Ephesians 2:11-16

Tyndale(i) 11 Wherfore remeber yt ye beynge in tyme passed getyls in ye flesshe and were called vncircucision to the which are called circucisio in the flesshe which circucision is made by hondes: 12 Remeber I saye yt ye were at that tyme wt oute Christ and were reputed aliantes from the comen welth of Israel and were straugers fro the testamentes of promes and had no hope and were with out god in this worlde. 13 But now in Christ Iesu ye which a whyle agoo were farre of are made nye by ye bloude of Christ. 14 For he is oure peace whych hath made of both one and hath broken doune the wall yt was a stoppe bitwene vs 15 and hath also put awaye thorow his flesshe the cause of hatred (that is to saye the lawe of commaundementes contayned in the lawe written) for to make of twayne one newe ma in him silfe so makynge peace: 16 and to recocile both vnto god in one body thorow his crosse and slewe hatred therby: