Genesis 22:1-5

Matthew(i) 1 After these dedes, GOD dyd proue Abraham and sayde vnto hym: Abraham. And he answered here am I. 2 And he sayde: take thy only sonne Isaac whome thou louest, and get the vnto the lande Moria, & sacrifice him there for a sacrifice vpon one of the mountayns whych I wyl shewe the. 3 Than Abraham rose vp early in the morning and sadled his asse, & toke two of hys meyny with him, & Isaac his sonne: & cloue wod for the sacryfice, and rose vp & got him to the place whyche God had appoynted hym. 4 The thyrd day Abraham lyfte vp his eyes and sawe the place a farre of, 5 and sayd vnto hys yong men: byde here with the asse. I and the lad wyll goo yonder and worshyppe and come agayne vnto you.