Genesis 31:44-53

Matthew(i) 44 Now therfore come on: let vs make a bond, I and thou togyther, & let it be a wytnes betwene the & me. 45 Then toke Iacob a stone and set it vp an ende, 46 and sayed vnto his brethren, gather stones. And they toke stones, & made an heape, and they ate ther vpon the heape. 47 And Laban called it Iegar Sahadutha, but Iacob called it Gilead. 48 Then sayed Laban: thys heape be wytnes betwene the & me this day (therfore is it called Gilead) 49 & this totehil which the Lord seeth (sayd he) be wytnesse betwene me and the when we are departed one from another 50 that thou shalt not vexe my daughters neyther shalt take other wyues vnto them. Here is no man wyth vs: behold God is wytnes betwyxt the and me. 51 And Laban sayd more ouer to Iacob: beholde, this heape and thys marke whych I had set here, betwyxte me, & the: 52 this heape be wytnesse & also this marke that I wyll not come ouer this heape to the, & thou shalte not come ouer thys heape and marke to do any harme. 53 The God of Abraham, the God of Nahor, & the God of their fathers be Iudge betwyxt vs. And Iacob sware by him that his father Isaac feared.