Matthew 14:9 Cross References - Coverdale

9 And the kynge was sory. Neuertheles for ye ooth sake, & the yt sat with him at ye table, he comaunded it to be geuen her,

Numbers 30:5-8

5 But yf hir father forbyd her ye same daye that he heareth it, the shal no vowe ner bonde that she hath bounde hir self withall ouer hir soule, be of vayle. And the LORDE shalbe mercifull vnto her, for so moch as hir father forbad her. 6 Yf she haue an hu?bande, & hath a vowe vpon her, or yf she haue letten go out of hir lippes a bode ouer hir soule, 7 & hir hu?bande heare it, & holdeth his peace ther at, the same daye that he heareth it, then hir vowe & bonde wherwith she hath boude hir self ouer hir soule, shal stonde in effecte. 8 But yf hir hu?bande forbyd her the same daye that he heareth it, the is the vowe lowse yt she hath vpo hir, & the bonde also that she hath letten go out of hir lippes ouer hir soule, and the LORDE shalbe gracious vnto her.

Judges 11:30-31

30 And Iephthae vowed a vowe vnto the LORDE, and sayde: Yf thou wilt delyuer the childre of Ammon in to my hande, 31 what so euer commeth (first) out at the dore of my house in my waye, whan I returne agayne peaceably from the childre of Ammon, that same shalbe the LORDES, and I wyl offre it for a burtnofferynge.

Judges 11:39

39 And after two monethes she came agayne vnto hir father. And he dyd vnto her acordinge as he had vowed. And she had neuer bene in daunger of eny man. And it was a custome in Israel,

Judges 21:1

1 The men of Israel had swore at Mispa, and sayde: Noman shal geue his doughter to the BenIamites to wife.

Judges 21:7-23

7 How wyll we do that the remnaunt maye haue wyues? For we haue sworne by the LORDE, that we wyl not geue the wyues of oure doughters. 8 And they saide: Where is there eny ma of the trybes of Israel, that is not come vp to the LORDE vnto Mispa? 9 And beholde, there was not one man of the citesyns of Iabes in Gilead. 10 Then sent the congregacion twolue thousande men of armes thither, and commaunded them, and sayde: Go youre waye, and smite the citesyns of Iabes in Gilead with the swerde, the wemen also and the children, 11 but so that ye do after this maner: Se that ye damne all them that are males, and all the wemen that haue lyen with men. 12 And amonge the citesins of Iabes in Gilead they foude foure hundreth damsels, which were virgins, and had lyen with noman: those they broughte in to the hoost vnto Silo, which lyeth in the londe of Canaan. 13 Then sent the whole congregacion, and caused to talke with the children of BenIamin, which were in the stonie rocke of Rimo and called vnto them frendly. 14 So the children of BenIamin came agayne at the same tyme, and thy gaue them wemen which they had of the wemen of Iabes in Gilead, and founde no mo after that maner. 15 Then were the people sory for BenIamin, that ye LORDE had made a gappe in the trybes of Israel. 16 And the Elders of the congregacio sayde: What wil we do, that the remnaunt maye haue wyues also? for the weme in Ben Iamin are destroied, 17 and they sayde: The enheritaunce of them of BenIamin that are escaped, must nedes remayne, that there be not a trybe destroyed out of Israel: 18 & we cannot geue them oure doughters to wiues. For the children of Israel haue sworne and sayde: Cursed be he that geueth a wyfe to the BenIamites. 19 And they sayde: Beholde there is a yearly feast of the LORDE at Silo, which lieth on the northsyde of the Gods house, and on the eastside of the strete as a ma goeth from Bethel vnto Sichem, and lieth on the south side of Libona. 20 And they commaunded the children of BenIamin, & sayde: Go youre waye, and wayte in the vynyardes. 21 And whan ye se that the doughters of Silo go forth by copanyes to daunse, get you out of the vynyardes, and euery man take him a wyfe of the doughters of Silo, and go youre waye in to the lode of BenIamin. 22 As for their fathers and brethren, whan they come to lawe with vs, we wyll saye vnto them: Be fauourable to them, for they haue not taken the in battaill: but ye gaue the not vnto them by time, and it is youre faute. 23 The children of BenIamin did so, and acordinge to their nombre toke them wyues from the daunse, whom they caught by violence, and wente their waye, & dwelt in their awne inheritaunce, and buylded cities and dwelt therin.

