And the disciples came vnto him, and sayde: Why speakest thou to the by parables? 11 He answered and sayde vnto the: Vnto you it is geuen to knowe the mystery of the kingdome of heauen, but vnto them it is not geuen.

Matthew 20:1-16

1 The kyngdome of heauen is like vnto an housholder, which wete out early in the mornynge, to hyre labourers in to his vyniarde. 2 And wha he had agreed with the labourers for a peny a daye, he sent the in to his vynyarde. 3 And aboute ye thirde houre he wente out, and sawe other stondinge ydle in the market place, 4 and sayde vnto them: Go ye also in to my vynyarde, & what so euer is right, I wil geue it you. And they wete their waye. 5 Agayne, he wete out aboute the sixte and nyenth houre, and dyd likewyse, 6 And aboute the eleuenth houre he wete out, and founde other stodynge ydle, and sayde vnto them: Why stonde ye here all the daye ydle? 7 They sayde vnto him: because no man hath hyred us. He saide vnto the: Go ye also in to my vinyarde, and loke what is right, ye shal haue it. 8 Now whan euen was come, the lorde of the vynyarde sayde vnto his stewarde: Call the labourers, and geue them their hyre, begynnynge from the last vnto ye first. 9 Then they that were hyred aboute the eleuenth houre, came and receaued euery man a peny. 10 But whan the first came, they supposed that they shulde receaue more: and they also receaued euery man a peny. 11 And whan they had receaued it, they murmured agaynst the housholder, 12 and sayde: These last haue wrought but one houre, and thou hast made the equall vnto us, which haue borne the burthen and heate of the daye. 13 He answered and sayde vnto one of them: frende, I do ye no wronge: diddest not thou agree with me for a peny? 14 Take that thine is, and go thy waye. I wil geue vnto this last also, like as vnto the. 15 Or haue I not power, to do as me listeth with myne owne? Is thine eye euell, because I am good? 16 So the last shalbe the first, & the first the last. For many are called, but few are chosen.

Matthew 21:28-46

28 But what thinke ye? A certayne man had two sonnes, and came to the first, and sayde: Go thy waye my sonne, & worke to daye in my vynyarde. 29 He answered and sayde: I wil not, but afterwarde he repented, and wente. 30 He came also vnto the secode, and sayde likewyse. And he answered and saide: I wil syr. And wete not. 31 Whether of them twayne dyd the wil of the father? They sayde vnto him: the first. Iesus sayde vnto the: Verely I saye vnto you: The publicans and harlottes shal come in to the kyngdome of God before you. 32 For Ihon came vnto you, and taught you ye right waye and ye beleued him not: but the publicans & harlottes beleued hi. As for you, though ye sawe it, yet were ye not moued with repetaunce, that ye might afterwarde haue beleued him. 33 Heare another parable. There was a certayne houssholder which planted a vynyarde, and hedged it roude aboute, and dygged a wyne presse in it, and built a tower, and let it out vnto hussbandmen, and wente in to a straunge countre. 34 Now wha the tyme of the frute drew neare, he sent his seruautes to the hussbandmen, to receaue the frutes of it. 35 Then the hussbandmen caught his seruauntes: one they bett, another they kylled, the thirde they stoned. 36 Agayne, he sent other seruauntes, moo then the first, and they dyd vnto them in like maner. 37 At the last he sent his owne sonne vnto them, and sayde: they wyl stode in awe of my sonne. 38 But whe the hussbandme sawe the sonne, they sayde amonge the selues: This is the Heyre, come, let us kyl hym, and take his inheritauce vnto oure selues. 39 And they caught him, and thrust him out of the vynyarde, & slew him. 40 Now whe the lorde of the vynyarde commeth, what wyl he do wt those hussbandmen? 41 They sayde vnto him: He wyl cruelly destroye those euell personnes, & let out his vyniarde vnto other hussbadmen, which shal delyuer him the frute at tymes conuenyent. 42 Iesus sayde vnto the: Dyd ye neuer rede in the scriptures: The same stone which the buylders refused, is become the heade stone in the corner? This was the LORDES doynge, & it is maruelous i oure eyes 43 Therfore I saie vnto you: The kingdome of God shalbe take fro you, & shalbe geue vnto the Heithe, which shal brynge forth ye frutes of it. 44 And who so falleth vpo this stone, shalbe broke in peces: & loke vpo whom it falleth, it shal grynde him to poulder. 45 And when the hye prestes & Pharises herde his parables, they perceaued, that he spake of them. 46 And they wente aboute to take him, but they feared ye people, because they helde hi for a prophet.

Mark 4:33-34

33 And by many soch parables he spake the worde vnto the, there after as they might heare it, 34 & without parables spake he nothinge vnto them: but vnto his disciples he expounded all thinges pryuately.

Luke 8:10

10 And he sayde: Vnto you it is geue, to knowe the mysteryes of the kyngdome of God, but vnto the other in parables, yt though they se it, they shulde not se it, and though they heare it, they shulde not vnderstonde.

Luke 14:16

16 But he sayde vnto him: A certayne ma made a greate supper, and called many ther to.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.