Leviticus 6:2-5

Thomson(i) 2 With regard to the person who shall sin, and who, utterly disregarding the commands of the Lord, shall lie to his neighbour touching a deposit, or touching any thing which he might use in common, or touching any thing made a prey of, whether he hath defrauded his neighbour in any respect, 3 or hath found what was lost, and shall lie concerning it; or hath sworn falsely in respect to any of the things which he may have done, so as thereby to commit sin; 4 when he who hath thus sinned and transgressed hath restored the thing wrongfully taken, or that which he hath got unjustly, or the deposit which was committed to his trust, or the thing lost which he hath found; 5 then for every thing about which he hath sworn falsely he shall pay as a fine to the same amount, and add thereto a fifth. To him whose it is he shall make restoration on the day he is convicted.