1 Samuel 14:24

24 And whan the men of Israel came forth, Saul charged all the people the same daye, and sayde: Cursed be euery man, which eateth bred vntyll euen, that I maye auenge me on myne enemies. Then all the people taisted no bred.

1 Samuel 14:28

28 Then answered one of the people, and sayde: Thy father hath charged the people, and sayde: Cursed be euery ma that eateth oughte this daye. Neuertheles the people were faynte.

1 Samuel 14:39-45

39 For as truly as God the Sauioure of Israel lyueth, & though it be in my sonne Ionathas, he shal dye. And no man answered him of all the people. 40 And he sayde vnto all Israel: Be ye on the one syde, I & my sonne Ionathas wyl be on this syde. The people sayde vnto Saul: Do as it pleaseth the. 41 And Saul sayde vnto the LORDE the God of Israel: Do thou that right is. The was Ionathas and Saul taken: but the people wente forth fre. 42 Saul sayde: Cast the lot ouer me and my sonne Ionathas. So Ionathas was take. 43 And Saul sayde vnto Ionathas: Tell me, what hast thou done? Ionathas tolde him, & sayde: I taisted a litle hony with the staff that I had in my hande, and beholde, must I dye therfore? 44 The sayde Saul: God do this and that vnto me, Ionathas thou must dye the death. 45 But the people sayde vnto Saul: Shulde Ionathas dye, that hath done so greate health in Israel this night? God forbyd. As truly as the LORDE lyueth, there shal not one heer of his heade fall vpon ye earth: for with God hath he wroughte at this tyme. So the people delyuered Ionathas, that he dyed not.

1 Samuel 25:22

22 God do this and yet more vnto the enemies of Dauid, yf vntyll tomorow in the mornynge I leaue this man (of all that he hath) so moch as one that maketh water agaynst ye wall.

1 Samuel 25:32-34

32 Then saide Dauid vnto Abigail: Blessed be the LORDE God of Israel, which hath sent the to mete me this daye: 33 and blessed be thy speach, and blessed be thou, which hast kepte me backe this daye, that I am not come agaynst bloude, to auenge me with myne awne hande. 34 Verely (as truly as the LORDE the God of Israel lyueth, which hath hyndred me that I shulde do the no euell.) Yf thou haddest not met me in all the haist, Nabal shulde not haue had lefte him vntyll ye lighte mornynge, so moch as one that maketh water agaynst the wall.

1 Samuel 28:10

10 But Saul sware vnto her by ye LORDE, and sayde: As truly as the LORDE lyueth, there shall no harme happen vnto the for this.

2 Kings 6:31-33

31 And he sayde: God do this and that vnto me, yf the heade of Eliseus the sonne of Saphat shal this daye stonde vpon him. 32 As for Eliseus, he sat in his house, & the Elders sat by him. And he sent a man before him, but or euer the messaunge came to him, he sayde vnto ye Elders: Haue ye not sene how this childe of murthure hath sent hither, to take awaye my heade? Take hede, whan the messaunger cometh, yt ye holde him at the dore. Beholde, ye noyse of his lordes fete foloweth him. 33 Whyle he was thus talkynge wt them, beholde, ye messaunger came to him, & sayde: Beholde, this euell cometh of ye LORDE, and what more shal I loke for of the LORDE?

Ecclesiastes 5:2

2 Be not hastie with thy mouth, & let not thine hert speake eny thige rashly before God. For God is in heauen, & thou vpon earth, therfore let thy wordes be fewe.

Daniel 6:14-16

14 When the kynge herde these wordes, he was sore greued, and wolde haue excused Daniel, to delyuer him, and put off the matter, vnto the Sonne wete downe, to the intent that he might saue him. 15 These men perceauynge the kynges mynde, sayde vnto him: knowe this (o kynge) that the lawe off the Medes and Perses is, that the commaundement and statute which the kynge maketh, maye not be altered. 16 Then the kynge bad them brynge Daniel, and they cast him in to the Lyons denne. The kynge also spake vnto Daniel, ad sayde: Thy God, whom thou allwaye seruest, euen he shall defende the.

