Luke 11:1-13

WestSaxon990(i) 1 Soðlice wæs geworden þa he wæs on sumere stowe hine gebiddende. þa þa he geswac. him to cwæð an his leorning-cnihta; Drihten. lær üs. us gebiddan. swa iohannes his leorning-cnihtas lærde; 2 Ða cwæþ he to him. cweðað þus. þonne ge eow gebiddað; Ure fæder þu ðe on heofone eart. si þin nama gehalgod tö-cume þin rïce. gewurðe ðin willa on heofone & on eorþan. 3 syle us to-dæg urne dæg-hwamlican hläf. 4 & forgyf us ure gyltas. swa we forgyfað ælcum þara þe wið us agyltað. & ne læd þu us on costunge. ac alÿs üs fram yfele; 5 Ða cwæþ he to him; [Note: Ðis sceal to gang-dagon þæge twegen dagas. Quis uestrum habebit amicum. A. ] Hwylc eower hæfð sumne freond. & gæþ to midre nihte to him. & cwyð to him; La freond læn me þry hlafas. 6 For-þam mïn freond com of wëge to me. & ic næbbe hwæt ic him to-foran lecge; 7 And he þonne him þus &swarige. ne beo þu me gram nu min duru is belocen. & mine cnihtas synt on reste mid me. ne mæg ic arïsan nü & syllan þe; 8 Gyf he þonne þurh-wunað cnucigiende. ic eow secge gyf he [ne] arist & him sylð þonne forþam þe he his freond ys. þeah-hwæþere for hys onhrope he arist & sylð him his neode; 9 And ic eow secge. biddað. & eow byð seald. secað. & ge findað. cnuciað. & eow byð untyned. 10 ælc þara þe bitt onfehð. & se ðe secð he fint. & cnuciendum byð untyned; 11 Hwylc eower bitt his fæder hlafes. segst þu sylð he him stän. oððe gif he byt fisces sylð he him næddran for fisce. 12 oððe gyf he bit æg. segst þu ræcð he him scorpionem. þt is an wyrm-cynn. 13 Witodlice gyf he (sic) þonne þe synt yfele cunnun syllan göde sylene eowrum bearnum swa mycele ma eower fæder of heofone sylð godne gast þam þe hyne biddað;