Isaiah 54

Thomson(i) 1 rejoice thou barren, who bearest not; break forth with shouts of joy, thou who sufferest not the pangs of child birth; for many more are the children of the desolate than of her who hath a husband. For the Lord said, 2 Enlarge the place of thy tent and thy curtains; fix up; spare not; lengthen thy cords and make thy stakes strong. 3 Extend still farther to the right and left. And thy seed shall inherit nations and thou shalt inhabit wasted cities. 4 Be not terrified because thou hast been exposed to shame; nor blush because thou hast been reproached. For thou shalt forget the shame of ancient times, and the reproach of thy widowhood 5 thou shalt remember no more. For the Lord who is thy maker, whose name is the Lord of Hosts; even he who delivered thee, shall be called the God of Israel, in the whole earth. 6 The Lord hath not called thee as a wife forsaken and disconsolate; nor as a wife that hath been hated from her youth. 7 Thy God hath said, "I left thee for a little while; but with great mercy I will compassionate thee: 8 in a short wrath I turned away my face from thee; but with everlasting kindness I will have mercy on thee." The Lord who delivered thee hath said, 9 "From the flood which was in Noah's time this is my purpose; as I solemnly promised him at that time that I would no more be angry with the earth on thine account, nor in rebuking thee overturn the mountains; 10 and that thy hills should no more be moved; so my kindness for thee shall not fail, nor shall the covenant of thy peace ever be changed: for he said for thee, Be appeased, Lord." 11 [J] thou afflicted and storm beaten! Art thou not comforted? Behold I am preparing for thee carbuncles for thy building stones, and the sapphire for thy foundations; 12 and for thy battlements I will lay jasper; and crystal, for thy gates; and for thy circumambient walls, precious stones: 13 even thy sons, all instructed of God; and thy children in great prosperity. 14 And with righteousness thou shalt be rebuilded. Abstain from injustice and thou shalt not be affrighted; and as for terror, it shall not approach thee. 15 Behold proselytes shall come to thee for my sake; and they shall sojourn with thee and fly to thee. 16 Behold I have created thee, not like a coppersmith blowing coals and using a tool for the work. But I have created thee, not for destruction. 17 Perish every weapon formed against thee! I will not prosper it. Though every voice should rise up against thee for judgment, thou shalt overcome them all and in the trial they shall be condemned. There is an inheritance for them who serve the Lord, therefore you are to be just for me, saith the Lord.