Acts 23:12-22

Matthew(i) 12 When daye was come, certayne of the Iewes gathered them selues together, & made a vowe, saiynge, that they woulde neyther eate nor drynke, tyll they had kylled Paul. 13 They were about .xl. which had made thus conspiracyon. 14 And they came to the chiefe priestes and elders, and sayde: we haue bounde our selues with a vowe, that we wyll eate nothynge vntyll we haue slayne Paule. 15 Nowe therfore geue ye knoweledge to the vpper captayne & to the counsell, that he brynge hym forthe vnto vs to morowe as thoughe we woulde knowe some thynge more perfectlye of hym: But we, or euer he come neare, are readye in the meane season to kyll hym. 16 When Paules systers sonne heard of theyr laiyng awayt: he went & entred into the castle, and tolde Paul. 17 And Paul called one of the vnder captaynes to hym, and sayde: brynge thys yongemen to the hye captayne, for he hathe a certayne thinge to shewe hym. 18 And he toke hym, & led hym to the hygh captayne, & sayde: Paul the prysoner called me vnto hym, and prayed me to brynge thys yonge man vnto the whiche hath a certayne matter to shewe the. 19 The hye captayne toke him by the hande, and wente aparte with hym oute of the way, and axed hym, what haste thou to saye vnto me? 20 And he sayde: the Iewes are determyned to desyre the that thou wouldest brynge forthe Paule to morowe into the counsell, as though they woulde enquyre some what of him more perfectely. 21 But folowe not theyr myndes: for there lye in wayte for hym of them, moo then .xl. men, which haue bounde them selues with a vowe, that they wyll neyther eate nor drinke tyll they haue kylled hym. And now are they readye, and loke for thy promes. 22 The vpper captayne let the yonge man departe, & charged hym: se thou tel it out to no man that thou hast shewed these thynges to me.