Psalms 73:3-9

Great(i) 3 And why I was greued at the wicked, I do se also the vngodly in soch prosperite. 4 For they are in no parell of death, but are lusty and strong. 5 They come in no misfortune like other folke, nether are they plaged like other men. 6 And this is the cause the they be so holden with pride, and ouerwhelmed with cruelte. 7 Their eyes swell for fatnesse, and they do euen what they lyst. 8 They corrupte other, & speake of wicked blasphemye: theyr talkynge is agaynst the most hiest. 9 For they stretch forth theyr mouth vnto the heauen, & theyr tonge goeth thorow the world.