Matthew 14:1

1 At that tyme Herode ye Tetrarcha herde of ye fame of Iesu,

Matthew 14:5

5 And fayne wolde he haue put him to death, but he feared the people, because they helde him for a Prophet.

Matthew 27:17-26

17 And whan they were gathered together, Pylate sayde vnto them: Whether wil ye, that I geue lowse vnto you? Barrabas, or Iesus which is called Christ? 18 For he knewe well that they had delyuered him of enuye. 19 And wha he sat vpo the iudgmet seate, his wife sent vnto him, sayenge: Haue thou nothinge to do with that righteous man, for I haue suffred many thinges this daye in a dreame because of him. 20 But the hye prestes and the elders persuaded the people, that they shulde axe Barrabas, and destroye Iesus. 21 Then answered the debyte, & sayde vnto the: Whether of these two wyl ye yt I geue lowse vnto you? They sayde: Barrabas: 22 Pylate sayde vnto them: What shal I do then with Iesus, which is called Christ? They sayde all: let him be crucified. 23 The debyte saide: What euell hath he done the? Neuertheles they cried yet more and sayde, let him be crucified. 24 So whan Pilate sawe, that he coude not helpe, but that there was a greater vproure, he toke water, and wasshed his handes before the people, and sayde: I am vngiltie of ye bloude of this righteous man. Se ye therto. 25 Then answered all the people, and sayde: His bloude come vpon vs, and vpon oure children. 26 Then gaue he Barrabas lowse vnto the, but caused Iesus be scourged, and delyuered him to be crucified.

Mark 6:14

14 And it came to kynge Herods eares (for his name was now knowne) and he sayde: Ihon the baptist is rysen agayne from the deed, and therfore are his dedes so mightie.

Mark 6:20

20 Notwithstodinge Herode feared Iho, for he knew that he was a iust and holy man: and he kepte him, and herkened vnto him in many thinges, and herde him gladly.

Mark 6:26

26 Then the kynge was sory: Yet for the oothes sake and the that sat at the table, he wolde not saye her nay.

Luke 13:32

32 And he sayde vnto the: Go ye and tell that foxe: beholde, I cast out deuels, and heale the people todaye and tomorow, and vpo the thirde daye shal I make an ende:

John 19:12-16

12 From that tyme forth Pilate sought meanes to lowse him. But the Iewes cryed, & sayde: Yf thou let him go, thou art not the Emperours frede. For whosoeuer maketh himself kynge, is agaynst the Emperoure. 13 Whan Pilate herde yt worde, he brought Iesus forth, & sat hi downe vpo ye iugdmet seate, in the place which is called the Pauement, but in the Hebrue, Gabbatha. 14 It was the daye of preparinge of the Easter aboute the sixte houre. And he sayde vnto the Iewes: Beholde yor kynge. 15 But they cryed: Awaye wt him, awaye wt him, crucifie him. Pilate saide vnto the: Shal I crucifye yor kynge? The hye prestes answered: We haue no kynge but ye Emperor. 16 The delyuered he him vnto them, to be crucifyed.They toke Iesus, and led him awaye.

Acts 24:23-27

23 But he commaunded the vndercaptayne to kepe Paul, and to let him haue rest, and that he shulde forbydde none of his acquauntauce to mynister vnto him, or to come vnto him. 24 But after certayne dayes came Felix wt his wife Drusilla, which was a Iewesse, and called for Paul, and herde him of the faith in Christ. 25 Howbeit whan Paul spake off righteousnesse, and off chastite and off the iudgment to come, Felix trembled, and answered: Go thy waye for this tyme. Whan I haue a conuenyent tyme, I wil sende for the. 26 He hoped also, that money shulde haue bene geuen him of Paul, therfore called he oft for him, and commened with him. 27 But after two yeares came Portius Festus in to felix rowme. Yet Felix wyllinge to shewe the Iewes a pleasure, left Paul bounde.

Acts 25:3-9

3 and desyred fauoure agaynst him, that he wolde sende for him to Ierusalem, and layed wayte for him, that they might slaye him by the waye. 4 Then answered Festus, that Paul shulde be kepte at Cesarea, but that he himselfe wolde shortly go thither agayne. 5 Let them therfore (sayde he) which are able amonge you, come downe with vs to accuse the man, yf there be ought in him. 6 Whan he had taried amonge them more then ten dayes, he wente downe to Cesarea. And on the nexte daye he sat downe on the iudgment seate, and commaunded Paul to be broughte. 7 Whan he was come, ye Iewes which were come downe from Ierusalem, stode rounde aboute him, and broughte vp many and greuous quarels agaynst Paul, which they coulde not proue, 8 whyle he answered for himselfe: I haue nether offended ought agaynst the lawe of the Iewes, ner agaynst the teple, ner agaynst the Emperoure. 9 But Festus wyllinge to shewe the Iewes a pleasure, answered Paul, and sayde: Wilt thou go vp to Ierusalem, and there be iudged off these thinges before me?

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