Jeremiah 31

Matthew(i) 1 At the same tyme (sayeth the Lorde) shall I be the God of all the generacions of Israel, and they shalbe my people. 2 Thus saieth the Lorde: The people of Israel which escaped in the wyldernes from the swearde, founde grace to come into their rest. 3 Euen so shall the Lorde nowe also apeare vnto me from farre, & saye: I loue the with an euerlasting loue, therfore do I sprede my mercye before the. 4 I will repayre the agayne (O thou doughter of Israel) that thou mayest be faste and sure. Thou shalt take thy tabrettes againe, and go forth with them, that lede the daunce. 5 Thou shalte plante vynes agayne vpon the hylles of Samaria, and the grape gatherers shall plante, and synge. 6 And when it is tyme, the watche men vpon the mounte of Ephraim shall crye: Aryse, let vs go vp vnto Syon to oure Lorde God, 7 for thus sayeth the Lorde: Reioyce wyth gladnes because of Iacob, crye vnto the heade of the Gentyles: speake oute, synge, and saye: The Lorde shall delyuer hys people, the remnaunte of Israell, and make them whol 8 Beholde, I wyll brynge them agayne from oute of the north lande, and gather them from the endes of the worlde, wyth the blynde and lame that are amonge them, wyth the wemen that be greate wyth chylde, and suche as be also delyuered: and the companye of them that come agayne, shall be greate. 9 They departed from hence in heuynes, but wyth ioye wyll I brynge them hyther agayne. I wyl lede them by the ryuers of water in a straighte waye, where they shall not stomble: For I wyll be Israels father, and Ephraim shalbe my fyrstborne. 10 Heare the worde of the Lorde, O ye Gentyles, preache in the Iles that lye farre of, & saye: he that hath scatred Israell, shall gather hym together agayne, and shall kepe hym as a shepeherde doth hys flocke. 11 For the Lorde shall redeme Iacob, and ryde hym from the hand of the vyolente. 12 And they shal come, & reioyce vpon the hyll of Syon, and shall haue plenteousnes of goodes, whiche the Lorde shall geue them: Namely, wheate, wyne, oyle yonge shepe & calues. And theyr concyence shalbe as well watred garden, for they shal no more be hongrye. 13 Then shall the mayde reioyce in the daunce yea both yonge and olde folkes. For I wyll turne theyr sorowe into gladnesse, and wyll comforte them, and make them ioyfull, euen from theyr hertes. 14 I wyll poure plenteousnes vpon the hertes of the Priestes, and my people shalbe satisfyed with good thinges, saith the Lorde. 15 Thus sayth the Lorde: The voyce of heuynes, wepinge and lamentacyon came vp into heauen: euen of Rachell mournynge for her chyldren, and wolde not be comforted, because they were awaye. 16 But now sayeth the Lorde: leaue of from wepynge and crienge, withholde thyne eyes from feares, for thy laboure shalbe rewarded sayeth the Lorde. And they shall come againe oute of the lande of theyr enemyes: 17 Yea euen thy posterite shall haue consolacion in thys, (saieth the Lorde) that thy children shall come agayne into theyr owne lande. 18 Moreouer I hearde Ephraim, that was led awaye captyue, complayne on thys maner: O Lorde, thou haste correcte me, and thy chastening haue I receyued, as an vntamed calfe. Conuerte thou me, and I shalbe conuerted, for thou arte my Lorde God: 19 Yea as sone as thou turnest me, I shall refourme my self: and when I vnderstande, I shall smyte vpon my thyghe. For verelye I haue committed shamefull thinges: O let my youth beare this reprofe and confusyon. 20 Vpon this complainte, I thoughte thus by my selfe: is not Ephraim my deare sonne? Is he not the chylde, with whom I haue had all myrthe and pastyme? For sence the tyme that I fyrst commened with him, I haue him euer in remembraunce: therfore my verye herte dryueth me vnto hym, gladly and louynglye will I haue mercy vpon him, sayth the Lorde. 21 Get the watchemen, prouyde teachers for the set thyne herte vpon the right waye, that thou shuldest walcke, and turne agayne (O thou doughter of Israell) turne agayne to these cytyes of thyne. 22 Howe longe wilte thou go astraye, O thou shrinkinge doughter? For the Lorde wil worke a new thynge vpon earthe: A woman shall compasse a man. 23 For thus sayeth the Lorde of hostes the God of Israell: It wil come therto, that when I haue brought Iuda oute of captyuyte, these wordes shalbe hearde in the lande and in his cities: The Lorde, whiche is the fayre brydegrome of ryghtuousnesse, make the frutefull O thou holy hyll: 24 And there shall dwell Iuda, and all her cities, the shepeherdes and husband men. 25 For I shall fede the hongry soule, & refreshe al faint hertes. 26 When I heard this I came agayne to my selfe, and mused, like as I had bene waked oute of a swete slepe. 27 Beholde (sayeth the Lorde) the dayes come, that I will sowe the house of Israell and the house of Iuda, with men & with catell. 28 Yea it shall come therto, that lyke as I haue gone about in tymes paste to rote them out, to scatre them, to breake them doune, to destroye them and chasten them: Euen so wyll I also go dylygentlye aboute, to buylde them vp agayne and to plante them, sayeth the Lorde. 29 Then shall it no more be sayde: the fathers haue eaten a sower grape, and the chyldrens teeth are set on edge: 30 for euerye one shall dye for his owne misdede, so that who so eateth a sower grape, hys teeth shalbe set on edge. 31 Beholde, the dayes come (sayeth the Lord) that I wil make a newe couenaunt with the house of Israell & with the house of Iuda: 32 not after the couenaunte that I made wyth theyr fathers, when I toke them by the hande, and led them oute of the lande of Egypte: whiche couenaunte they brake, wherfore I punyshed them sore, sayeth the Lorde: 33 But thys shall be the couenaunte that I wyll make with the house of Israel after those dayes, sayeth the Lorde: I wyll plante my lawe in the inwarde partes of them, & wryte it in theyr hertes, and wilbe theyr God, and they shalbe my people. 34 And from thence forth shall no man teache his neyghboure or his brother, and say know the Lorde: But they shall all knowe me, from the loweste vnto the hyeste, sayeth the Lorde. For I wyll forgeue theyr mysdedes, and wil neuer remembre theyr sinnes any more. 35 Thus sayth the Lorde which gaue the sunne to be a lyght for the daye, and the mone and starres to shyne in the night: whiche moueth the sea, so that the floudes thereof waxe fearce: hys name is the Lorde of hostes. 36 Lyke as thys ordynaunce shal neuer be taken out of my sight sayeth the Lorde: So shall the sede of Israell neuer ceasse, but all waye be a people before me. 37 Moreouer, thus sayeth the Lorde: lyke as the heauen aboue can not be measured, and as the foundacyons of the earth beneth may not be soughte oute: So will I also not caste oute the whole sede of Israell, for that they haue committed. sayeth the Lorde. 38 Beholde the dayes come sayeth the Lorde, that the cytie of the Lord shalbe enlarged from the toure of Hananeel, vnto the gate of the corner wall. 39 From thence shall the ryghte measure be taken before her vnto the hyll toppe of Gareb, and shall come aboute Gaath, 40 and the whole, valleye of the dead karcases, and of the ashes, and all Ceremoth vnto the broke of Cedron: and from thence vnto the corner of the horsgate toward the Easte, where as the Sanctuarye of the Lorde also shall be set. And when it is nowe buylded, and set vp of this fashyon it shall neuer be broken, nor caste doune any more.