Isaiah 40:11-17

Matthew(i) 11 He shall fede his flock lyke an herdman. He shall gather the lambes together with his arme, and carie them in hys bosome, and shall kyndlye intreate those that beare yonge. 12 Who hath holden the waters in hys fyst? Who hath measured heauen with his spanne, and hath comprehended all the earth of the worlde in thre fyngers? Who hath weyed the mountaynes and hylles? 13 Who hath refourmed the mynde of the Lord? Or who is of hys councell to teach him? 14 At whom hath he asked councell, to make hym vnderstand, and to lerne hym the waye of iudgment: to teach him science: and to enstructe hym in the waye of vnderstandynge. 15 Beholde, all people are in comparyson of hym, as a droppe to a boket full, and are counted as the leste thinge that the balaunce weyeth. Beholde, the Iles are in comparyson of hym, as the shadowe of the sonne beame. 16 Libanus is not suffycyent to mynystre fyre for his offringe, and all the beastes therof are not ynough to one sacryfyce. 17 All people in comparyson of hym are rekened as nothing, yee vayne vanyte and emptynesse.