1 Timothy 6:4-10

Matthew(i) 4 he is puft vp, and knoweth nothyng: but wasteth hys braynes about questyons and stryfe of wordes, whereof sprynge enuye, stryfe, raylynges, euyll surmysynges 5 and vayne disputacyons of men wyth corrupte myndes, and destytute of the trueth, whiche thynke that lucre is Godlines, from suche separate thy self. 6 Godlynes is greate ryches, yf a man be content with that he hath. 7 For we broughte nothynge into thys worlde & it is a playne case that we can carye nothyng out. 8 When we haue fode and raymente, let vs therwyth be content. 9 They that wyll be rych, fall into temptacyon and snares, and into many folysh and noysome lustes which drowne men in perdicyon and destruccyon. 10 For couetousnes is the rote of all euyll, whiche whyle some lusted after, they erred from the faythe and tangled them selues wyth manye sorowes.