Revelation 19:11-16

Mace(i) 11 Then I saw heaven opened, and a white horse appear'd; and he that sat upon him was called the faithful and the true: in righteousness he judges and makes war: 12 his eyes were as a flame of fire, on his head were many crowns: and a name inscrib'd which no one comprehended, but himself: 13 he had a vesture dipt in blood: and his name is called, the logos of God. 14 and the armies of heaven followed him upon white horses, cloathed in fine linnen, white and clean. 15 out of his mouth went a sharp sword, in order to smite the nations: for he shall rule them with an iron sceptre: and tread the wine-press of the fierce vengeance of almighty God. 16 on the mantle about his thigh was this inscription, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.