Psalms 11:1-7

Wycliffe(i) 1 The title of the eleuenthe salm. To the victorie on the eiyte, the song of Dauid. 2 Lord, make thou me saaf, for the hooli failide; for treuthis ben maad litle fro the sones of men. 3 Thei spaken veyn thingis, ech man to hys neiybore; thei han gileful lippis, thei spaken in herte and herte. 4 The Lord destrie alle gileful lippis; and the greet spekynge tunge. 5 Whiche seiden, We schulen magnyfie oure tunge, our lippis ben of vs; who is oure lord? 6 For the wretchednesse of nedy men, and for the weilyng of pore men; now Y schal ryse vp, seith the Lord. I schal sette inhelt he; Y schal do tristili in hym. 7 The spechis of the Lord ben chast spechis; siluer examynyd bi fier, preued fro erthe, purgid seuen fold.