1 John 2:27

JMNT(i) 27 and the effects of the anointing which you folks received (or: receive) from Him constantly remains (abides; dwells; makes its home) within you folks, and you continually have no use (or: you are not constantly having a need) that anyone should keep on teaching you (or: be repeatedly giving you a course of lessons; coach you; instruct you), but rather, just as the effects of His anointing is continuously and progressively teaching you about everything (or: concerning all people), and is continuously true, and real, and is not a lie, even according as it taught (or: as He instructs) you: you are continuously abiding (remaining; dwelling; being at home) within and in union with Him (or, reading as an imperative: be constantly remaining, abiding, staying and dwelling within the midst of Him).