Psalms 70

Matthew(i) 1 The chaunter, of Dauid to bryng to remembraunce. Hast the, O God, to deliuer me, and to helpe me, O Lord. 2 Let them be shamed and confounded that seke after my soule let them be turned backward and put to confusyon, that wysh my euyl. 3 Let them sone be broughte to shame, that crye ouer me, there there. 4 But let all those that seke the, be ioyfull & gladde in the: and let al suche as delyte in thy sauynge health, saye alwaye: the Lorde be praysed. 5 As for me, I am poore and in misery, hast the God for to helpe me. Thou art my helpe, my redemer and my God: Oh make no long tarying.